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Sulhan Ali (20381031094) TBI-D

A. Title




A. Background of Study

English Proficiency Test (EPT) is a test that is used to measure

English language skills and abilities that is usually used in the academic

environment. English Proficiency Test (EPT) is usually used for

graduation requirements in college or as a requirements for applying for a

job. This test aims to measure all English skills and abilities in reading

skills, listening skills, writing skills, and speaking skills. Besides that

ability to master grammar, structure, and vocabulary also important to pass

the test easily and perfectly.

English Proficiency Test (EPT) has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of EPT is knowing how good English language skills and

abilities and it will improve English understanding. The disadvantage of

EPT is it requires adequate technology to support the test that will be held.

To pass the test easier good vocabulary mastery is also needed

because without vocabulary mastery it will difficult to answer the question

and pass the test.

Vocabulary is needed for expressing meaning and in using the

receptive (listening and reading) and the productive (speaking and writing)

skills.1 Vocabulary as one of the knowledge areas in language, play a great

role for learners in acquiring a language. Vocabulary is as knowledge of

words or words meaning.2 Mastery of vocabulary is very important in an

academic environment because vocabulary is used in daily needs to

communicate and express feelings and ideas. Without vocabulary, it will

be hard to develop our English skills and it is also hard to pass the exam

and tests.

Based on the researcher’s experience mastery of vocabulary is very

needed because without mastery of vocabulary, it will difficult to

comprehend the reading skills, speaking skills, listening skills, writing

skills, and it is difficult to pass the test in EPT.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that vocabulary

is knowledge of words and the word’s meaning used to express meaning

in the fourth English skill. Vocabulary also needed to complete EPT

easier. So it will interesting to do research about the correlation between

vocabulary mastery and students’ EPT scores.

Based on the experiences of researchers, the environment or

friends of researchers have different vocabulary mastery. The difference

is that there are people who have broad vocabulary mastery, and there are

people who have poor vocabulary mastery. This makes a difference

usually, people who have a wide vocabulary tend to master English skills

Renata C.G, Vigeleyn Nikijuluw, Vocabulary Journal Strategy: One Way to Help Students’
Vocabulary. Tahuri. Vol. 17. February 2020, page 2.
Desi Andriani, Vera Sriwahyuningsih, An analysis of Students’ Mastery of Vocabulary, ELT-
Lectura. Vol. 6. August 2019, 170-171.

more easily, while people who have poor vocabulary mastery tend to be a

little more difficult to master English skills.

That proves that mastery of a broad vocabulary is very important

because vocabulary is very useful when learning a language. Vocabulary

mastery here is used for mastering English skills, namely speaking,

reading, listening, writing, and grammar. Mastery of English skills is

related to EPT so vocabulary mastery is also very influential because

EPT is implemented to measure students’ mastery of English skills. The

wider the mastery of vocabulary, the easier it will be for students to pass

and get good scores in EPT. Mastering a lot of vocabulary will also make

students more confident in showing their English skills in class or in


So, this research is expected to be able to help students to know

about vocabulary, and also help students to be motivated to prepare for

mastering a broad vocabulary before facing EPT to get good EPT scores.

Because a good EPT score is useful for graduation requirements in

lectures and is also used for requirements to apply for jobs.

B. Research Problem

Based on Sugiyono, research problem is the question in a

research project that will be answered through data collection. 3 So the

research problem of this study is:

1. Is there any correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and

their EPT score?

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, ( Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009), P. 35.

2. How is the significance between the students’ vocabulary mastery and

their EPT score?

C. Research Objective

The objectives should be specific and reflect the question that we

are asking.4

Based on the research problem , the researcher determines this

research as means:

1. To investigate wether it is a correlation between the students’

vocabulary mastery and their EPT score at 6th semester of TBI D

IAIN Madura.

2. To know how is the significance between the students’ vocabulary

mastery and their EPT score at 6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

D. Assumption of Study

The assumption is about the thing that becomes thinking tread

and act in doing the research.5 From the statement above the researcher

formulate the assumption as follow:

There is Correlation Between The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

and Their EPT Score at 6th Semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

E. Hypothesis

Hypothesis are declarative statements in quantitative research in

which the investigator makes a predictions or a conjecture about the

outcome of a relationship among attributes or characteristics.6

Ee Ming Khoo, Research Qustion and Research Objective, The Family Physician, Vol. 13, 2005,
Abd. Mukhid, Metodologi Penelitian Pendekatan Kuantitatif, (Surabaya: Pena Salsabila, 2013),
P. 50.
John Creswell W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and
Qualitative Research, (Boston: Pearson Education Inc, 2012) P. 111.

There are two kinds of hypothesis in this study, such as

alternative hypothesis (Ha) and nul hypothesis (Ho). The hypothesis of

this research is:

1. Ho : There is no correlation between The Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery and Their EPT Score at 6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

Because there is no correlation between The Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery and Their EPT score at 6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

2. Ha : There is Correlation Between The Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery and Their EPT Score at 6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

Because there is correlation between The Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery and Their EPT score at 6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

F. Significant of Study

There are two kinds of significant of study there is theoretical and

practical. The researcher hopes that the result of this study will be used


1. Theoretical

a. This research expects that it can increase the knowledge and

know students’ ability in vocabulary mastery.

b. This study can be used as additional reference for education and

further research.

2. Practical

a. This research hopes to increase the students’ EPT score.

b. Through this research hope the reader can get some motivation to

increase their EPT score.


c. This research hopes to be motivated to prepare for mastering a

broad of vocabulary before facing EPT.

G. Scope and Limitation

Based on Oxford scope is the range of things that a subject

covered by organization.7 The scope in this study is focus on the

effectiveness of vocabulary mastery.

The limitation is potential weaknesses or problems in quantitative

research that are identified by the researcher.8 The limitation of this study

is focus on Students EPT Score at 6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

H. Definition of Key Terms

In order to clarify the key terms used in this study, the researcher

define the key terms :

1. Vocabulary mastery is an ability to comprehend a group of words.

2. EPT test is a test to measure the students’ proficiency in mastering

English skills.

I. Previous of Study

There are several preview of study that the other researcher have

researched, among others :

1. Student’s Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does it

Correlate with Reading Comprehension?, By Maunah

Setyowati, dkk. The results of this study show the correlation

value of students’ vocabulary mastery and reading

Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, Fourth Edition, (Oxford University Press, 2011), P. 393.
John Creswell W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and
Qualitative Research, (Boston: Pearson Education Inc, 2012),P. 623.

comprehension is 0.839, it can be concluded that there is a

significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery

and reading comprehension.

2. The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and

Writing Skill at SMK Negeri 2 Ponorogo, By Erlinda Nur

Laili. The result of this study is found that students’

vocabulary mastery and writing skills in the tenth grade,

especially XA2 of SMKN 2 Ponorogo in academic

2021/2022, have a positive value or direction correlation,

sufficient correlation, and the correlation coefficient rxy >


In those previews of study, there are similarities with research

conducted by researchers, there is the research here uses Vocabulary

Mastery as research material, but the differences in this research are in

research problem, object, and also from research objective are different.

J. Review of literature

1. Definitions of vocabulary

Besides of grammar and pronunciation, vocabulary is an

important language component that students must learn in order to

communicate effectively in English, whether orally or in writing. society

human, communicate among them through two language aspects such as

verbal language and non-verbal language. Verbal language is indicated

by speak and non-verbal language is indicated by body language. Thus,


one thing that differentiates human from animals is verbal language or

speaking beside mind to think. Humans can communicate with others

through verbal language, either to apply or to receive the information

which animal cannot do.

The importance of vocabulary learning also poses some challenges for

teachers. They like to know in what ways instructional programs might

foster the acquisition of so many words9. In some literature, we find the

meaning of vocabulary. There are some definitions of vocabulary.

According to HarimurtiKridalaksana, “Vocabulary is a component of

language that maintains all of information about meaning and using word

in language”. According to Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary,

“Vocabulary is: (1) all the words that a person knows or uses; (2) all the

words in a language; (3) list of words with their meanings, especially in a

book for learning a foreign language”10.

The purpose of language is to practice effective expression, increase

vocabulary, use language to describe, compare and relate experiences,

thoughts and feelings, and to create stories, dramas, songs, and poems

with possibilities. It is to promote effective communication in everyday

life by providing samples., etc. All activities must include language.

Young learners can also learn many languages easily. Young learners

Maryam EslahcarKomachali and MohammadrezaKhodareza, The Effect of Using Vocabulary
Flash Card on Iranian Pre-University Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge, Iran: Canadian Center of
Science and Education, 2012, p.135.

Mari Murti Krida Laksana, KamusLinguistikEdisi Ke-3. Jakarta: PT. GramediaPustakaUtama.
1993. p.127.

are equipped with language acquisition devices, so learning two or three

different languages at the same time should not be difficult.

Vocabulary learning is central to language acquisition, whether the

language is first, second, or foreign. Vocabulary is one of the materials

studied by students at all levels of school in Indonesia. Vocabulary is one

of the four components of language, namely spelling, grammar,

phonology, and vocabulary. This is an important element that cannot be

separated from others in the language learning process because English is

a foreign language. One cannot be successful in learning a new language

without mastering the vocabulary. Vocabulary is the center of language

and very important of foreign language. Vocabulary aims to expand and

enrich students knowledge of vocabulary to improve reading, listening,

speaking, and writing. Without sufficient vocabulary, people cannot

effectively communicate or express themselves, either verbally or in

writing. To support interaction in communication, vocabulary is

important because it can be used as a basic framework for constructing

words into a series of good sentences.

Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee Field Classified Vocabulary into two

terms there are:

a. Active Vocabulary, refers to items the learner can use appropriately in

speaking or writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary,

although, in fact, it is more difficult to put into practice. It means that to

use the productive vocabulary, the students are supposed to know how to

pronounce it well, they must know and be able to use grammar of the

language target, they are also hoped to familiar with collocation and

understand the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often used

in speaking and writing skill.

b. Passive Vocabulary refers to a language items that can be recognizes

and understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as

receptive Vocabulary. Passive Vocabulary or comprehension consists of

the words comprehended by the people, when they read and listen.11

From the explanations above, vocabulary divided into two types, they are

Receptive vocabulary and Productive vocabulary. And classified into two

classifications, first is active vocabulary and the second is passive




This chapter describes the procedure and steps of doing the research in

order to get the answer to the research problem. This chapter includes research

design, population and sampling, data sources, research instruments, data

collection procedures, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, New York: Cambridge
University Pres,1977, p. 139

Research design is research plans and structures that are

structured in such a way that researchers can get answers to

research problems.12 In this research, the researcher used a

quantitative approach because the data will be studied in

numerical form or through statistical analysis. There are two

variables in this research, namely variable “x” is the students’

vocabulary mastery and variable “y” is the students’ EPT score at

6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

In this research, the researcher used correlation. In this

research design, the researcher use the correlation statistical test

to describe and measure the degree of association between two or

more variables or sets of the score.13 In this research, the

researcher do not attempt to control or manipulate the correlation

statistic, two or more score of each person. Then the researcher

use statistical method that is correlation product moment to

analyze the data. The Correlation Between The Students’

Vocabulary Mastery and Their EPT Score at 6th Semester of TBI

D IAIN Madura.

B. Population and Sampling

Population is the larger group to which a researcher wishes to

generalize, it includes all members of a defined class of people,

Abd. Mukhid, Metodologi Penelitian Pendekatan Kuantitatif, P. 87.
John Creswell W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research, P. 21.

events, or objects.14 In this research the population is all students’

of TBI IAIN Madura.

Sample are group selected from a population for observation

in a study.15 The resercher take the data from 6 th semester students

of TBI D IAIN Madura.

In this research, the researcher used convenience sampling.

The sample of the population used reflects those who were

available (or those you have access to) at a moment in time.

Rather than selecting participants from the population at large,

you recruit participants from a convenient subset of the

population.16 Therefore the researcher chooses TBI D class, it

become sample on 6th semester students’ of TBI D IAIN Madura.

C. Data Sources
In this study, the data sources is the subject from which
the data were obtained. The researcher determined that the data
sources in the form of humans and non-humans. The human data
sources in this study is 6th semester students of TBI D IAIN
Madura. While the non-human data sources of this study is
document formulated in the form of questioner and test
transcripts, book and file notes that containing about The
Correlation Between The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and
Their EPT Score at 6th Semester Students’ of TBI D IAIN
D. Research Instrument

Donal Ary et all, Introduction to Research in Education, (Canada: Cengage Learning, 2010), P.
Ibid., P. 649.
Kathy Baxter, Catherine Courage, Kelly Caine,Chaper 5 – Choosing a User Experience
Research Actvity, 2015.

Research instrument is a tool for measuring, observing, or

documenting quantitative data.17 In this research, the researcher

will used vocabulary test and documentation to collecting the


1. Test

Test is a systematic procedure for measuring a

sample of behavior presumed to represent an

educational or psychological characteristic.18 In this

research, the researcher will use test to measure the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

To get the result of test, the researcher spread out

the test to 24 students’ of 6th semester students of TBI

D IAIN Madura. A test need validity and reliability.

a. Validity

Validity is the degree to which all of the evidence

points to the intended interpretation of test scores for

the proposed purpose. Thus, a focus is on the

consequences of using the scores from an instrument.19

Researcher has to measure the students’ vocabulary

mastery. The test consist of 25 multiple choice items,

with option A, B, C, and D. Before giving the test, the

researcher already consulted to the lecturer of

John Creswell W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research, P. 14.
Donal Ary et all, Introduction to Research in Education, P. 651.
John Creswell W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research, P. 159.

Vocabulary 2 subject at the third semester of TBI D

IAIN Madura to check whether the test is appropriate

or not to the students. The researcher here used

content validity. Content validity is when researcher

go to a panel of judges or experts and have them

identify whether the questions are valid or no.

b. Reliability

Reliability means that scores from an instrument

are stable and consistent. Scores should be nearly the

same when researcher administer the instrument

multiple times at different times. Also, scores need to

be consistent. When an individual answers certain

questions one way, the individual should consistently

answer closely related questions in the same way.20

The criteria of the instrument called as reliable when

coefficient of reliability (r 11 ) ˃ 0,60.21

In this research, to know the reliability of the test, the

researcher using Alpha Cronbach formula:22

 = the Reliability

John Creswell W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research, P. 159.
Syofian Siregar, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group) 2014,
page 57.
Advernesia. Cara Uji Reliabilitas SPSS Alpha Cronbach’s Data Kuesioner. Accessed from

n = number of question items

 = total variance score of each items

 = variance total

2. Documentation

Documentation is the process of recording any

aspect of project design, sampling, data collection,

cleaning and analysis that may affect results.23

In this research, the researcher will use

documentation from the students’ EPT score that held

in pusat bahasa IAIN Madura.

3. Data Collection Procedure

Based on Creswell, collecting data is an activity in

identifying and selecting individuals for a study,

obtaining their permission to study them and gathering

information by asking people questions or their


a. Determining the participants.

b. Obtaining permissions needed from several

individuals or organizations.

c. Considering types of information to collect from

several sources available to the quantitative


John Creswell W, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative
and Qualitative Research, P. 9.

d. Locating and selecting instruments to use that will

next useful data for the study.

e. Administering the data collection process to

collect data25, such as:

1) Researcher make sure that the respondent do EPT.

2) Researcher want to know the students’ vocabulary

mastery at 6th semester of TBI D IAIN Madura.

3) Researcher analyze the data.

4) Researcher examine all of the data.

5) Making the result all of the data.

4. Data Analysis

In this analysis, the researcher would like to find

out the significant correlation between students’

vocabulary mastery as independent variable (x) and

the students’ EPT score as dependent variable (y). the

formula is:26

r ❑
xy=N ∑ xy−¿¿ ¿¿

r xy : Coefficient correlation r product moment

x : Total score x

y : Total score y

Ibid, P. 140-141.
Anas sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2014), P. 206.

xy : Calculated by multiplying the number of

x and y value

∑2 : Deviation of the number of digits “x”

after the raised value

∑2 : Deviation of the number of digits “y”


after the raised value

To interpret the result of the statistical analysis

above, the researcher takes an interpretation by

comparing r xy and r table of the product moment


Table of Interpretation “r” Product Moment

Value of “r” product moment (r xy) Interpretation

0,00 – 0,20 The correlation between variable x

and variable y is very low. It is

considered the variable is not have


0,20 – 0,40 The correlation between variable x

and variable y is low.

0,40 – 0,70 The correlation between variable x

and variable y is sufficient/enough.

0,70 – 0,90 The correlation between variable x


and variable y is strong/high.

0,90 – 1,00 The correlation between variable x

and variable y is very strong.


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