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“Colombia beloved land of faith and harmony anthem” Colombia is a beautiful

country full of diversity, color, landscapes, culture and coffee; Colombia in 1919 was
a country of traditions and culture. They used to eat traditional dishes and also used
to grow their own food; for this reason, the food was healthy. Technology currently
facilitates the changes of traditions and culture. Another of their traditions was
marriage, since they used to marry at a very young age or used to marry by family
agreement. it is worth mentioning that their clothes were very traditional and
conservative, they used to cover their bodies a lot, these traditions currently changed
due to technology, it means, that Colombians dress the same as Europeans, on the
other side is the building and schools, at the time, they used to work in the field and
there were few who could go to study and it means why the children used to work at
a very young age, the work was very manual, they used to cultivate the field To
finish; they communicated in written, they used to make letters on sheets of paper
that were sent for days, weeks, months or years later, these traditions have changed
due to technology, it means that everything can be communicated instantly.

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