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Please make a cover sheet for your assignment.

Note: No assignment will be recorded with no cover sheet

Due Date: Next Sunday 3 – 11 – 2019 at 8:00 a.m. lecture




Group No.:

Assignment No.:
Cairo University, Probability and Statistics2,
Faculty of Computers and Information, ST222
Decision Support Department, Assignment # 1

Question 1
Place these variables in the following classification tables. For each table, summarize your
observations in the below tables. For example, salary is reported as a continuous quantitative
variable. It is also a continuous ratio-scaled variable.
a. Salary
b. Gender
c. Sales volume of MP3 players
d. Soft drink preference
e. Temperature
f. SAT scores
g. Student rank in class
h. Rating of a finance professor
i. Number of home computers

Question 2
For each of the following, determine whether the group is a sample or a population.
a) The participants in a study of a new cholesterol drug.
b) The drivers who received a speeding ticket in Kansas City last month.
c) Those on welfare in Cook County (Chicago), Illinois.
d) The 30 stocks reported as a part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Cairo University, Probability and Statistics2,
Faculty of Computers and Information, ST222
Decision Support Department, Assignment # 1

Question 3
Due to antiquated equipement and frequent windstorms, the town of Oak city often suffers power
outages. The following data gives the number of power outages for each of the past 12 months.
4 5 7 3 2 0 2 3 2 1 2 4
1. Compute the mean, median and mode for these data.
2. Calculate the measures of variation for the data.
3. Is this data left, right skewed or symmetric?

Question 4
The following are the ages (in years) for nine employees of an insurance company.
47 28 39 51 33 37 59 24 33
1. Find the 42 percentile.
2.Find Q1, Q2, Q3 and IQR.
3. Draw Box and whisker plot.
4. Is this data left, right skewed or symmetric?

Question 5
Following is the number of shareholders for a selected group of large companies (in thousands):
Cairo University, Probability and Statistics2,
Faculty of Computers and Information, ST222
Decision Support Department, Assignment # 1

The shareholder numbers are to be organized into a frequency distribution and several graphs drawn
to portray the distribution.
a) Construct a frequency distribution table, taking 130 as a lower of the first class.
b) Portray the distribution as a frequency polygon.
c) Portray the distribution in a cumulative frequency polygon (Ogive).
d) According to the polygon in (c), three out of four (75 percent) of the companies have how
many shareholders or less?

Question 6
The number of families who used the Minneapolis YWCA day care service was recorded during a
30-day period. The results are as follows:

a) Construct a cumulative frequency distribution, taking 0 as a lower limit of the first class.
b) Sketch a graph of the cumulative frequency polygon.
c) How many days saw fewer than 30 families utilize the day care center?
d) How busy were the highest 80 percent of the days?

Question 7
The following histogram shows the scores on the first exam for a statistics class.

a) How many students took the exam?

b) What is the class interval?
c) What is the class midpoint for the first class?
d) How many students earned a score of less than 70?
e) Compute the mean, median and mode for these data.
f) Calculate the range and standard deviation.

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