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Brianna Lewis

Web 2.0 Tools:

1. Funbrain
 Funbrain is an interactive website that teaches students through playing games.
They have a variety of games for each subject area and grade level for students to
choose and play.
 Teachers can use Funbrain to strengthen student’s knowledge about a specific
subject they are teaching. If you are teaching your students about measurement,
then find one or two games on Funbrain about measurement and allow them to
play those games to reinforce what you have taught them.
 Funbrain is mainly used by students and it allows them a little bit of fun free time
to play an educational game about content they are learning.
 The advantages of Funbrain is that there are many different subjects and grade
levels so it pertains to all grades K-5. It is also very interactive and enjoyable for
students to get down time and play educational games so that maybe the content
of the game will stick with them through their years of learning.
2. SchoolTube
 SchoolTube is the same thing as YouTube. SchoolTube is a variety of educational
videos that have different people teaching you about specific content. It’s for
grades K-12 and has every subject you can think of on there.
 Teachers can use SchoolTube to show their students videos about certain content
they are learning for that day or week. It helps the teachers because if some
students did not fully understand how the teacher described multiplication or
division, there is a video on SchoolTube that can teach them in a fun simple way
that the students might relate to better.
 SchoolTube is mainly only used at the school for students, but a lot of the time
students will go home and search different subjects on SchoolTube to better
understand their homework or just any subjects in general.
 The advantages of SchoolTube is that it is all educational and school appropriate.
So, teachers will not have to worry about comments posted on a video or maybe
another video playing after that video they watched and it is inappropriate or says
bad words. Another advantage is that it gives students different ways about
learning content instead of just learning the way the teacher taught it.
3. Linoit
 Linoit is an interactive discussion board for students and teachers. Linoit is a plain
brown board where students or teachers can post sticky notes and pictures for the
whole class and everyone outside the class to see.
 Teachers can use Linoit to post news about the class, upcoming events, or any
homework for the class on the discussion board. That way the teacher has contact
with not only students, but with their parents as well.
 Students can use Linoit to help them keep up with what is going on in their
classroom and at their school. If the students or parents have any questions they
can post on a sticky note on the discussion board and wait for the teacher or any
other students/parents that might know the answer to respond.
Brianna Lewis

 The advantages of Linoit are making sure the teachers, students, and parents are
all involved with what is going on in the classroom and school. It is also helpful
to make sure everyone is involved, but it is also a fun way to keep in contact with
the classroom. Linoit is a great tool for being in touch with not only the teacher,
but the students as well. In hopes that everyone can be and is on the same page.
4. Storybird
 Storybird is a great tool for students to make their stories come to life by creating
their own visual of their story. The cool thing about Storybird is that it only
requires students to sign up for free, so they have their own free account they can
log into.
 Storybird is a great tool for teachers because they can have their students practice
their writing and then have them make it into a visual story. As a teacher, you
could also pair them into groups and have them make a group story and come up
with a story visual about it.
 Students can use Storybird as a source for a writing project. Some students might
want to create a story visual to help them think about how to write their own story
for a project.
 The advantages of Storybird is that it gives students the opportunity to come up
and create their own story with visuals. It allows the students to be creative, while
keeping all of their work into a classroom library. This means they would always
have access to it, as well as the teacher.
5. EasyBib
 Easybib is a free tool to use to help students check their grammar and plagiarism
mistakes before submitting a paper. It also creates citations for students for their
research papers and all they have to do it copy and paste it from EasyBib to their
research paper.
 EasyBib is very helpful to teachers because if the students are required to submit
their papers and citations through EasyBib first, then the student’s papers should
have less spelling, grammar, and citation errors that the teacher has to check for.
 Students can use EasyBib to help them create citations for a paper and they can
submit their paper through a word processor on EasyBib and it tells the students
what spelling, writing, and grammar errors they have and how to fix it.
 The advantages of EasyBib is that it is very simple and easy to navigate through.
It helps the students and teachers out tremendously and it shows the students how
to correct their mistakes along with what information you need to create a
citation, all for free.

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