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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My professional profile

1. Looking for a job is one of the most important activities someone has to do in
life. For this evidence you will need to write your own professional profile with
the objective of getting your dream job.

For writing your profile, you need to take into account the following aspects.

 What have you studied?

 What have you been doing recently?

 What is your experience in the field?

 Which are your professional qualities?

 Which is your motivation for getting that job?

 What is your availability for the job?

 Do you plan to study anything else?

 Are you willing to travel?

You can include some of the following useful language for writing your profile, or
you can look for more vocabulary in this learning activity glossary. Include a
picture of yourself (it can be unreal).

look for / look forward to / work out / experience / apply for / to be

promoted / work agreement / employee / temporary work / full time
work / freelance worker / season worker
Paula Milena Rosero Velásquez


I am an enterprising person with dreams and aspirations. I like to be dedicated,

responsible and work with a lot of attitude and enthusiasm.

My virtues and strengths are teamwork, perseverance and ease of learning. I am

a persistent person, I do not give up before a no, on the contrary, I persist more
strongly until I get the definitive yes, I consider myself humble, punctual and very
persevering. and I don't faint at the problems.
I have a lot of faith in God, since it is the one that moves me to do things and
achieve them I am a creative person, always looking for a solution to the problems
and conflicts that arise, I have control towards my emotions and feelings, I am a
person who I like to fight for what I want and also very dreamy, I like to read, listen
to music and be in communication with my family and friends.


NAME Paula Milena Rosero Velásquez

IDENTITY DOCUMENT C.C 1026567146 of Bogotá
BIRTH DATE (28) of (April) of (1991)
PLACE OF BIRTH Bogotá, Colombia
ADDRESS Cll 148 No 107-50 block 3 apt 202
PHONE 3058949332 (mobile)


Primary Studies: Educational Institution Share Suba

From 1997 (start) to 2001 (end)

Secondary Studies: Educational Institution Share Suba

From 2002 (start) to 2007 (end)

Professional studies: Military University Nueva Granada

Program: Law

From June 2014 (beginning) to June 2019

(Completion) subjects already finished graduation in December



POSITION: Business Guarantee Analyst 3

IMMEDIATE HEAD: Alba Neidys Menjura

WORK TIME: 6 Years


PHONE: 3300000

Description of position: review of guarantees for disbursements, review and

elaboration of contracts and their clauses, review of embargoes, handling of
clients in law 1116 "insolvency regime", review and approval of study of titles,
trusts, loans and transferable guarantees .


POSITION: Judicial Assistant Ad Honorem

IMMEDIATE HEAD: Magistrate Héctor Eduardo Realpe Chamorro

WORK TIME: 6 months

PHONE: 3168132338

Job description: assistant in charge of the hearings, substantiation and projection

of sentences, execution of dismissals, interlocutory and substantiation orders,
secretarial tasks.

2. Now, read the phrasal verbs below and write a definition for each of them using
your own words. Include an example and a picture to illustrate the action. One
is done for you.

Phrasal verbs
To get up To go away To look after

Fuente: SENA
Definition: Go to work Definition: Take care
Definition: to arise from of pets
bed. Example: I usually go
to work at 7 in the Example: I usually
Example: I usually get morning take care of my dog
up at 5:00 a.m. tango
Come back To put on To look for

Definition: return home Definition: put bread Definition: Search the

on the table keys
Example: I usually arrive
at my house at 6 p.m. Example: I usually Example: I usually
bring bread to the look for the keys in the
house to put on the morning
To go back To take off To call back

Definition: Study again Definition: Take off Definition: Call a

from the airport relative back
Example: I usually study
again after vacation Example: I usually Example: I usually call
take off at 6 in the my mom back home
To hurry up To try on To ask for

Definition: Hurry to go Definition: to try on Definition: ask the

to college clothes time
Example: I usually hurry Example: I usually try Example: I usually
to go to university to on clothes to buy ask for time on the
study street

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Usa el vocabulario relacionado con carreras y empleos teniendo en cuenta
el contexto requerido.

 Intercambia información personal para postularse a un empleo teniendo en

cuenta la estructura gramatical y vocabulario requeridos.

 Describe características personales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y

contexto requerido.

 Utiliza verbos compuestos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical


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