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Tlme past and tlme to be are

Nerve ue wlth lneessan alllrm-

one I

And both are NOW WHITTIFR

atlvee. Don't _bark against the

bad, but chant the beauties of 'Twas only striking from the cal-
the good.
Dead yesterdays and unborn to
morrows. -OMAR KHA YYAII.


VOL. r. No. 4. Editor and Proprietor
SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., JUNE, rgoo. Omce, 521 Tmuc Sraan,
50 ers. PII. YBAI.. San Faaucrsco.

An 0ecnlt Hymn. I work in the eternal N OW-This hour, I Am Fearless.

this day.
Mine are Life's sorrows and its joy! Fear and Faith are the opposites
I welcome anguish and all strife! My life and my life's work is to study of life. One must be master. Each
I claim the hours without alloy, mysellf moment each individual is making
But the miseries of life. I have all power,and am all powerful.
prize choice of the one that shall carve his
They all are mine! Since I am all I am divinely beautiful; I am born of
life into the next expression. One is
I all must know would I be free! God.
the way to the kingdom of self-mas-
Serving obediently their call, I create only good in world.
I have achieved Life'a Mastery.
tery; the other is the way to the
There is no rebellion in me; all is peace.
degredation of the slave. We may be
Pain could wound me, I My body is not me. lt is mine.

As long as
what we desire by right choice. We
Did suffer pain. Blind Worry too All of my thoughts are subject to me
are the results of previous choice be-
Was close companion at my side, and must obey me.
tween these two. Fear is the only
As long as I her ear did woo. I master all conditions in life by the
devil. Faith is the angel of Love.
Lank Poverty, with her unrest
power of my word.
Followed my footsteps day by day; They are opposites, and they work op-
My word is God, gone forth to do my
Until I learned "What is, is best"! posite results in life's expression. Fear
Unntasked, they now sing on my way.
bidding. drives; Faith draws; Fear is obtrusive;
I have the very faith of God.
'Tis I that make, or mend, or mar!
Faith is modest; Fear is domineering;
Ihavc all faith in myself and in my
I mold the moments as I breathe! Faith is patient; Fear is master; Faith
spoken word of Truth. is companion. It is by choice of one
Loviugly doth Pain and Care, I have faith and trust in all humanity.
Where once waacross, the roses wreathe. '~
of these that man builds his life. He
I am one with all life's forces.
Thus I, Creator, Destiny, chooses either consciously or 'uncon-
Have changed the power in wand of Time!
I am one with the soul of Infinite Life.
I am one with the Infinite Power of
sciously, and the results he calls good
All Good and Wise is Life to me. or evil. He is taken captive by Fear
From all its grapes I press sweet wine. Love.
if he docs not choose Faith. But
I am one with the seen and the unseen
Henry Harrison Brown. Faith ever waits till he has learned to
forces of God.
love and voluntarily choose her. She
SAN Faancrsco, May 24, r9oo.
Day by day I_unfold my Godlike powers. will not so much as by a single hair
Day by day is my true life being made draw him against his will. But once
How Can I Master My Fate! he has given his trust to her she will
Day by day I increase in wisdom, love
be ever near and make the dreams of
By Flora Paris Howard, 621 S. Broadway, and power.
most important question his Soul realities in expression. There
Los Angeles.-This
arises in every one's life. How can I, as an
Day by day -~I build my character for is, therefore, a more important affirma-
individual, master my fate? The answer I good; to bring the Truth that makes tion than this-I am Fearless. There
me free.
would give is, study yourself. When you have is not one that will bring health,
Truth alone frees me; body, soul and
found yourself, your latent powers, and use
prosperity and happiness sooner. Af-
them for good, you will master your Fate. spirit. firm this self-confidence. Courage
STUDY these thoughts. PRACTICE them, Thy will, O Truth, be done in me! and Faith becomes your expression.
IDENTIFY yourself with them as you would I make every day contribute to my
Then all things will be added to you,
the food `you eat, by letting them become one eternal good.
with you. I make every day contribute to the
These two joined are Life Eternal,here
Keep them by you. Ponder them in your
heart. Think of all of them you can wherever
good of someone. and now.
Iam all this and more. Why? Because,
them all in mind.
you are. If you cannot keep
NOW! therefore, The spirit of co-operation 'seeks to secure the
I AM MASTER OF MY FATE. best possible conditions for all. It is the spirit of
I increase in strength, power and wis- human brotherhood, equality and liberty. It is
I ask not far before to see,
dom. the ethics of Christianity as taught by its founders.
But take with joy my road,
Every true desire of my soul is a prayer. Life, Death, and Immortality, Under universal co-operation the right of every
Sin, sickness and death have no place Are in my thought of God. human being to food, shelter and raiment would al-
in my life. F. L. Hosmer.
ways be recognized, and thc neccssaries and com-
I am conqueror over them all. :SAMPLES ARE SENT TO ALL WHO forts of life would be distributed for use and not

I do not live in the past nor the future. APPLY. gain-Eyuitv, Topeka, Kan.


Several ladies
of my acquaintance met in the face. Later on you will see that
Primary Lesson. No. 3.
twice week forexperiment. They tell me to love them all.
you had
of this: They took turns in being leader.
Before there be any positive position in
Mrs. P. was leader this time. "I held the
This practice persevered in will
reasoning, there must be facts. In this new surely bring results. It is the law.
thought." "They all caught the
She said:
But do not be disappointed if results
field of study, facts are to be first sought.
sensation of devotion and faith, but Mrs. W.
Each person must collect data for himself.
burst out in song, 'Thou Christ, art all I waut',
do not come at once. The law is not
He can do the following experiments:
so by to blame because you have clogged
which were the words I held." To thus get
Find ready to experime nt,` a lady
some one
words is rare and memory may account for the the channel with envy, spite, revenge
and oftimes a gentleman; but usually I End a
words here. and greed.
careless, good-natured boy is the easiest to Success depends ou the ability of the sub- When shall I generate this Divine
train. But keep trying until one is found.
ject to keep from intending his mind and in Love? After I have gotten even with
Blindfold the subject, do not touch him. thinking as little as possible, and in the power
This removes from the
experiment the theory neighbor jones who makes his oppor-
of concentration on part of the operator.
of muscle reading. Select some ot-ject and But since each may easily learn there is no
tunity to pasture his cowsin my corn,or
mentally order him to touch it. Concentrate to turn his chickens into my garden ?
reason why all, if they will persevere, may not
your mind on it. Here hes the success of the After I have settled with Deacon
thus come to its wonderful knowledge that
experiment. If your mind wavers you will Brown for cheating me in horsetrade?
Tlldllghf II /arf:
confuse him. I find the best success in be- After I have paid my compliments to
ginning by experimenting to take something (Written for NOW.) Mrs. Brown for scornfully passing me
on which the boy readily concentres; for
Divine Love is my unnoticed? Or after I have effectually
instance his knife. As yon, in silence, tell Supply.
BY ANNA IICGOWAN "sat down" on Sister So-and-so for
him to go, he will feel an impulse to pitch
forward. If he moves he will be drawn to the (Author of "Wrinkles," "Supply," etc., criticising my last book? Nay, verily, if
Los Angeles, Cal) I wait to do all this I will have the
hidden thing. He mechanically does this and
lays his hand on it. From this, as a starter, How ? The substance of all the real channel between myself and my supply
so clogged that I may never make thc
the experiments may proceed to any length. wealth, oppulence and power in this
It only requires patience to demonstrate that vorld is Divine Love. Without it there connection. I will begin NOV.
thought is the greatest power man can use.
could be no permanent supply. Man may
That Thought connects minds as the wire
amass wealth
through sharp business Hypnotism and Suggestive Thera-
connects two batteries.
practices, but unless tempered with peutics, are the coming means of relief
Follow up this first success with this ex-
Divine Love he is poorer than a beggar. from pain and the next step medical
periment: Tell the subject that as you pass
life is made miserable lest he lose men will take, nay are taking, there-
among the persons in the room whatever they I-Iis
do to you he will feel. He is still blindfolded. it, and later it will go as it
sooner or fore they offer to every student a wide
If you fear he will tell by hearing, cover his came, transactions.
by sharp and useful and profitable field of labor.
ears. Soon he will feel the prick or the pinch, To make Divine Love my supply I See advertisement. I will form classes
etc.,that is done to you. If your subject is must draw from the great reservoir of at any time and will guarantee that
intelligent enough you may try this: Hold abundant supply by the same power each pupil shall understand the princi-
with all your concentration a simple state-
which creates that abundance. That
ment, like "Fire will burn," or "I am happy,"
ples and know how to apply them if he
and tell him to note his feelings. In a little
power is Love. By generating love in or she comes with an
ordinary capacity
time he will feel as you shall think.
my own life I form a connecting link for receiving instruction.
This tried in my presence. The subject
and a channel between myself and uni-
said, "I feel so cheerful,I also feel generous. I versal wealth, through which abundance
of all things good shall flow to me, and MENA, ARK., May 14, 1900.
want to share with you what I have." "My To WHOM rr Mav CONCERN:-In
thought," said the operator was, "The Lord there shall be no fear oflosing it, for it
April '98,I sav the advertisement of
Loves a cheerful giver." I recently tried this is mine by Divine right and no one can
iu a company of ten, and nine of them felt take it from me. Henry Harrison Brown as a Psychom-
the emotion. etrist and wrote to him about 18 lines
How will I generate this love? By
This experiment may be tried: Seat the of a common letter. I received a
holding loving thoughts of everything I have had
subje:t at one table and yourself at another, and everybody, "thy neighbor as thy- prompt reply. many read-
back to back and any distance apart. Tell
self" and more. I must love all my ings from both gentlemen and ladies
him you are to draw geometrical figures and
disagreeable surroundings and limited prominent in psychic circles, but for
he must draw them. I-Ie will, if you concen- accurate and extended reading with the
trate, by keeping the pencil drawing till he circumstances; all my burdens and
crosses. Until I love them more than sensing of prophecies years ahead he
says "Done," He must draw the first that
has pre-eminence. This I send volun-
comes into his "mind's eye." You may then I desire wealth, wealth will flee from
take the nine digits; then pictures. Soon me. A good plan to generate love is tarily as an act of justice.
these pictures will be transmitted easily. I to have this motto ever in your mind-
was, not long ago, in a company of those who Mental Science Healer and Teacher.
meet to experiment and the subject was trying
1101/eyou! .

/Vhen you meet one who is unpleas-

to get the thought of a lady. He said: "I do "Praise God from whom all blessings flow,"
not get en rapport with you.
ant, say mentally, "I love you!" To
but remember, the kingdom of God is within
But I get a pic-
ture from some one." Having described the every hateful task that comes as duty, you and therefore all blessings flow outward.
picture, a gentleman said: "Come to my say, "l love you!"
ofiice and I will show you that picture. I If your surroundings are unpleasant
felt I could send a stronger thought and I sent and the grind of poverty is upon you, VICE AT "NOW" OFFICE EVERY DAY,
that picture." say, "I love you!" looking it squarely FROM 1 TO 4 P. M. TERMS gmo.


vasr 'rms Canaria AND Bei-inn, BUT vasrsxz THE mwasn csearok.-RE.-nf.

N U W. _

Give to Him 'l`hat Asketh of Thee. Psychometry. veal and demonstrate these laws in life.
It reveals to consciousness the real
Ay, give! To whomsoe'er shall ask thy love, Psychometry is soul-reading. The
world of the SOUL. It is the inherent
Give! Ou the plane they seek, their hunger with
psychometrist comes en rapport
feed! the spirit of his sitter through the
laws gift of God to each soul. Let him
Remember thou hast suffered in thy need! "who seeks, find" here as everywhere,
of vibrations,and the Book of Life" is

Give and no question ask, but rise above the power that helps him to be his own
All of Self, in this thy worth to prove
opened to him.
thought lt is better than Phrenology in de- Destiny.
Or vice to shun. As brother give! Content
To know thy happiness, itself hath lent, lineating character, for it deals with
cause, whereas Phrenology deals with A ledieal
To one whose brow hath known the bloody Prescription.
bead. effects.
An Ohio letter reads thus: "Iam an
Give of thy Life, thy Thought, thy Love, thy The psychometrist can thus advise
M.D., 60 years old. Am tired of the old
All! those who need, and give consolation,
thoughts and old ways. Have a poor memory,
From him hath not, turn not thou away! strength and hope. For only one who weak digestion, and am tired most of the
The ONE hath given thee Itself! Then call understands Spiritual conditions can time. What shalll do?" Answer: Hitherto
Thy brethren and thy kindred in, nor stay
rightly advise, or properly help an- Faith has been the stay of your patients.
Thy hand! To save is loss! thus giving, live! other. l-le is the
The gift of gifts is Love. To haveit,-Give.
only person who Have the same faith in Mind that they had in

knows himself. you, your pills and powders, and you will get

Henry lfarrixon Brown As one would go to doctor, minis- young again. Subscribe for NOW and take
ter or friend come to him. Come in its amrmations with this faith until they
demonstrate themselves in you. Take this
sincerity, receive; weighand use, as
dose every day on retiring and on rising, with
The Higher Wisdom. commonsense directs,what is received. ofit the for month.
portions during day, one
BY H. W. DRESSER. A Psychometric Reading includes a
Then read seven times, slowly and thouglitf
delineation of character, of condition Follow this with
[Readers of NOW will enjoy this from the fully "Idols Dethroned."
author of those most valuable works: "The and environment, mental and physical; daily doses from Mrs Cady`s Lessons," alter-
Po .ver of Silence "; The Perfect Whole"; diagnosis of disease; advice in busi- nating with Dresser's "Living By The Spirit,"
"Voice-| of Hope"; "In Search of a Soul," ness; advice as to choice of profession for three months longer. At this tiire you
and that very helpful book for all who would and the adapatbility of the person to may choose your food,-but do not take too
learn to Liw Truth;
Living by the Spirit." much. Too many get cloyed in Mental
any line of business or profession; the

In response to my request for a word for NOW, Science by too much and too stimulating food.
result of natural tendencies, with ad.
Mr. D esser, in a brptherly letter, sends this,
vice how best to guide or restrain
as to Try Wilmans, Trine, Newcomb, in small
saying: "Ii expresses my message, so I take it doses, but well titurated. But while under
them that the soul development
out of my store of 'Higher Law' material and this treatment, LII your body iz/om! lfzrp mind
send it to you. May the peace of the Spirit may be harmonious and life happy. aj' it/ Let it be taken care of by the Soul
Answers given from the Soul side to
be with you in your labors, that you may lead (the Ego). Let the old thoughts of which
your readers on from amrmation to real za-
whatever questions it may be proper you are tired slip oti' like the cast off the snake
tion."] thus to answer. and put garment of Faith in 5:01
on the new

These readings may be made from Follow this, and you will ultimately travel
The Higher Wisdom is a spontane- back to maturity. All these useless signs of
ous revelation or unfolding, in the letters, photographs, relics, a written the thought of age will pass away, and the
silent precincts of the human mind. It name, a letter, or any article, or
freshness of youth take its place. Try it and
is not necessary to rush about specula- directly through thought connection. report in one year for another prescripti n.
ting and investigating. lt is not Any method that will sufiice to con- This costs you only 5 cents,the price of NOW ,

nect the mind of the reader with the but it is worth Millions if you follow it.
necsssary to read all that is written, or

hear all that is said. Much may be person or

thing to be read.
learned in thisa certain
way, and All who honestly desire to investi-
This is to certify
familiarity with it is essential. But it gate the New Philosophy,that declares
That Brown
Henry Harrison
is not the highest. To receive the high- Thought to be a mode of motion, will cured me months
of rheumatism of
est one must dedicate one's life to it. End Psychometry to be the Open Door
S:t apart a large proportion of time to to Life itself. standing by three treatments, after the
doctors had failed to help me. This
meditation and to silence. Life must There are many excellent Psychom-
was 18 months ago and I have had no
be simplified. While the mind is full etrists before the public, and that return ofit since. MRS. S. M. BEAM,
of social and intellectual activities it is they may fast increase is the prayer of
San Diego, Cal., May 14, lgco.
simply impossible for the Spirit to all who understand the need of Human-
enter. And so those who attend lec- ity for that knowledge which is Self-
ture after lecture, and read book after Protection to the millions of sensitives Psychometric Meetings.
book, always asking what they shall do who now, without it, are going into all P. M., there
Every Monday at 8
next to be spiritual, must begin by the various nervous diseases and to in- will be at NOW office a short lecture
eliminating this over-strenuous activity. sanity. The race must understand the by the Editor, upon l'sychometry, fol-
lf you really are in earnest do not make psychic laws and obey them, or
pay a
lowed by public readings. Admission
so many engagements, do not allow severe penalty. IO cents.
yourself to be hurried, give up three- To know and live with the laws of
fourths of your activities and dedicate SOUL is peace and all prosperity. It FIRST 3 NOS. OF "NOW" SENT FOR
the rest to the Spirit. is the province of Psychometry to re- I0 cts.



4 . NOW.

Orme: or
first the Kingdom of God and his But keep on affirming till the Supply
521 TUIIK ITRIIET IAN FRANGIBCO, CAL. righteousness and all things shall be comes. It will come.

added unto you."

JUNE, xgoo; Soul Culture.
&_ g__d Let the law be analyzed. "King-
dom of God?" "It is within you," he This term was first used by me in
series of articles in a little paper in
NOW. said. '°God is Spirit," he again said.
The kingdom of God then is the SOUL,

1888. I was the first person to apply

it to a system of practical philosophy.
the Ego. "Know thyself as spirit,"
Susscrurrxon Rams - - -
50 ers. Psa vaan I began to lecture and give lessons in
is the law. Live rightly; live in accord
5 cts. per number, post paid.
with the Spirit; obey spiritual law;
Soul Culture in 1893, in Topeka. Since
monthly journal of Positive Aflirmations. then others have taken up the word
then all things shall be yours. "Things,"
Devoted to the Science and Art of Soul Culture.
and are teaching under it. I wish no
It is the utterance only ofthe editor. All thought not are manifestations of the one Spirit.
credited to others is his.
Its basic Atfarmatiou is:-Man is Spirit and can manl- Plain directions: live spiritually, love monopoly of the word nor the Truth.
fest as spirit here and now. I am glad to see it becoming common,
the Good; then all things that are ma-
Address all communications to 521 Turk Street. Make asI used it with the thought and the
all Money Orders
terialized from spirit shall be yours at
payable at Station "B", San Francisco.
Send money in bills, P. O. Orders, or in silver. Post- desire. hope that in it there might be a union
age stamps tlc. and Ze. only), for parts of the dollar, in practical work of all metaphysical
when easier for sender. "First," yes! Not things first, but
schools. In the physical, the intellect-
the condition of mind. Love the Good!
in faith trust the All Good! then De- ual, the esthetic field, Culture stands
ly Supply. for no person's particular idea, but for
sire! then Let it Come! This is All!
He who dares assert the I the general thought of unfoldment, so
But it is God. Few there be that en-
May calmly wait, ter in at this straight gate because may this word stand in the spiritual
Whilehurrying Fate field for all means that are intended to
Meets his demand with supply.
they love money or power or ostentation,
etc., first. They love "Things," first. develop soul power. This unity must
Helm Wrlmavn.
come. It is the plan of the universe.
Reverse the process. You are the
This is a supply number. Health Truth is one, and all these various
Master; for you are One with God, are
har- schools must unite in a practical work
means Harmony. There is no
recognizing the king in his regal of redemption. Till then NOW will
mony in want, be it want of health, authority in His right place. "Now
or of means, wherewithal to work with all and oppose none. All
happiness God do your work," one can say when
care for the
body or of enjoyment. he has taken this attitude of expect-
are good. __

Health means in "Soul Culture" and

ancy, born in Desire and Trust. And "Human Nature"
in all true Mental Science, Health of God will do His work. It will be an For june has thisjoke on NOW. "Our
body, mind, and estate. Harmony impotent god, that does not when these friend Brown, of NOW is of the same piece,
with spiritual law means health, happi- conditions are made. [with Shelton,Struble, etc._] He says: 'God and
ness andprosperity. Poverty is much a mental condition I are one. God and I cannot be separated.' "
Poverty is the main cause of the as is consumption or a cold, and can be Well Brother Haddock, since God is ALL, is
unrest, the dis-ease, that afiiicts man- cured by the same means, i. e., Affirm the infinite and
everlasting Substance that
kind. Remove poverty, by the right fills all space and since He (or IT) is every-
your possession of All, as part of the
where, I must believe, until you show me
means: (and that is by a change of One. Repeat this affirmation, no how I can be out of the everywhere, that I am
mental attitude) and all attendant matter what the appearances are; no
somewhere and that where Iam God is. Since
evils will disappear. Therefore, it matter if hungry and houseless, affirm
two cannot occupy the same place at the same
is the legitimate field of the Meta- that God is your supply and that you
time, I must conclude that God and Iare ONE
physical teacher, of every school, possess all, as indivisible part of Him. and are only diierent names for the same
to help his pupils to rise from poverty Know that your poverty is the legiti- thing. God is the subjective and "I" am the
to opulence. mate result of the beneficent law of objective manifestation of the ONE Substance.
There is enough in the Universal Cause and Effect. You have sown Subjectively I am God; objectively I am Henry
Harrison Brown. Make the conception of God
One, from which all zhings materialize, poverty-seeds in thought, and reap the
for each one to have all desires met big enough to include yourself and you will
crop. Now, sow amid the results of have no trouble. Most people make too small
without robbing anyone.
previous sowing that you do not enjoy, aGod to include themselves. The God of
Infinite Supply is
about us all the seeds of plenty, and as poverty NOW is ALL.

Where is the fault? In ourselves. We came from' the first sowing, so will
for 5 cts.
have not known how to claim our plenty come from the present. Sow! This is the proportionate value of
own. The law is simple and is laid no matter how black the sky or how
this "Supply" number of NOW. It
down by the greatest political econo- damp the soil. The seeds have God teaches the Law of Oppulence and
mist, and scientist, as well as the great- within them and cannot fail.
from obedience to it all may be freed
est sociologist and socialist that the "I am supplied with all I want from
from the fetters of Poverty. You can-»
world has in its historic records. He the Infinite Substence." Let this be
not afford to miss it and each number
was not a theologian, neither did he the afiirmation until you realize that
will be equally valuable. Only 50 cts.
deal with questions ofa future life; but all is yours, for God is in you and you
did deal most practically with questions in Him. You have thus re-polarized per year.
of the "life that now is." His name is yourself and will draw plenty, as the ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER TO "NOW?"
Jesus. He gave the law thus: "Seek magnet draws the needle. Try it. IF NOT, WHY NOT?


NOW . 5

"0rganize for Freedom." Mrs. M. A. Reed, who has successfully The NOW Course ol' Lessons in
taught her classes in The Science of Being, Psychomotry.
This is the shiboleth Helen Wilmans
from Cape Cod to Golden Gate, writes from
utters for the Mental Science Temples. This The reader's attention is called to
Spokane, Wash.: "NOWis full of pearss of
is setting the step for the :oth century pro- Truth. this course as advertised on last page.
The afririnations are fine and to the
gress. All other organizations have been, point. The whole paper is a lesson. SUC- Psychometry is taught both as an art
whether so designed or not, organized for
CESS is stamped upon its every page. The and as a science. The necessity of
authority, and have become tyranny. That bells are ringing; the flags are flying; NOW sensitives understanding themselves is
there is individuality enough among the real
come to stay." "Yes, the world needs the is more and more evidenced each day
Mental Scientists to keep it free from any
NOW Atiirmations, therefore, it lux: come to
close corporation that claims a monopoly by the increase of the nervous diseases
stay. God's errands never fail."
of truth, is not for one moment to be doubted. and insanity and unhappiness that
The old workers will train into Freedom, Your lovely little NOW is at hand and found comes from that condition. A course
those inclined to lean, untill these Temples a
way to my heart at once. It is the paper of in this line will be of untold benefit in
shall be bodies of men and women who have all others and I read a great many metaphysical this particular alone. It will enable
demonstrated that liberty is law and Law is papers. Yours is all building and not a word the student to protect himself from all
LOVE The San Francisco Temple has of destructiveness in it. _IENNIR E. W.,
unpleasant vibrations and to come en
started out with excellent material. Is al- Pawtuclrett, R. I.
rapport with any he may choose.

ready doing most excellent work. Let all

There is not before the American peo-
who love mental freedom send it each day at Royal S. Kellogg, once a teacher in the
noon, its hour for concentration, thoughts of
Kansas State Agricultural College writes: ple another course like it or that will
wisdom and prosperity. It meets every Sun- The paper is You and I like its strong in- give for the money so much valuable
dividuality. It is good for the blues. It is information. Those who take the $10
day at II A. M.. in Golden Gate Hall, 625 Sut-
ter street. Address, MRS. A. K. LAIDLAW, refreshing to get hold of a publication that is course have the benefit of experiments

loco Golden Gate Ave., for information ora capable of recognizing Truth under more than that will convince them of their power
Declaration of Principles. one aspect and whose mission is to reconcile
in this line and from it they will reap
rather than disrupt. The world is too lull of
benefits in health, happiness, useful-
selfish builders and I am glad you have taken
A Graduate of Harvard nessand prosperity. The lessons are
this stand for Freedom to da. The marginal
Now in the publishing business in Boston, all and prepared for those who need
quotations, are particularly good and appro-
writes of the April NOW:-"NOW came to-day. elementary instruction. Each reader
priate. I am glad you have such good ty po-
and really is quite exhilerating in its effect. The of NOW may for the next 8 weeks
graphical work and such an excellent paper."
paper on the whole is better than The .

have an extra subscription to NOW

editor is refined and has a knowledge of literature A young Methodist minister writes from with each $5 sent. Thus help your
that enables him to quote from the highest writ- Ohio: "NOW came yesterday and it was the
friends to the Light while helping
ings." most refreshing baptism I have had for months.
PRATT, KANSAS. I do not know the secret ofyour optimism or of
I heard you speak the words,-"Now relax and the inspiration which I received and do re-
Peace and Relief are yours "-three days before ceive still when I come in contact with your
"The World's Advanced 'I`hought",
your letter came. Init you said, "Now I speak words. Yet Ithat it is there, for the
am sure

for you relaxation, peace and relief." Have been words carry the suggestion of peace and tran- Lucy A. Mallory, editor, Portland, Ore.,
better ever since. Mrs. L. K.
quility. Such is the effect of your NOW as I says of NOW: "Henry Harrison Brown, whose
Dr. G. L. B. of La read it. I must have some copies of that writings on occult themes have made his name
Crosse, Kan., says:-"I wish
I have brightened many lives iar all over the world, has commenced the publica-
NOW godspeed. As for yourself, we are all one poem "Peace.
tion of a monthly journal entitled NOW, which will
and cannot wish each other anything." O, if all with that which I had."
be of great value to everyone who is interested in
the world could realize this; then, George, altruism
IS here
lt is a wonderful thing to be alive, to accept SOUL-CULTURE, Self-Control and Spiritual
would usher in the millennium. It when
from the hand of the Infinite all the unlocked Unfoldment." True, Lucy. I knew that one who
WE feel it.
treasuries of the
universe, to be a recipient of all would journey fifty miles on Saturday to hear me
C. A, Wallace of Denver, writes:-In NOW I
the garnered harvests of all the preceding ages, to preach a Unitarian sermon on Sunday, would feel
recognize the able hand that wrote the beautilul that NOW was in its place when side by side with
in the NEW MAN lor which I
comprehend how thought does energize and shape
pearly expressions the physical world, Address ol j. A. Plummer be- the paper she his sacrificed for these many years,
am so thankful. you know, for the last five
fore the Stockton A. O. U. W. memorial services. Now, john Anderson and his jo, we will go hand in
years I have been wishing that you would publish a hand, but not "down the hill," but up, to SELF-
peper of your own. Everything comes to those All that Nature made thine own, MASTERY and ALL it implies.
who wait!
Floating in air or pent in stone,
Gizovi: Crrv, PENN.
\Vitl rive the hills, will swim the sea,
From Penn. Frank writes: "I have nothing
curious eff.-ct of
And like thy shadow, follow thee. It is a looking through the tele-
but and love for you for what your
gratitude make feel in a cold night; that
Emerson. scope to one warm

letters have done for me in the past and I is to forget the body wholly. The soul seems to
know a letter from you will straighten me out Free Meetings assert its supremacy and to walk among the stars.
again.The poem "Peace" I have committed
` Are held at The Soul Culture In- -Lon_.;j/1'/1azu'.r Diary,
to memory and it serves me well."
stitute every Sunday and Thursday
I take so many Science papers that I felt
evening at 8 o'clock. To these meet-
'rim Editor or Now
that I must call a halt, but your "journal of
Affirmations" The
ings the public are welcome. Each
captured me once more.
Will attend
April number is so good and right to the point
Sunday there will be an address by weddings or funerals,
in every word, that I wish a few copies for Henry Harrison Brown. Remember:- or arrange for of lectures with-
a course

distribution. Mas. OLIVE C. H., Sunday and Thursday evenings at §2l in reasonable distances of the city.
Manistee, Mich. Turk street. Classes can also be arranged for.
6 NOW.
0nr Supply. Book Table. "The New Name."
provided in abundance, air for
God has
NOW wishes it had ten pages this Seven Lessons in the Science of Being_
all who breathe. There is no need for any one Dr.
month to say all it would of the good things By George W.
San Francisco, Cal.
to struggle for it. It is unnecessary to hoard it; that are on its table. It can only name a few Author of "Tire lliochemic System of Healing,
it is impossible "to get up a corner" on it. Src."
and say a word: Price 50 cents. Sold by the author.
A sutiiciency is all that is desired All, too, (See lv.) The difference between this system

may share equally in the sunshine; people do

"\\'rrrnr|es," an-l Mental Science is not at first apparent.
not have to tight for it. Under the great NOW
only differ with the author in his
spiritual law of co-operation will come, with
cause By Anna M:-
and cure.
con :eption of matterand spirit being eternally
Gowau, author of "Supply," Los Angeles, Cal.
equal ease, all the other neceessries of l fe- distinct. These quotations are good enough
wrthout struggle, without greedy or avaricious Price 50 cents. Address author.
for NOW: "There is no Mental Science, or
Read Mrs. McGowan's article in this and
thoughts, and without injustice. People will .Ili/rl /t'/ianng, apart from Spirit or Infinite
besurprised to find that under this law so little
see how she can handle this subject. It is be-
to all who would
Intelligence. Mind is Being, and Being is
eflo t, on the material plane, will produce re- yond price keep perpetual Mind. So there, can be but one science or real
sults so great. There will be spiritual opu- youth.
knowing. When we realize eternal one-
lence and intellectual wealth, but economy of ness and perfection there is nothing more
bodily wants, for the greater the spiritual "The Sphynx." to overcome, for Truth is eternal. Man is
growth the simpler the physical wants and the God in
Astrological Monthly, $3.00 per year.
An expression. A belief in Evil is the
fewer the material desires. cause of all
Boston, Mass. This is a most astonishing rev- unhappiness. We do not tire at
Let ns, therefore, not debase the spiriiual
elation of the growth of this science. lt has play. It is thoughts-the operation of mind
ideal by arousing the selfish nature in men, with
on body-worry, fear, and anxious thoughts
sixty-two pages this month well filled
under the claim that the development of for the morrow, that tire." The peculiar
interesting matter.
spiritual forces will give the power to "make theory of Dr. Cary's does not appear till the
money" and to "get rich". This is unworthy last lesson. It is this: "We shall direct from
of occult teachers, and debasing to the spirit- "Atl vance Science Journal."
the air produce, as Nature now does, all the
ual nature. Let us rather teach men to seek food and material we need. Wool, cotton, flax.
Harry Gaze, Oakland, Cal., $1.00 per
growth through the unfolding of inner powers, It is the latest of the new journals to silks, etc are all produced from the elements
which will bring the "new heaven," and then the
reach the table. It is°devoted to "The ad- through slow, laborious and costly process
to live in harmony with the divine law of co- of animal and
vancement of physical immortality." vegetable growth. Why not
operation, which will alone bring the "new produce it direct?" But get the book and
earth." it.
"Lessons In 'l'ruth." study
Charlet Ermndl Banu: in june "Mrna".

By H. Emilie Cady, Unity Tract Society,

Kansas City, Mo. Price 75 cents. These are "The l-'att of the Land and How
ssljnnypa the best course of Lessons NOW has ever rearl, to Live on lt."
(Kansas City, Mo.. an old and tried and it recommends them. They are free from
A practical cook and text book for gen-
Mental Science journal) says: journal of
"A dogmatism, and do not offend the rationslist eral use. By Ellen Goodell Smith. For sale
atlirmations, called NOW, is on our exchange by using Ilihle as authority. They are full of
table It is filled with the spirit of health, by author, Pansy Park, Dwight, Mass. Price
gool sense with a common sense view of not given, but probably §r.oo and it is worth a
strength, peace, prosperity-good all the way Scripture.
library. It teaches how to live without taking
through its eight pages, and vindicates its lite and sets bill of fare made from
name and purpose."
a tempting
"Living by the Spirit." grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables and milk.
"SeIf." With chapters on nut and vegetable oils
By Horatio W. Dresser, G. W. l'utman's
Norris' paper, Oakland, Cal.)-ls Sans. New York City. Price 75 cents. This and how to use them in cooking; and how to
in the june issue fully up to the standard set is the best book NOW has found for the he- feed infants, and much more of interest on the

in the first number. It is from cultivated His food problem. The author is a practicing
It has this good word ginner. a man.

is Emersonian than M. D. and her book is the most valuable, in

for NOW. "If you wantto know how to live style more any other
writer in Mental Science. It has this line, NOW has ever seen. \Vhile NOW is
naw, write to Henry Harrison Brown, editor of no theolog-
ical basis and is free from all It not vegetarian, it is simply because it has not
NOW. There is no philosophy for NOW but verbosity.
this: "I am one with the Father." can be understood by the average reader and yet been tempted to lay aside all animal food
text book for a life time. tor something better. Still it is, no doubt,
yet it will serve as a
"Christian," Such is the simplicity and yet the profuudity
the way ofevolution and in time msn will out-

Has the largest circulation among all of Truth. grow all desire for anything but the simplest

the Mental Science papers and is the strong-

foods and will entirely eschew meats. Could
the tables be set with such meals
as this book
est. It is goo l, therefore, to have its individ- "
Wrinkles," recommends, it would soon see the beauty,
ualized editor, whose opinion nothing can
utility and glory ofa simple diet.
buy, s\y as he does in the june number of By Anna McGowan, Los Angeles,

NOW. "NOW, Henry Harrison Brown's new Cal., (50 cts.) is one of the most prac~
monthly, is driving right along toward success. tical of books. To look at the photo- _
Build to~day the strong and sure,
lt is neatly printed, makes good, clean reading
graph of the author at fifty-seven years \Vitl1 a firm and ample base,
and is up "Thanks, Tbonrnsj.-I
to-1'ate.Q of age and mistake her for a woman And ascending and secure,
am! Hoa pleasant it is to dwell in unity!" Will to-morrow find its

of thirty is warrant enough that she place.

A Mental Science Cure. has something of importance to tell Longfellow.

(A little
boy to his sister who had fallen concerning the carrying of youth in
and hurt herself)-"Dont cry sissie, dear! spite of years. Obtained of the au- SEND LISTS OF ALL WIIOM YOU THINK
Don't cry! Say-Dam." thor. WILL LIKE "NOW."



NOW. ';_


\/°\d ' /\

Cards in this column jar. per month, one-/ray - SCHOOL OF THE A magazine devoted to the investigation of the Science'
inch, Utne ulonl/tr $1.00. ) SCIENCE OF BEING AND ofSuggestit.n of 'l`hought, their uses and abuses, and their
Z All the air/nliurt have permission lo nfl r lo possibilities as curative, mol al and educational agents.

1/iz rdrlor.
\./V\ /"\_/\f\.
\/I 'I X' 'i in

BIOCHEMISTRY. PSYCHOMETRY, 175 Summit St.. Cleveland, Ohio.

CREIGHTONS, Stationers and Printers, IIO Turlt SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIKS Monthly. $1
St., San Francisco. New Thought literature and all
per year.

and newspapers. Keeps NOW for

Liberal boolts, magazines
sale. DR. GEORGE W. CAREY, Teacher THE
A monthly magazine devoted to the mastery of Moral
RS. M. BERGEN BROWN, Morgan Hill. Santa Clara
M Co , Cal.. Student of the Occult. Gives absent treat- "
The Biochemic System of Healing," $2.50
Weakness, Disease and Poverty, through the trderly develop-
ment of faculties active or latent in man.
ments for all mental disorders and for all inharmonious condi- "

tions of bod , mind or spirit. Write for terms. Enclose New Heaven and Earth," to cents P. BRAUN, Editor.
stamp for reply. aud the Great Book of the hour 'LID per year. Sample copy, Llc. stamp.
The ' Ne... N -me."5o cents. Address: "Tun New M tN,"270l Woolworth Ave , Omaha,
A. CLIFFORD. No San Francisco. Cal. Nebraska.
H 204 McAllister St.
Iuvurrrott CLIFFORD At:'rot|n'|c Vtnmc Macmrtl.
A Fine Book T HE

1224 Noe St., San Francisco, Cal.
An Astrological Magazine.
Contains Birthday information and daily advice.
DENTIST. Subscribe at ouoe °'
"SnctJ1.a.n Sctxxtcn arm
Cosntou Snxtss," the Editor.

FRANCES C. TREADWELL (formerly of Philaflel- most liberal, progressive
magazine the day. It is a thoroughly G 'st-class pub'i:atio'| and cannot fail to
phia). Dentist. Cor. Larkin and McAllister Sts., San
Francisco, Cal., Supreme Court Bldg.. Room 60. Hours. 9 a. _
Fearless 'oi
u expression. inrerest cult ned and th \ughtlul people. lt is the only m .ga-
t _

1, ,_
sound tu theory. Com- zine in America devoted en irely to teaching an.l dem mstrat-
m. to 1 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Dr. Treadwell is
1 ..
/ ,..

skilled in the various branches of Dentistry. Gentlemen receive in .f l meuds Itself to honest, ing the truth. of Astrol0BY. a knowledge of which was pus~
l W think-

the same attention as ladies and children. Examination free. f liberal, advanced sessed by tne Ancients and especially hy the Eg) ptians.

i 1'w=-bi
ers. Lights the way Io:
t hone who wish tnndvanoe
and improve. With every
subscription ta
439 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. Man.

array a valuable boo Qven


How to Mcsmerizc 1Hyptt0tIst_'_l 57 Jim" l.iUMAN
P. H. DuBRUYNE. Suggestive and Electric Thera- Coatvs. Pu.U., 120 pp.. illustrated. A manual of A monthly mag :zine of world-wide repulc.
DR. peutist. Room 10. (I Third street, San I"ranci~c0. instruction in the history, mysteries and mode
Oliice hours, 9 a. m. to 12 rn., 2 to 4 p. na. Consultation free. ol iiimcdure in these mysterious sciences. This In its 10th year.
interesting wnrlt has had a wonderful
over .E,U\'\U copies hiwing been disposed of, an sue:-usa Devoted to Phrenalogy. Physi -gnomy, Health, Medical .tn-l
tho llfllldlltl increasing. The contents, written Social Reform.
W. H. GILL, Psvcho~'I`herapy, Vital Magnetic
in plain languzlize cover the whole gt'outtd,It:t~
Healing. (Graduate of Weltmer ln.titute. Nevada. Mo ) clutlintf lonntliy Earnest in advocacy of II.nmn Libertv, and abreast uf the age
Circulars and Terms on application. clairvoyancc. and thought-reading. rcfctcn¢.:et0a.t1lt11itlm¥1tetiBtt1,
he won- in Progressive Thought.
Present address, FRESNO. CAL. dcrlul :ww sciextce ni hjlpuotlsrn IB 8160 treated
at length. The chapter on "Howto Glvean ALLEN HADDOCK, Editor and Proprietor.
E..¢@f\_.§¢m;¢uo" is wry useful to those who
FREE to all
MENTAL SCIENCE. 3.S}|ll`\`5l(P3\'I1iI9B. This grand book
Subscriptions, 50 cts. per year.
wh.. <1-nd Sl.H01\t once fora year's
Thic ...inf g...>.1 only for a lltulted num roi snbscrlgélou. Sample copy free to readers of NOW who enclose stamp.
M. E. LASSWELL, Mental Scientist, Healer_and subscriht>r'_._ Sam plc 10 celttov Wlih 3 lm'
DR. Teacher. Room 24, 14 McAllister St., San Francisco. Wage boolt on Hypnousm

cop;ree- Addrlll
1029 Market St.. San Frnuolsco, Cal.
Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 4 r. M. Write for terms. Examinations made daily.
Secular Science and Common Sense, $`Pbreuulogical
Verbal, 51. Charts, extra.

BALDWIN. Mental Healer. Hours from 10

P. E. 46t. Atlas Block, Chicago
till 4 p.
a. m. Success for I5 years is my recommenda-

tion. Write for terms. Room 57, `Supreme Court Building, 1020 Market Street. San Francisco, Cat.
Larkin St., San Francisco. Cal.
'Ihe Ventilated Hose and Sock N.B. Boolts on Phrenology and Physiognomy for sale.

McGOWAN lfor Health

A NNA titeanllness
and burablllty THE
Author of "Wrinkles," 50 cents, and "Supply," SL50. Sent
Hua no equal. Devoted the of and the Millennium
postpaid. Los Ancncss, Car.
to Unity Humanity
It is manufactured from the best material, and is th ',;el`ore of Peace.
the cheapst Soclt in the marltet. It is the invention of a lady
and she and her friends have tested it for more than a year, LUCY A. MALLORY, Editor and Publisher.
SCIENCE INSTITUTE, and lind it all that is required in footwear. She has just
Qof Oaltland, Cal.) a placed it on the market, and it can only be obtained through Portland, Oregon.
God is Spirit. Spiritual Science, the Only Road to Health this othce. Send size and 50 cts. and try a pair. Monthly. 50c. a year.
Happiness and Immortality. Instructions given in classes or
private. Treatment to restore Health and Harmon , at the

Institute, $l.00; at the home of the patient, Free $2.05. Q
meetings every Monday, 8 r.M. Oflice hours, from 9to I2 '

521 Turk SL, San Francisco, Cal.

.\.ut,andfrom2to5r.M. A. 0 Gumnsnv,editor,assi terl by M rs. l\l. P. P. Lowe and
Mrs. L. E. Drake Mrs. E. Burnham Anderson. Weeltly, 50 Conn per year. Devoted to
521 Tltlrteetttlt Street. the question ofjusnce between man and man.
PALMISTRY. economics and


Send N cents for a copy. 1
If sick or poor. say so on a postal and receive a free copy.
You will cure yourself and others by obeying our teachings.
(President ofthe St. Germain College
of Palmistry)
Auction Price House
CHAS. W. SMILEY, Washington, D. C.
616 Geary Street Near jones Strest San Francisco MISSION STREET

Oliice Hours, 1 8 Bat. 4th and 5th. Sts.


Engagements made for Entertainments, Etc.

Rwssea Eamon i Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, and
W. and IRENE SMITH, Teachers and Readers
nv Ft.oR.4 Pantus I'x0\\/ARD JULIAN
Scientific Palmistry
ef Astrology. Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 and articles ofevery description
p. m. Evenings by appointment. Readings in palmistry, S1
This is of the best possible books for the

negative and the fearful to study. Its atlirma- s

and S2. Readings in astrology, from $2 up. 56815th street,
Oakland, Cal.
Bought and Sold.
tions are healthgiving and full of power to
bring that which is desired into manifests- , Soul Culture Meetings every Sunday . French Ranges . _

Price, cloth, $t. Paper, 50 cts.

and Thursday evenings at the Institute
Send to NOW cfnce. _
521 Turk street, 8 P. M. D. McRAE, Proprietor

8 TN O W .



521 TURK STREET (T"° bI°¢kS f\'°m 152 Ci!! HHH) SAN FRANCISCO
Assisted by an able corps of Specialists in all Mental and Psychic lines.

All Mental and Physical Ills treated by the Latest Methods

of use of the Finer Forces of Nature.


Are you sulfering from H/ZADACHES, NEURALGIA,
Which is the force from a well vitalized human. It is the
RHE(/AIA TIS/ll, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPS]/1, KIDNEY potent of all the vibrations known as physical.
most The
or from ADDIIUI hands of Dr. Brown relieve pain instantly, and by this means alone he often

EASE, or from NERVO(/S EXHAUSTION, which is the effects a cure. He has had 80 years experience as a Magnetic Healer.
H EN RY ls the next of Nature's forces in
parent of most all diseases; or from SLEEPLESSNESS, pgtency. It is an ever
HARRISON present factor in all methods of healing. Dr. Brown claims
D/ZZINESS, l~`()RGE7`f(JLlVE$.S`, or from any unpleasant BROWN. to be the equal of any practitioner of Suggestive Theraputics in the United States.
condition arising from 01/ERWORIC WORR Y, FEAR, D.S.T., Is the knowledge and use of the forces of the highest

GRIEE or as the RESULT OF OPEN OR SECRET VICESI potency in the range of human life. They are the
SIM Wllllt IISTITIIIE and the
If so, call or write to the Institute and find relief. Thought Spiritual forces. They can only be used by one who is imbued
B2l TUIK ST. with 'a love for his kind and who works in of his Oneness with the
It is the purpose of this treatment to Ego by the use of any Ienown
assist the eau raaneleeo. Eternal ONE. ln this Seld Dr. Brown is well developed, and is ably assisted by
means to restore the equilibrium of its physical organism so that it may manifest those who give also Mental Tnahrrnrtr.
normally, for Health is the birthright of each soul, and it is only lost through in- Terms Moderate
are butstrictly Cash. Write for terms and information desired.
harmony. Hours at the Institute from I to 4 P. M.


SOUL CULTURE LESSONS or sax raaucrsco.
The NOW Course of Lessons in Psychometry
la lleallng andSelf-Development Meets every Sunday at 11 A. M., in Golden Gate Hall, I have prepared a new course of Lessons for
lu all Splrltsal Gifts. 625 Sutter Street. the readers of NOW, which I will send with-
'I`he public are invited. A Lecture at each session upon out the letters and experiments for $5.00.
I have prepared of Lessons in these
a course some

phase of Mental Science. For $I0.00 I will send the I0 Lessons, and
lines, which I will send for $I0.00. They in- with each Lesson Two Experiments.
clude instruction in Magnetic Healing, Sug- The
gestion and Mental Science. No better lessons pupil will write at the close of the Lesson the
have ever been offered the public Charactar Readings by Psychomelg result of the experiments and receive a letter
of personal instruction. No Lesson taken up
Any information concerning them sent on till the previous one is well understood.
receipt of a stamped envelop. Advice in business or matters in Life.
These Lessons
They will be sent on receipt of price to'any and in development ot' any psychic
unequaled by any yet
given the public. They arethe result of 25
part of the world. The pupil may write and phase will be given by the Editor. He has
receive answer to one letter of inquiry and had 25 years' experience in this work, and years experience in private and from platform,
and from six years class experience. Satisfac-
further instruction for each lt sson. claims to he one of the most practical of
The lessons are as follows. tion is guaranteed.
advisers. Write him a short letter as to a
BASIC PRINCIPLES, friend, giving outlines only of the desire, and 7?rm.r at Odin: Pru/ale Lerrans, $2.00 per Hour.
enclose $r.oo and a reply will be sent at once. In Class, $1.00 per Lcrrovr.
MAGNETISM, Grtove CITY, PsNN. NOW 0FFICE, 521 Turk Street,
SUGGESTION, Both the readings were accurate, and I can say
THOUGHT AS FORCE, they have saved me from a mistake that would
have been a sad one. FRANK.
How you could read me so well from simply an
INSPIRATION, "Experience The Growth ol' the
autograph, is to me a mystery. ROYAL S.
By Flora Parris Howard, author
of "Idols Dethroned." Price 15 cts.
Pri:/are Lerrmr nl the lnrtilufe, $1.00 per Hour.
This is equally strong and stimulating We have prepared the most complete and
In Class, $1.00 per Lesson. ,

with the author's previous book. It is comprehensive lectures ever written on the
HENRY l{ARll.lSON BROWN l worth its weight in gold to all who will science of

52| Turk Street, San Francisco read and spiritually digest it as they do
Goethe's Conception of God is NOW'S Con-
physically their morning meal. Get it,
embracing the Diagnosis of Diseases,
read it every day till it becomes a part
ception. Suggestive Therapeutics, Hypnotism and
of you; then you will no more com~ Vital Magnetism. The course is line-ly
/"Whom I own for father, Goil, Creator,
will illustrated, showing how to treat for the
Holds Natgurein Himself, Hirgelfin Nature; plain, nor whine, nor sorrow, but diB'erent diseases. Others are charging
And in his kindly arms embrti?erl, the whole "rejoice in tribulation." May be or- from $5o to $roo for inferior courses. Our
Doth live and move by His pervading will." dered from this office. price by mail for complete course is only
0 _

loo SAMPLE copies

C. H. ROGERS and can
be_learned in ten days. Address
|355 Folsom St., is the cheapest place in San
Francisco, to buy new and second hand pianos. On Hypnot`sm,Theosophv. Occultism, Astrol-
Ile owns his own store and his expenses are small. ogy, Phreuology, and Mind Reading, to Northwestern Institute
Tuning and repairing a specialty. any address, I0 cents.

ROGERS' PIANOS are used at N0\V office. Sub. Union, - - -

T°"E§,;';§i{'Ns"S La Crescent, Minn_


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