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- Exist where an individual is in conflict with their community

- Are unique and personal
- Can be exacerbated by human weakness
- People destroy to preserve

In the text:
1. Something which is meant to protect causes damage.
2. Criticism on the ​inconsistency ​of mob mentality and emotions, particularly at the
break of hysteria.
3. Personal motivations lead individuals to become hypocritical and act in a way
which is ​inconsistent ​with their community and communal values.
4. Justice is a key aspect of the communal human experience; when this is
corrupted and subverted, individuals rebel. Hale’s behaviour and attitudes
change now that he sees inconsistencies in the carriage of justice in Salem.
5. Individual motivations can make an individual act ​inconsistently ​with the
supposed morals of their society; Putnam’s desire to serve himself first and
advance his own agenda is ​inconsistent​ with the supposed values of a
Puritanical society and the Bible.
6. Reputation is tied to one’s soul and only through death can this immortal part of
an individual be salvaged.
7. Moral people living in a morally corrupt society

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