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Abortion is a timeless argument that has been argued to the death.

All the way from

its legalization in 1973's Roe vs. Wade court drama to 2017's White House criminalisation

after week twenty of pregnancy, the argument lives. Why keep it alive? Why strive to come

to a clear line on where it stands on our moral consciences? We all agree that life is precious.

It is, after all, because of our pro-life parents that we are where we are today. Hence, arguing

till its actual death, even if it results in blood perspiring from our pores is necessary. With

America’s legislation in 2017, let us take this opportunity to objectively think through the

justification for abortion without going against our consciences. If America should plan to

revise its legislation, abortion should stay criminalised because it’s murder, being used as an

excuse to be irresponsible, and it’s the wrong tool to solve overpopulation.

One of the major support for abortion by the pro-choice party comes from the fact that

the US Constitution does not include the unborn under the word "person". (US Const. amend.

XIV, sec. 1) This has led to countless trumpets that a fetus obtains personhood only when it is

able to survive outside the womb. Their justification: since an unborn is not a person, it has

no rights and hence void of protection from murder laws. However, there is no difference

between the killing of an unborn and a baby at three months old. (Adams, 2012) It is agreed

that both an unborn and a baby are completely dependent on their parents for support. Left to

their own, they would die. Here is the flaw, we would not think of lifting a finger to poke a

baby with a knife, lest stab it. Why then would we think of even sucking the brains out of one

that hasn't even had its first breath? Furthermore, fetus' are already developed at week twenty,

already having a miniature appearance, with complete motor parts at forty-nine days. The

unborn child has already grown soft hair, a working vocal cord, and functional limbs that can

kick. (Anon, 2014) The fetus is already a lifeform at week twenty. It’s already a person. In
short, fetus’ are persons because we would never hurt a baby and that they already are

developed at week twenty.

Progressives have been claiming that giving women veto over their bodies improves

their quality of life. Abortion gives women a chance to pre-plan their pregnancies which

results in an overall well-being. (Rocca et al., 2013) This is true, as women with less

responsibilities on their hands are able to focus, be energized and stay ambitious about their

career goals and earn for themselves the success and comfort they want. Though there is

nothing wrong in working hard and getting paid of it, there is everything wrong with women

being able to go so far as to murdering someone just to obtain a successful career. It is pure

selfishness. The causes are often rooted at a woman’s want to enjoy sex while not having to

bear the consequences or responsibilities a baby presents. To add on, this desire of women to

have control over their bodies, shows the faux reality they live in. Women don’t really have

much control over their bodies. If they were to go out naked, they would be arrested. Just as

doctors who would not prescribe pregnant women thalidomide as it deforms the fetus, so do

women who want to ease their morning sickness, unable to consume it. No control. In

summary, it is selfish for women to abort innocent persons just for the sake of advancing in

life and it’s a lie to think that women can be in control.

Ethicists also justify abortion as a viable method for overpopulation. (Horgan &

Horgan, 2012) World population is estimated to increase to 9.3 billion by 2050 - equivalent

to adding two China’s to the world. (Weiss, 2012) Overpopulation is expected to cause

poverty, malnutrition, lack of resources, pollution and starvation. (Rinkesh, 2018) Abortion is

on the opposite tide, reducing 43.8 million babies in 2008 and now counting. (Anon, 2015)

Ethicists are warning that with the massive population increase, if abortion was deemed

illegal, the overpopulation results would be devastating. We are murdering unborns for the
sake of preserving the bornt. Maybe, instead of encouraging irresponsible sex through media,

we encourage a culture which strives to be proper. A teenage boy is libidinous enough when

he dates a girl at the cinemas. It doesn’t help when the movie they watch is filled with the

same lusts and sexual passions the boy craves. Additionally, proper education teaches rightly

the results of having unprotected sex and reduces the number of high school pregnancies.

High school pregnancies accounted for at least $9.4 billion in US tax payment for the

increase in health care treatment in 2010. (Anon, 2017) In summary, instead of abortion

which flows out from the effects of an oversaturated sexual culture and poor education, a

reverse of the two will result in a lesser populated world.

Aborting an innocent fetus is murder and it should not be an option so one can

continue to live their lives and preserve the future. We will never justify killing a baby, why

would we justify killing a fetus that at two weeks, can already suck its thumb. It’s also selfish

and ignorant to think that having control over your body autonomy will result in a successful

life. Innocent life should never be used as a method to reduce the population as other morally

better systems can be used. With that said, America has massive influence. America’s

decision on anything persuades even the biggest and toughest countries to think twice. As a

Malaysian citizen, America’s decision to criminalize abortion is encouraging as one who

knows abortion is a murderous crime. As liberal education escalates on Malaysian school

grounds, here’s to hoping the authorities will not go against their conscience before God.

Adams, S. (2012) Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say. Available from:

experts-say.html [Accessed 9 January 2018].

Anon (2014) Unborn babies can feel pain during abortion. Available from: [Accessed 9 January 2018].

Rinkesh (2018) Overpopulation: Causes, Effects and Solutions - Conserve Energy Future. Available


[Accessed 9 January 2018].

Anon (2015) Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. Available from: [Accessed 9 January 2018].

Anon (2017) About Teen Pregnancy | Teen Pregnancy | Reproductive Health | CDC. Available from: [Accessed 9 January 2018].

Horgan, J. & Horgan, J. (2012) Ethicist Peter Singer Critiques Roe v. Wade, Obamacare, Romney.

Available from:

wade-obamacare/ [Accessed 9 January 2018].

Rocca, C., Kimport, K., Gould, H. & Foster, D. (2013) Women's Emotions One Week After Receiving

or Being Denied an Abortion in the United States. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.

45 (3), pp. 122-131.

Weiss (2012) Available from:

20120722-html-htmlstory.html [Accessed 9 January 2018].

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