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Rate your own and each of your groupmates’ performance on the following team skills. TRY TO BE HONEST AS POSSIBLE.
Strongly Agree= 5 Agree= 4 Undecided= 3 Disagree= 2 Strongly Disagree= 1

Self: GM1: GM2: GM3: GM4: GM5: GM:6 GM:7 GM:8

Team Skill
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______
1. Demonstrated self-awareness of personality and strengths/
2. Communicated clearly (verbal, non-verbal, and via
email/phone/text) and was a good listener.
3. Provided effective positive and negative feedback.
4. Demonstrated emotional and cultural intelligence.
5. Helped establish and meet team goals.
6. Helped others with their work when needed.
7. Was dependable and attended group meetings.
8. Contributed positively to group discussions.
9. Completed work on time or made alternative arrangements.
10. Used leadership skills effectively and as needed (task, socio-
emotional, process leadership)
11. Did work accurately and completely.
12. Worked well with other group members.
13. Participated in creative problem solving.
14. Worked to resolve any conflict that arose.
15. Was an overall valuable member of the team.

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