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Question: Explain the

sampling of solid waste.
Mumbai University > CIVIL > Sem 7 >
Solid Waste Management

Marks: 5 M

Year: Dec 2012, May 2012, Dec 2011

mumbai university • 2.9k views

solid waste management

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modified 3.2 years written 3.2 years ago by

ago •
Sayali Bagwe •


Solid Waste
1. Sites for collecting samples of
municipal solid waste are so chosen
as to cover a large population size.
2. Based on the type of area such as
residential, commercial, industrial,
market, slum etc. sampling points
are distributed uniformly all over the
study are.
3. The sampling points are classified
based on economic status of the
population such as high, middle and
low income group.
4. Approximately 10 kg of municipal
solid waste is collected from each of
ten points from outside and inside of
solid waste heap.
5. The total quantity of waste so
collected is thoroughly mixed and
subsequently reduced by the method
of quartering till samples of such size
are obtained that can be handled in
the laboratory.
6. The sample so obtained is subjected
to physical analysis, determination of
moisture and thereafter the sample is
processed for further chemical
7. Samples collected for physical and
chemical analysis are packed in
plastic bags. Each plastic bag is
repacked in another plastic bag to
ensure safe carting, sealed and sent
to the laboratory for analysis.


written 3.2 years ago by

Sayali Bagwe • 2.1k

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