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Hello Everyone,

I have been practicing Nichiren Buddhism for the last one and a half years. I have immense
gratitude for this life-transforming practice with the Gohonzon, for SGI President Daisaku Ikeda,
and for all my friends and seniors in faith. I have learned that the moment we can confront our
fundamental darkness is the real beginning of our human revolution. Every day I try to become
a better person by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It gives me the wisdom, courage and
compassion to deal with other people, and the strength to fight the “devils” or negative
functions in my own life.
I was initially introduced to Buddhism by my elder sister in Nagpur. That time, I was looking for
a job as I was uncertain about my career.So, I chanted abundant Daimoku to get the clarity for
my career. After 1 month, I got the clarity regarding my career and joined the classes at CA Firm
for an Accountant. By giving 100% at my classes,I got the job offer from the same CA firm
where I was going for classes within a month with the commitment of 7 month. After
completing seven months at CA firm, somehow I realized that If I want to grow fast this is not I chanted for getting the clarity for my future. Then I got to know about the SAP
course which is beneficial as I did MBA in finance. In October 2018 I came to Pune for doing that
course. For better and correct understanding of that course I chanted 1 hour morning and
evening, It takes 2 and half month to complete which is earlier than any other student with
correct understanding.
In January ,2019 as I was following ND Buddhism, March 16 campaign started, as I was started
struggling for a kosen rufu job in that specific I decided to land a job before 31 st
march. I made a strong determination to get a kosen rufu job. I actively involved and participate
each and every discussion meeting throughout 3 to 4 month. I started attended each and every
meeting with daily 1 hour morning and evening Daimoku with Gongyo. Even though I felt very
dejected, somehow there was always a spark of hope that I could feel whenever I chanted.
somehow I came to realize that I had a “job karma” and so I continued to strive for even more
Daimoku and trust only The Gohonzon. I made a determination to definitely see “actual
proof” of my practice. Through daily abundant Daimoku, I was able to face confidently the
struggles through these 4 months in finding a job. , resulting in getting me into a big IT
company which would not be related to what I was currently looking for as I was finding a job
in SAP, This software was totally different But due to my monthly expenditure increasing I
needed to work anyhow. I was confused whether I should accept that offer or decline the offer.
I talked with senior leaders from my district for guidance. They said that accept the offer and
keep the gratitude and appreciation for the job and their employee. As President Ikeda says:
There is no one as strong as a person whose heart is always filled with gratitude Due to my
Buddhist practice, I was able to understand that the biggest treasure I can have are the
treasures of the heart. I feel all of the difficult situations occur in my life just to improve myself,
to give me more patience to persevere and never give up. I love these well-known words of
Nichiren Daishonin.
I accepted the offer and return to my home town Nagpur as my work location was Nagpur. On
15th april was my joining date but before one day of my joining I got a call from an IT Company
in Pune. The company was searching for the certified candidate who is having certification in
SAP. In SAP the certification course is very costlier approx. 4.5 lakh ,due to my financial
condition I could not afford that much so I did training course in SAP.I told to hr that I am not
certified and she agreed to allow me to give an interview. HR from that company told me that
Today you will have a Telephonic Interview for the position of functional consultant in SAP
Which was actually I was looking. I gave my interview with confidence and courage with strong
conviction that no matter what I am going to win it anyhow. In the evening I got a call from HR
and she said that you are selected for the position of SAP Functional Consultant. On the same
day on 14th of April my elder sister blessed with a baby girl.
I am happy to report that I finally got a job before the end of the 4th month. This job is with a
reputed and stable company, one in which I am directly hired by the company, with benefits
that are at par with the permanent staff, convenient work location very near to my house and
lastly, it is a job that is related to what I was studying. So my prayers have been answered just
the way I had expected them to, helping me reach my goals abundantly and beautifully. This is
a job that I should have got earlier in my struggle but due to my results and lack of experience
in the field of IT, I was unable to get through. But because I was diligently chanting, I could
really feel the strong protection of the Buddhist Gods around me helping me to overcome each
and every obstacle in my way!
Through my own experiences, I believe having complete & pure Faith is essential, along with
daily chanting (Practice), in order to elevate our Buddha nature. This helps us accumulate
good fortune and the wisdom to overcome any crisis. I also believe it is very important to
invest your time into the third pillar of practicing The Mystic Law and that is Study. It really
helps to read about this Buddhism and people’s success testimonials, to gain the wisdom and
inner strength while facing life’s challenges.
I have learnt that with perseverance & the determination to make a breakthrough, one can
overcome one’s karma even when it seems impossible. As long as we believe, we can transform
every uncertainty into wisdom and the audacity of hope! I am now moving on to transforming
my next karma: my “financial karma” and I am sure I will very soon be able to share my
breakthrough with all of you.

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