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One of the main goals of government should be increasing investment in

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an
essay, defending your opinion

I agree entirely that one of the main goals of government should be increasing
investment in public transport for several reasons, not least the environmental
damage done by private transport and the damage to public health caused by
traffic pollution.
First of all the problem of global warming is well documented and governments
must intervene in persuading people to abandon their private cars in favour of
more environmentally friendly optioons such as buses , trains and trams.
Obviously this will not happen without government investment.
Secondly there are benefits to the health of individuals, particulartly children, if
our streets are not polluted by carbon monoxide fumes. In the long term this is
clearly of benefit to all and will reduce health care costs. The government though
will have to see the benefit of preventative health care and find the money to act.
Individuals will not leave the comfort of their cars for unless there is cheap, clean,
frequent and reliable public transport and only the government , through
subsidies, can provide this. This should not be a ’goal” of government’ it should be
the duty of government.

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