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Being Wise to Myself

It’s too obvious to judge what can be the future of typical Indian kid. Let me tell this as
an ideal condition, a typical Indian kid’s future is estimated to be an Engineer or a
Doctor. I’m 95.67% sure for that. My future was no different from this, in fact my parents
wanted me to be an IITian, but that’s way out of my league. I just don’t know why there’s
a craze for IIT in India. Seventeen years in this country, but I haven’t got any answer. I
just presume that they get a very good reputation in the society. In order to be ahead of
others, my parents had admitted me into special coaching classes in ninth grade that
specializes on JEE entrances. The tutors were not other than IITians. Did you get that,
IITians? After years of preparing for JEE entrances and even cracking the exams they
just got into some coaching class in a small town Sivasagar of Assam State that no one
has even heard of. Well, I’m not criticizing these IITians for they have worked hard and
contributed their work to our country and the world too. Well, I got off-shore let me get
back to the point now.

After two years of coaching classes I didn’t carry any further classes there but found
some new attention in economics. I don’t know how but it must have been Vivek
Bindra’s YouTube videos and his leadership funnel. I loved my subject so much that I
had to buy some time to concentrate on physics and chemistry. What make me strong
in economics is my math skills; quick calculations, understanding ratios and graphs and
inspect statistical problems in an easy manner. I love analyzing data, trends and
markets. I started analyzing the Instagram’s market structure and its trends in early
2017. Now I provide free Instagram marketing strategies on my own website and Twitter
under the tagline “EX!T The Race Now!”. I look forward on developing my website while
I catch my graduate degree and make my site accessible to all. My focus is simple, to
help millennials dominate the social media with best strategies. Strategies that work
efficiently and help them gain more impressions on social media. I even lead a team of
three as the Head of Marketing in the first Protidhwoni event, organised by my social
media friends, in my hometown and made a huge success. This event was the first in
my town and I managed to advertise the event effectively and made a huge sale of
tickets with my personalised strategies on Instagram itself. This is what I feel far more
enjoyable and interesting than doing any other scientific study.

I thought my parents won’t accept me for what I wish to study, but surprisingly they
finally understood that it’s of use if I don’t utilise my talents in the right way, if I don’t
express myself how I want to or how I choose my lifestyle. Currently, I just plan to get
into a good college in New York and study there while analysing the commercial and
social life of New York, and build some new marketing strategies. New York has been
my dream place since I was a kid. The only metro city I knew when I was a kid was New
York because my uncle lived there. Now, I am energized by the prospect of facing new
challenges at the university, including working and living independently. I am ready for
the New York hustle.

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