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Write Your Own Myth Project 50 points

Using the ideas addressed thus far in class, write a myth which explains a natural
occurrence, educates about appropriate behavior, or does both. Education myths should
focus on arete, hybris, and /or ate. If there is punishment, it should fit the crime. You
may use gods and goddesses from Greek / Roman tradition, or you may make up your

This project is due on 10/16. It should be at least one typed page in length. It may be
illustrated, but the illustration will not count as part of the one full page.

Grades will be based on following the above criteria, and proper spelling, grammar, and
punctuation as well as clarity and creativity.

Planning Worksheet (This is for your benefit, and it is not required.)

God or goddess’s name__________________________________________

Special talent or ability___________________________________________


Behavior or occurrence__________________________________________

Explanation or punishment________________________________________

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