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A. Issue Background

Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to

constructs or derive meaning (reading comprehension). It is a mean of language, it is a
complex interaction between the text and the reader which is the shaped by the reader’s
knowledge, experiences, attitude and language community which is culturally and
socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and
refinement. (Wikipedia)
Reading is Important for people. It gives people some benefits like
develops the mind, discover new things, develops imagination, and building blocks of
communication. Even more reading is very important for education society in this era.
On this era, almost everyone would be an educational society. In education system
People must learn by read the book or magazine in the library or read the material that’s
given by the teacher or lecturer in the classroom. And it not just the learner, but the
teacher or lecturer must to learn by read too before start to teach people else. And in
other sides the general society also must to know about everything was happened in
their country or at least in their region. So, we can conclude that reading is very
important for everyone.
As we known, there are four techniques of reading
 Skimming; was to understand the essence of given topics.
 Scanning; was to find-out the specific words or details.
 Intensive Reading; was to get specifics detail or information. It’s usually slow
reading, done with a lot of concentration.
 Extensive Reading; was to read at leisure.
In this work paper we only discuss about two techniques of reading. Those
are Intensive and Extensive Reading.

B. Problem Formulation
 What is the definition of the Intensive Reading technique?
 When we need to use the Intensive Reading Technique for read one or some
 How to applying the Intensive reading strategies?
 How that’s The Extensive Reading technique explained?
 When is we can use the Extensive Reading effectively?
 How to Reading by Extensive Reading?

C. Problem Identification
 To know the definition of The Intensive Reading Technique.
 To know when we need to use the intensive technical reading.
 To know the way to use the Intensive Reading Technique.
 To know the definition of The Extensive Reading Technique.
 To know when we have to reading extensively.
 To know the way to reading extensively.
 Be used for learning materials for the Reading for General Communication
learning process in the class room.



A. Intensive Technique
1. Description
The advantage of IR is that it focuses the learner on certain aspects of the
language. However, IR is usually done with difficult texts with many unknown words
that require the learner to use a dictionary. This means the reading is slow and that there
are few opportunities for the learner to learn to read smoothly, because she has to stop
every few seconds to work on something he/she can't understand. This is not so, she
also needs practice in reading and to be trained in developing reading skills.
There are some explanation from expects below
 Brown (1989)
Explain that Intensive Reading “calls attention to grammatical forms,
discourse markers and other surface structure details for the purpose of
understanding literal meaning, implication, rhetorical, relationships and the like”.
He draws an analogy to intensive reading as “a zoom lens” strategy.
 Long and Richards (1987)
They say it is “a detail in class” analysis, led by the teacher, vocabulary
and grammar points in a short passage.

Intensive reading sometimes called “Narrow Reading”. The success of

Narrow Reading is depended on improving reading comprehension is based on the
premise that the before familiar the reader with the text, either due of subject matter
or having reads other works by the same author the more comprehension is

2. Used
Reading intensively involved in looking inside the text. It’s slow or
prevent the development of fluent eye movements that are so necessary to improve

one's reading skill. IR is the most typically taught method of teaching reading.
Unfortunately some teachers only know this method and believe that by teaching
the vocabulary and grammar that is all the learner Intensive Reading (IR) occurs
when the learner is focused on the language rather than the text.
At the used else, everyone who always reading for pleasure or he/she
enjoyed to read just used this technique. That’s why they know everything in the
books or magazines that they finished to read.
3. Strategies
 Pre-reading prediction activities
Before you reading an article in a magazine or newspaper, you usually
form some idea of what it is about from the accompanying photo or headline. So
you could try to guess what is the reading discuss about if the book has any picture.
 Reading for main ideas
Intensive reading texts in English in Mind start with focus on the main
ideas about. So you may try to find out what is the main idea of the reading text.
 Reading for specific information
Intensive reading texts in English in Mind are accompanied by try to
read closely to find (only) the information necessary that can you conclude after
reading a book or magazine. In this step we must to reading by concentrated and
slowly. So we have to catching all of the information in the text.

B. Extensive Technique
1. Description
Extensive reading intends to provide a broad, general understanding of a
text. Rather than focusing on details, it focuses on getting the gist of the reading. School
programs that use parent volunteers often offer help with extensive reading. The
emphasis in these programs is on reading widely. It's rather like the summer reading
programs offered by public libraries. Often there is an expression component that calls

for the student to either speak or write about what she has read to reflect her
understanding of the reading material.
There are some explained of the Extensive Reading Technique from the Expects:
 Brown (1989)
 Long and Richards (1971 p.2016)
Identifying for extensive reading as occurring when students read large
amounts of high interest material, usually out of class, concentrating on meaning,
“reading for gist” and skipping unknown words.

In other words, Extensive reading is reading which involves students

reading long text such as books, journals, articles, papers. The aim is for general
understanding with the intention of enjoying the text. After reading, the students are
asked to write a summary of the text.

2. Used
The aims of Extensive Reading are to build reader confidence and
enjoyment. Extensive reading is always done for the comprehension of main ideas, not
for specific details. Peoples use this technique when they have to search a general
information from a book or magazine. That’s mea they only read a book when they
need to know the information from the book.
3. Strategies
 The same as intensive reading, people who want to use this technique have to know
the book or magazine tell about. For example, they read the front cover before.
 At the second people often try to find the topic of information that they need in the
table of content. If they find out, they will look for the page number and open the
page of topic.
 After find out that, they will try to read line by line until they know the main idea of
the reading text.
 Because of this reading technique only for searching general information, if the
reader find out some unknown words, they only pass it and try to guess the meaning
only. We don’t need to catch all the text tell about, but just to conclude a simple
mean of the text tell about.


A. Knot
The first thing that we can conclude from the discussion is the different
between Intensive and Extensive Reading Technique. Intensive reading be used by
people who interested for reading or they love to read. And The Extensive reading be
used by people who has a something important in the book or magazine or in other
words that the people need to know the information only.
And the second, the intensive reading is a technical reading for searching
detail information from the book or magazine, even the extensive reading is for
knowing the text about in generally.
B. Advice

We must to use those techniques efficiently as we need. Because of those

techniques always give us the different benefits even for improving our reading skills
or developing our knowledge.

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