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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Ternate, Cavite


1. Why is it important in writing that our ideas be connected to one another?

a. in order for readers to understand the text easily
b. so that the readers will be impressed
c. so that the text will be presentable
d. in order for the text to be informative
2. It is the formation of visible letters or characters to express one’s thought
a. discourse b. speech c. text d. writing
3. Which of the following discourse markers will best complete the statement below?
Technology has helped our lives improve and more comfortable,_________, it can also affect us
in negative ways.
a. moreover b. therefore addition d. however
4. How is writing similar to weaving threads to make cloth?
a. writing uses colorful words and different terms with varying meanings
b. writing connects ideas to form a text just as weaving connects thread to make cloth
c. writing is a collection of different words that express fantasy and reality.
d. writing enables us to express our ideas freely and logically
5. a continuous piece of spoken or written language , especially one with recognizable beginning
and ending.
a. text b. discourse c. writing d. reading
6. It is the pragmatic process of meaning negotiation. Text is its product.
a. text b. discourse c. writing d.reading
7. A ______ provides a set of possible statements about a given area, and organizes and gives
structure to the manner in which particular topic, object, process is to be talked about.
a. text b. discourse c. speech d. data
8. It is usually a stretch, an extract or complete piece of writing or speech.
a. text b. discourse c. sentence d. paragraph
9. the word text was derived from a latin word which means to ______.
a. weave b. tell c. write d. read
10. Which of the following is an example of discourse?
a. song b. sermon d. novel
11. The stage of generating ideas; also known as ideation or invention stage
a. prewriting b. publishing c. revising d. editing
12. Nonstop writing for a set period of time; one’s flow of words never ceases
a. drafting b. brainstorming c. free writing d. idea mapping
13. Allows one to connect the ideas about a topic by thinking of related ideas through lines and
a. brainstorming b. clustering c. topic outlining d. free writing
14. The stage at which you share your work with others
a. publishing b. proofreading c. prewriting d. drafting
15. During this stage, your goal is to organize the facts and details you have accumulated into
unified paragraph; this stage involves turning your ideas into paragraph
a. editing b. presenting c. drafting d. proofreading

16. Which one is not a technique in selecting and organizing information?

a. brainstorming b. graphic organizers c. outlining d. prewriting
17. Which one states a benefit of making a brainstorming list?
a. it helps you to recall ideas you might have about the topic allows you to write complete sentences about the topic
c. it restricts you to the sequence of ideas
d. all of the above
18. Which of the following phrases should be included in your brainstorming list about the
topic”A parent should stay at home to raise his or her children”?
a. more opportunities to chat with the neighbors
b.longer sleep
c. quality time with the children
d. updates on TV shows
19. _______ means to provide enough reasons and proof to convince the reader that a certain
opinion is valid.
a. definition b. exemplification c. narration d. persuasion
20. ______ means to find the reasons that produced a certain result or to identify the results
produced by a certain phenomenon.
a. compare/contrast b. problem/solution c. cause/effect d. process
21. This pattern of development somewhat describes how, when, and where an event or
occurrence actually happened
a. definition b. exemplification c. narration d. persuasion
22. the pattern of development which goes into details about a specific object, person, or
location, in order to firmly set its appearance.
a. description d. definition c. exemplification d. narration
23. It provides examples and illustrations in order to further clarify or explain the concept or
subject matter.
a. description d. definition c. exemplification d. narration
24. organizes ideas based on how events,places, people, things, and concepts are similar to or
different from one another.
a. compare/contrast b. problem/solution c. cause/effect d. process
25. explains why something happens or what results a particular event produces
a. compare/contrast b. problem/solution c. cause/effect d. process
26. A pattern of development which presents step by step procedure on how to do something.
a. compare/contrast b. problem/solution c. cause/effect d. process
27. This simply provides a meaning of term or any concept.
a. description d. definition c. exemplification d. narration
28. This property of a text is achieved when the ideas are logically and accurately arranged.
a. organization b. mechanics c. cohesion d. language-used
51. this property of a well-written text refers to sets of conventions on how to spell,
abbreviate,punctuate, capitalize and correct grammar.
a. organization b. mechanics c. cohesion d. language-used
29. The following must be observed in the language used except_______.
a. clear language b. concise language c. concrete language d. clichés
30. This occurs when a composition focuses on one central idea.
a. mechanics b. unity c. cohesion d. coherence
31. The first section of a composition, it should include the topic sentence and any other
sentences that give background information or provide a transition.
a. body b. introduction c. conclusion. d. title
32. It follows the introduction, discusses the controlling idea, using facts, arguments,
analysis,examples, or other information.
a. body b. introduction c. conclusion. d. title
33. What are you going to use if you are ask to write an application letter?
a. informal language b. formal language c. jargon d. all of the above

34. It is writing done in a workplace context to enable and support the work of a company (i.e,
buying, selling, and making profits).
a. academic writing b. professional writing c. formal writing
35. Point of view used in academic writing.
a. First person b. second person c. third person
36. It is any writing done to fulfill a requirement of a college or university.
a. academic writing b. professional writing c. formal writing
37. Essay that outlines and briefly describes your country’s/delegation’s stance on the topic
being debated.
a. book review b. critique paper c. position paper
38. It is a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style and merit.
a. book review b. critique paper c. position paper
39. It is both a summary and explanation of the complete and current state of knowledge on a
limited topic as found in academic books and journal articles.
a. book review b. literature review c. position paper
40. Where is professional writing used?
a. school b. home c. workplace
41. These are claims made to rebut a previous claim. They provide a contrasting perspective to
the main argument.
a. assertions b. evidence c. counterclaims
42. It is defined as the details given by the author to support his / her claim.
a. assertions b. evidence c. counterclaims
43. This is a statement that can be proven objectively by direct experience, testimonies of
witnesses, verified observations, or the results of research.
a. convention b. preference c. fact
44. They are based on facts, but are difficult to objectively verify because of the uncertainty of
producing satisfactory proofs of soundness.
a. convention b. opinion c. fact
45. They are based on personal choice; therefore, they are subjective and cannot be objectively
proven or logically attacked.
a. preference b. fact c. convention
46. A type of reading whereby the reader analyzes and interpret the reading material to know if it
presents logical ideas and connection of ideas.
a. simple reading b. critical reading c. analytical reading
47. A process used by a reader to understand an idea that the author does not state explicitly.
a. getting the main idea b. summarizing c. inferring
48. It is figuring out much more than what an author says directly.
a. drawing conclusion b. inferring c. summarizing
49. Which of the following definitions of a claim is inaccurate?
a. gives background facts and information b. gives motivation toward the claim opinion about a subject that can be supported with reasons and evidence
50. Which of the following can be considered as evidence?
a. The Civil War was more important than the American Revolution.
b. Pearl Harbor was attacked on Dec. 7,1941.
c. Everyone has heard about the Gulf War.
51. Why is it important to have reasons and evidences to support an argument?
a. to make your argument believable.
b. to make the reader disagree with you
c. to make everyone agree with you
52. Which is not an example of the importance of including claims in your writing?
a. to make others feel bad about their opinion
b. to persuade others to agree with your side
c. to express your opinions
53. The appeal to popularity is arguing that a claim must be true because…
a. no one has rejected it
b. a substantial number of people believe it
c. no one has proven it false

54.Which of these makes the best thesis statement?

a I’ve lived in a small town my entire life and have enjoyed it.
b.Living in a big city has many headaches.
c.Living in a small town has many advantages in comparison to living in a big city.
d.In contrast to living in a big city, I enjoy living in a smaller town because I have closer
relationships with my neighbors and the pace of life is much healthier.
Textual Evidence
55-57. Beth and her mom went to the place she has never been visited. This was a special day
because she had never been to a this place before. They bought peanuts and went to their seats.
She saw clowns, jugglers, and people on trapezes. There were elephants, lions and tigers. It was
a very exciting day for Beth.
Q: Where did they go?( 55.)________ Evidence: (56-57)________________________

58-60. Today I was late for my volleyball game. Mom pulled the car over several times to study
the map she had printed off the internet. Mom even made me go into a convenience store to see
if I could get some help in there. When we finally got to the gym, the girls on my team were
almost finished warming up.
Q: Why was the student late for the game?(58.) ___________ Evidence :(59-

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