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Special Banana Turon

Rhowan Jhenny Cyla Cayaban
Lorievie S. Devera
Wenbell S. Yarcia
Jhoana C. Angel
Business Plan

I. Banana Turon- is a popular Filipino snack that’s sweet, crunchy, and

satisfying that made up of banana.
II. We sell this product through sales talk and online selling in affordable
III. Procedures and Ingredients

 Banana (Saba)

 Lumpia Wrapper

 Brown Sugar

 Cooking oil

1. Peel and coat the banana in brown sugar.

2. Place them in the lumpia wrapper. Fold and lock the wrapper.
3. When they are ready for frying, put the cooking oil in hot pan and add the
turon and fry until it turns to golden brown.
4. When done, remove from heat and drain the oil.
5. Lastly, serve and enjoy!

IV. Financial Statement

Quantity Description Price Total

1 kilo Banana 50 50

2 Lumpia Wrapper 10 20

½ kilo Brown Sugar 20 20

1 Cooking Oil 30 30


V. Conclusion
We therefore conclude that our product is very delicious and
healthy because we cook this recipe with full of love.

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