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Concept of Religious Unity

Being is becoming...
[First let there be a joyful music preferable nature music, chirping of birds.. and so
on… There is tree in the centre…..people bring in different religions and hangs it in
the branches…and the commentary goes up to here*
Mahatma Gandhi, father of our nation said, Religion is one tree with many branches.
As branches you may say religions are many, as a tree, religion is only one.
Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams. They have different names but all contain water.
Religions have different names, but all contain truth. Swami Vivekananda said: by the
study of different religions, we find that in essence they are one. Essentially every
religions seeks that one and true God, though different paths.
Bridges don’t fall from the sky, they don’t rise form the ground, but people build them.
Every religions should help to build bridges to reach and to uphold the one humanity
we all share.*
[Slowly pleasant music fadeout... terror or fear music fade in…and increases…A
person with Big axe in hand walks in…and cut the tree… then all the dancers are cut
of cut off from the centre dancer .. commentary is read at the background until **]
To devote your life to the good of all and happiness of all is the religion. Whatever you
do for your own sake is not religion….
Here lies the biggest threat to the religious harmony. When people entertain the
narrow vision of their own religion as ultimate, they cause division, conflicts and
[Then the person goes to the centre and laughs loudly all side dancers take up blinders
and fights with each other…and falls.. commentary is read at back till ****]
Lies are told repeatedly to brainwash the adherents, and they create a group of blinded
followers who shun the humanity for the sake of one religion. Cut the humanity into
pieces…shatters the truth….
The collective consciousness of human history is replete with such heinous incidents
of inflicted cruelty to the humanity…. History repeats… such episodes…..***
Now there is silence.. a slow harmony music id fading in ….all the fallen dancers wake
up trying to get back the original unity…commentary is read until ****
According to Swami Vivekananda… Religion is realisation, not talk, nor doctrines, nor
theories, however beautiful they may be, it is being and becoming….
If then, As we mark the great legacy of the Francis of Assisi, who prayed and asked
us to become an instrument of peace to build bridges…
And on this day, when we celebrate the birthday of a great soul of the country who
proclaimed, My religion is based on truth and non-violence… truth is my God, and
non-violence is the means to realize him…
And through the words of Pope Francis, all religions want peace, but it is others who
want war!
We wish that that everyone may wake up into to the realization that essence of every
religion is the values that seeks and promote true humanity, in peace, love and
[Here begins the song make me an instrument of peace…hey can forgo initial dance
formation…and perhaps. Try out new formation with lighted lamps… if it is night…don’t
play the full song…fade out slowly song after second stanza ….and let the final words
of commentary begin…]
Along with this humble saint of Assisi, with his call for ecumenical, ecological,
humanitarian conversion, let us all pray for greater unity, peace and harmony in the
world … Let us try to be one and become an instrument of peace! Being is
[ Make a meaningful formation with the dancers. The End]

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