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RAYMUNDO, Raphael T.


Service Learning Journal #2

Last July 27, 2019, Saturday was the day wherein we were able to conduct our service
learning activity at Most Holy Trinity Parish located in Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila. The
whole duration of the activity lasted for almost 2.5 hours. Our group’s audience (Group 2) as the
kids ages below 13 years old. Our big group (Groups 1-3) overall audience was really Senior
High School, however because of a change in that day, the number of participations became
limited and we were not able to stick with our original plan – to cater all the Senior High

In relation to the CSRGOVE subject, this type of learning activity is a type of activity
wherein I was able to apply different theories and frameworks that we have discussed in the
class. One is the Framework of Justice and Fairness wherein we were able to become equitable
which means that we have able to split the benefits and burden to our audience so everyone
would have the same amount of shares. Everyone is equal – in our prizes and in the games that
we have conducted. Also, the idea of Utilitarianism wherein our group chose the best alternative
that would benefit our audience and were able to create justice and fairness and maximum
happiness to our audience. Now, as I stated in the 1st reflection, their original concern really is
the lack of equipments – specifically the speakers because their community conducts various
activities or events. This hinders them to be productive enough and this force them to borrow
from others. However, with the actual service activity, we were not able to address their concern
because we do not want to shell out money in order to fulfill their specific need, however we
were able to think of best alternative that would cater what we think is more important what will
not involve shelling out money – the happiness of our audience by providing them games and at
the same time, education.

This service learning activity is very meaningful to me for my stay in college. I was able to
immerse myself with different types of people. I was able to see the different side of life and to
witness the marginalized sector with what they do in their life and how can they manage to be
happy despite with their problems in life. I learned to be more considerate enough and to always
be better and to be humble with what you have. Always appreciate the blessings that God
continues to give us and to make actions that can benefit also other people in the society. Here, I
can say that I become more sociable enough to mingle with other types of people. I can say that I
can get along with them also, that we are all equal and that I can be more responsible enough to
always be thankful. That is the skill that I have acquired – immersing effectively with people. It
gained me confidence also.

Our project wherein our group also conducted free accounting and resume skills to the
Senior High students is really helpful for their life especially Accounting is a must course that
should be learn by people. Managing financially will be very helpful for them in the future and
also, with the knowledge that they have learned, they can also influence others to value
education. As a student, this is a long-run project for them and for us also. This is not a very hard
project so this can be replicated effectively by the community if they will use their resources
effectively also. With the games, though it is a short-term only, but if the community replicated
this in almost every week then the emotional state of the community will increase in a positive

As a Lasallian, I was able to bring the value of community service, concern for the poor
and social justice. I became more aware to the needs of other community and what will I do in
order me to socially contribute to their needs on life. With the concern for the poor and social
injustices, we value the importance of education that is why we gave them free lessons so that
they can able to see that education is really an important aspect in our lives. Social injustices
were able to seen here, however as a student, I was able to give them joy by being myself and by
conducting activities that will make them happy and forget the challenges in life for a while.

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