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Petalio, Kayle Ann C.


GLOBALIZATION: A Secret Weapon for Feminist

By Jessica Neuwirth

(A Synthesis)

Globalization has brought big difference to the world and to the people. A simple click and
sharing of information through various technologies and media can reach millions of people
around the world similar to how foreign products reach other countries and its citizens. That was
because of Globalization.

The word “Globalization” can imply either a positive or negative effects to different context
depending on how it has behaved. It is a positive word in corporate context and challenging in
political context, yet in view of women’s movement it is a negative word for it brought harm to
women in different forms. That is why it is perceived as something that they need to be fought.
Though it has been said that” To oppose globalization is an exercise of futility” or it is nonsense
to fight globalization because it is powerful and it cannot be stopped, and even though it made
women more inferior, it also helps in creating a fundamental political reform to which it will
give betterment for the women. Despite of globalizing world, the government still cannot cope
up with its effects that changed the balance and distribution of power. They still struggle to have
control unlike transnational corporations who still have control over regulating corporate conduct
and curbing abuses. That is because of internet that, as a result of globalization, have been
intensely use for worldwide crimes through the web despite of the implemented laws. It is
because, globalization and internet are of the same line; they have no controls and knows no
limitations. Government, also, has less control over corporations because their power are limited.
While government represents the public, corporations have themselves to be represented and are
accountable only to shareholders. However, as corporations and their code of conduct continue
to be great globally, the growing influence of transnational money and power will be regulated in
goodness of corporate mandate.

In view of women's movement, globalization has brought organization across continents and
enable mobilization of international solidarity. It has strengthened connections among women
and any other organizations that aims for the wellness of women and the internet, actually, have
played great role for it created on effective and permanent networking capacity. Through
internet, online campaigns and protest about issues of violation against women have brought
awareness to mankind and created a voice in public that want to stop the violations. On the other
hand, women were slowly recognise for a greater representation across the world.

The idea of multinational and transnational criminal justice has been furthered by
globalization, so that brutal dictators and genocidal maniacs can be held accountable for such
crimes they have committed against people, especially women. By means of this, it can be
described that decisions related to human rights can go beyond national boundaries. Women
were able to raise the inclusion of different forms of violence against women among any other
human rights violations to be discussed in the new vision of justice without border.

Globalisation is also concern in ending the armed conflicts, may it be national or local, in the
world. Women's role in this type of context is to make peace negotiation to the pursuit of world
peace. By this, it has been finally acknowledged the value of women in susatining development.
However, globalization has also cause unfairness in between some women who have less
capacity to access electronic communication technology. Because of globalization, as well, some
women were left out of basic education, that is why some of them don't know how to read and
write. Yet, for those women who have access to electronic communications, globalization is a
positive thing.

New institutions are likely to be much more successful on promoting the cause of justice and
other basic human rights than the existing political power institutions. Despite of the effort of
women's movement to gain equality for all women, there are still countries who deprive women
for their rights such as the right to vote. The pressure exerted by globalization on traditional
structures provides an external catalyst for possible sweeping reforms, which otherwise would
not be within the short term scope of possibility. Instead of watching the status quo transfer
establised patriarchal dynamics to new control methods, the global women's movement can
provide an alternative vision of influence, provide a response to globalization focused on its
strengths and embrace a world without frontiers.

Globalization is a deceptive term like democracy, in theory and in practice, wearing different
definitions. Its current reality is alarming yet promising theory is alive. The transformative
political challenges created by globalization provide an opportunity to take power and redefine it.
Media are more international and accessible and free now than before that is because of the
changes that globalization has brought. The concept of globalization can be the medium of doing
justice or the other way around.

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