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Definition about changing direction

Changing direction is a situation in which someone starts doing something completely new or

b. Reason
1) Disatisfication with current position
2) Job is unfullfilling
3) Skills are not being used to their full potential
4) Job is highly stressful
5) Poor work or life balance
6) Disatisfication with the salary


1) Because when you changing direction is impressed you are not consistance with a job
2) You are impressed like you are less grateful for a job that you have
3) You are impressed like you are less grateful for the salary that you get
4) If you changing your career you are not necessary get the better job

c. Advantage
1) You will be more engaged in your new career as its something you have a high level of interest
in and allows you to use your specific set of skills.
2) Changing careers helps you gain expertise in a new area and can make you suitable for a wider
range of job opportunities in the future. It also shows employers that you’re adaptable and
not afraid of change
3) Give you opportunity to get to know a whole different crowd of people and expand your
career network.
4) We will gain new knowledge and abilities from companies.

d. Disadvantages
1) Because there are so many career opportunities available, you may be tempted to change job
a roles too frequently. This can have a negative effect in a long term, as employers may worry
that you won’t stay in any new role for very long.
2) Prospective employers may have concerns about you suitability for the role if you have
swapped career paths more than once, as it can indicate that you are not soon what direction
your career is taking.
3) When you make a career change you will be starting from scratch and will need to be prepared
for the fact that moving up the career ladder within your new industry will likely take longer
than it would have if you had stayed in your first career.
4) The skills are not optimal because they don’t have consistency in a job so they don’t have
e. Facts about changing direction
1) To change direction completely often means that people need to learn new skills and abilities.
2) In the first time when you changing your career people will thinking if you are a kind of bored
person, and people think it can inhibit your successful way.
3) Sometimes your try is not balance with your result.
4) Changing direction/career because the job is hits just temporary.
5) We will be more reliable in adapting to new regulations, producers and strategies in new
companies that will certainly improve skills
6) Getting new friends from various fields of work and will increase social skills.
7) When you change jobs you may be rejected and not always accepted.

f. Resource relevant with your opinion


g. Example of people

Positive : jokowi
Negative : abang ferdi

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