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Stefan Boltzmann Law

Karthikeyan R 1:04 PM

Stefan Boltzmann law

What is Stefan Boltzmann Law?

According to Stefan Boltzmann law, the amount of radiation emitted per unit time from an area A of a black
body at absolute temperature T is directly proportional to the fourth power of the temperature.

u = s A T4 ….. (13.1)

where s is Stefan’s constant = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2k4

A body which is not a black body absorbs and hence emit less radiation, given by equation (3.1).

For such a body, u=eσAT4 …..(13.2)

where e = emissivity (which is equal to absorptive power) which lies between 0 to 1

With the surroundings of temperature T0, net energy radiated by an area A per unit time.

Δu=u−u0=eσA(T4−T40) ….(13.3)

Also Read

ConductionRadiationNewton’s Law of Cooling

Stefan Boltzmann Law relates the temperature of the blackbody to the amount of the power it emits per unit
area. The law states that “The total energy emitted/radiated per unit surface area of a blackbody across all
wavelengths per unit time is directly proportional to the fourth power of the black body’s thermodynamic
temperature. ”


Derivation of Stefan Boltzmann Law

The total power radiated per unit area over all wavelengths of a black body can be obtained by integrating
Plank’s radiation formula. Thus, the radiated power per unit area as a function of wavelength is:

Where, I GEO

P is Power radiated.A is the surface area of a blackbody.λ is the wavelength of emitted radiation.h is Planck’s
constantc is the velocity of lightk is Boltzmann’s constantT is temperature.

On simplifying we get:


On integrating both the sides with respect to λ and applying the limits we get-


, the integrated power after separating the constants is:

PA=2πhc2∫∞0⎡⎣⎢dλλ5(ehcλkT−1)⎤⎦⎥ —(1)

This can be solves analytically by substituting:


Therefore, dx=−hcλ2kTdλ ⇒h=xλkTc ⇒c=xλkTh



As a result of substituting them in equation (1)

⇒PA=2π(xλkTc)(xλkTh)2∫∞0[(−λ2kThc)dxex−1] =2π(x3λ5k4T4h3c2λ5)∫∞0[dxex−1]


The above equation can be comparable to the standard form of integral


Thus, substituting the above result we get,

PA=2π(kT)4h3c2π415 ⇒PA=(2k4π515h3c2)T4

On further simplifying we get,


Thus, we arrive at a mathematical form of Stephen Boltzmann law:

Where, I GEO

ε=PA σ=(2k4π515h3c2)=(5.670×108wattsm2K4)

This quantum mechanical result could efficiently express the behavior of gases at low temperature, that
classical mechanics could not predict!

Class comments

vijay kumar 1:10 PM

Sir ,ithu 16 mark question ah sir?

Manobala D 1:12 PM
Ama 16 mark que

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