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Tax Administration B

Dialogue A ( Page 57 )

1. Where are the two speakers, and what is their relationship?

2. Paraphrase Mr. Sorensen’s word in line 6.
3. What is Mr. Sorensen’s attidtude in line 9-10 when he says, “An interesting ‘grocery’
list, Mister Jackson!” Do you see a change in the level of formality here?
4. Why do Mr. Sorensen and Richard leave the room?
5. What upset Mr. Sorensen the most?
6. How did Richard respond to Mr. Sorensen’s anger?
7. Mr. Sorensen did not hear Richard’s last remark. What do you think the result would
be if he had?


1. They are talking in the classroom, and they are teacher – student.
2. Mr. Sorensen doesn’t trust to Richard’s answer.
3. Mr. Sorensen do sarcasm on that line.
4. Because Mr. Sorensen want to talk with Richard personally.
5. Because Richard does not admit that he was cheating and he lied about the
grocery list.
6. Richard grumbling to himself and say taboo word.
7. Mr. Sorensen will punish him harder.
Dialogue B ( Page 57)
1. Why is Melanie upset in line 5? (two reason)
2. How does Carole fix up the argument? Does she apologize?
3. Are the women in the dialogue close friend? How can you tell?


1. Reason a : because Carole broke a promise that she should bring Melanie’s book
Reason b : because Melanie can’t study for the test
2. Carole assured Melanie that she would take her book after seeing the show.
Carole doesn’t apologize but she will buy a pizza as a symbol of apologize
3. Yes, because Melanie know excatly how far Carole’s home from the show and their
conversation seem so chummy
Dialogue C ( page 59 )

1. Who are the two characters in this dialogue, where are they and what time is it?
2. Why is Mr. Walters angry? How does he express his anger in the first two lines?
How does Mrs. Hudson respond ? why do you think she respond this way?
3. What new tactic does Mr. Walters use in lines 6-8? How successful is this tactic?
4. What other tactic does Mr. Walters use in line 10-12? Is this any more successful?
5. Who is Mrs. Hudson talking to in lines 20-21? Line 22-24?


1. The two characters in the dialogue is Mr. Walters and Mrs. Hudson. They are doing
that convertation in an alley between two houses from each bedroom window. It’s one
2. He become angry because Mrs Hudson’s dog is so noisy and he has trouble when he
is trying to sleep. He rebulks her and tell the reason. She doesn’t appologize but she
throws other argument. In my opinion, she was disturbed too as a result of the scream
from Mr. Walter cat’s.
3. He threats Mrs. Hudson that he will finish off his noisy dog.
4. He tell again that barking dog at night can be a good reason for someone to kill a dog.
But this tactic still doesnt affect to Mrs. Hudson.
5. He talking to his dog and (line 20-21)
He talking to Mrs Hudson (line 22-24)
Make a dialogue Between 2 (Two) people express your anger in
different ways!

Renata : “Oh my gosh! My helmet is gone. How could this happen to me?
Agasi : “What's up Re? Why are you screaming like that?”
Renata : “Look, my helmet has been lost like swallowed by earth!”
Agasi : “How come?”
Renata : “I don’t get it, a few minutes ago I went to buy chocolate at the store
and suddenly my helmet was gone This is really annoying. You know, I just
bought it yesterday!”
Agasi : “Be patient, let me ask the parking operator.”
Renata : “Moreover,Why did you go? You’re supposed to stay at here.”
Agasi : “I just needed to pee. Please don’t be mad at me.”
Renata : “You also annoying too, hurry up and ask him!”
Agasi : “Be patient, we will fix it together.”
Renata : “Go away please.”
(Agasi asked the parking operator, in his opinion renata’s helmet was moved to
the corner of the store terrace because the rain would fall.)
Agasi : “This is your helmet,boo. it just put in there so it doesn't get rained on
Renata : “Wow, here it is, thank you the apple of my eyes!”

Renata : Astaga! Helm ku hilang. Bisa bisanya hal ini terjadi padaku?
Agasi : ada apa Re? Kenapa kamu teriak teriak begitu?
Renata : Lihatlah helm ku udah hilang ditelan bumi.
Agasi : kok bisa ?
Renata : aku tak mengerti, barusan aku pergi membeli coklat di toko itu dan
setlahnya tau tau helm ku sudah hilang Ini benar benar menjengkelkan. Padahal
baru kubeli kemarin
Agasi : sabar sabar, coba ku tanyain abang tukang parkir
Renata : lagian kamu kemana aja barusan? Kan kamu udah janji mau
nungguin disini.
Agasi : aku barusan kebelet pipis ye maap lah
Renata : sebel sebel sebel. Cepetan tanyain tukang parkirnya!
Agasi : tenang, kuyakin kita bisa menyelesaikan masalah ini
Renata : yaudah sana
(Agasi menanyakan kepada tukang paarkir, menurutnya helm renata dipindah ke
teras toko karena hujan akan turun.)
Agasi : nih beb helm kamu, Cuma ditaruh situ kok biar gak kehujanan
Renata : eh begitu ya, terimakash bos!

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