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Body Hacks School Protocol


The primary body tissues that change during growth are muscle, adipose and bone. The
major difference between sexes is reflected in the greater increase in subcutaneous adipose
tissue in females and a greater increase in muscle mass in males. Body size and proportions
change as a result of skeletal and muscular growth and differences in the amount and
distribution of fat, the primary determinant of longevity and physical performance is the
nutrition and pliability training between the ages of 6-17 years old.


Lean body mass includes muscle, the weight of the internal organs, the skeleton, and small
amounts of structural fat. Growth in lean body mass is primarily due to an increase in
muscle mass. At birth, 25 percent of the body’s weight is muscle, but in adulthood, muscle
mass accounts for about 40 percent of body weight (Chumlea, 1993).

During childhood, lean body mass increases at a comparable rate in boys and girls and is
equivalent between them until 13 years. After 13 years, the lean body mass of boys starts
to increase very rapidly and reaches a maximum rate of growth late in adolescence. For
girls, gains in lean body mass are attained by 15 years.
Overall, the total period of growth for lean body mass in boys is about twice as long
compared to girls. As a result, the amount of lean body mass is significantly greater in boys
(Forbes, 1986).

Lean body mass is positively associated with stature. In other words, at the same level of
maturity, a taller child has a larger amount of lean body mass than a shorter child.
However, after puberty, boys have a greater absolute amounts of lean body mass than girls,
regardless of stature (Chumlea, 1993).

The majority of body fat is stored as subcutaneous adipose tissue. The remaining fat is
deposited around the internal organs and visceral parts of the body. Again, gender and
optimal nutrition and physical activity plays a role in distribution and thickness.

Growth of adipose tissue primarily occurs in the subcutaneous or storage compartment of

the body. During childhood, girls have more fat than boys and vary in the deposition and
patterning of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the arms, legs and trunk (Johnston, et al.
1974; Chumlea, 1993).

During adolescence, the amount of adipose tissue and fat patterning becomes more
pronounced between the sexes. In boys, muscle and bone grow at a faster rate than fat.
This causes the overlying subcutaneous tissue on the extremities to be stretched thinner
and explains why skinfold measures taken on the arms and legs are reduced. It is
interesting to note that the subscapular skinfold (taken on the torso) continues to increase.

In girls, growth of adipose tissue, muscle and bone are comparable, which is reflected by an
increase to occur in the subcutaneous adipose tissue on the arms and legs. Adipose tissue is
also added to breasts, buttocks, thighs, and across the back of the arms (Johnston, et al.
1974; Chumlea, 1993).

There are three types of bones in the skeleton: long, round or irregular, and flat bones.
Long bones are in the arms and legs. Round or irregular bones are carpals of the wrist,
tarsals in the ankle, and the vertebrae. Flat bones are found mainly in the vault of the skull
and the pelvis.
The long bones of the legs and the vertebrae are a major locations for growth in height.
Bone growth is constant until the adolescent growth spurt. Late in adolescence, bone
growth declines. After 18 years of age for girls and 20 years in boys, the growth plates
(epiphyses) at the end of most long bones have fused to the shafts (diaphyses). This is
because cartilage of the growth plates, where growth in bone length occurs, has been
replaced by bone which prevents any further elongation (Chumlea, 1993).


• Fat-free mass. A major component of fat-free mass (FFM) is skeletal muscle — the major
work-performing tissue of the body. FFM is important for activity that requires force to be
exerted against an object, such as throwing or a football, lifting weights, or hitting a
baseball. On the other hand, a large FFM can be a limiting factor if the body must be
projected (vertical jump) or moved across space (running). Relationships between FFM and
performance and long term function and health have been shown to decline with inadequate
nutrition and more importantly, unaddressed minor injury and.
As expected, strength is significantly related to FFM during male adolescence. High
correlations (independent of weight and height) between FFM and grip strength have been
shown in 6 - to 14-year-old boys. Data on adolescent girls is limited (Malina, 1992).

• Fat mass. Fat has a negative impact on performance. Excess fat is associated with
reduced capacity for physical work, decreased longevity and increased rate of injury and
represents an inert load (dead weight) that must be moved. It also interferes with
cardiovascular work and respiratory function. During childhood and adolescence, relative
fatness and skinfold thickness are inversely related to performance tasks that require
projection or movement of the body through space, such as running, pull-ups and the long
jump. Just as with physique, as body fat increases the influence of fat on performance is
more pronounced (Malina, 1992).
In general, children who are regularly involved in specific physical activity (Body Hacks
Systems©) have more FFM and less fat than those who are not regularly active. It appears
that body composition changes in response to short-term training programs (Body Hacks
Systems©) creates major changes in FFM (Malina, 1992).


Statistics show that only 30 percent of boys and 15 percent of girls between the ages of 6
and 16 compete in an organized sports program sometime during the year. At the high
school level, there are 32 boys' and 27 girls' sports, with seven million high school students
participating (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 2002). Beyond organized
programs, there are millions more young children who participate in physical education,
community programs, clubs, and other recreational physical activities.

Daily physical activity (PE) for youth, or its equivalent, is in sharp decline. It is alarming that
only 8 percent of elementary schools and 6 percent of middle/junior and senior
high schools require daily physical education or its equivalent for the entire school
year for students in all grades in the school. The elementary schools which do require
PE average only 150 min./week of physical activity; the secondary schools average of 225

Statistics on children's activity levels in the USA are presented here.

Children's Activity Levels
• Fewer than 1 in 4 children get 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week, and less than
1 in 4 get at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

• Children watch an average 4 hours of television per day.

• 85% of children travel to school by car or bus — only 13% of children walk or bike to school.

Source: CDC, School Health Policies and Programs Study, 2017.

Mounting empirical evidence exists to support that if physical training begins too late in a
child's life that he or she is unlikely to reach full genetic potential and longevity is reduced
between 17 - 39 percent.
Of course, athletes “peak” at different times. Any approach to determining age-
appropriateness for sports must consider the level of basic motor skills, maturation and
social, emotional and cognitive capability (Dyment, 1990; Sharkey, 1990).
The major goal for children should be enjoyable participation with the underlying goal of
maximizing genetic potential.

There is progressive improvement in the development of motor skills throughout childhood
and adolescence. The preschool child can perform some of the following tasks: throwing,
kicking, running, jumping, catching, striking, hopping, and skipping. By elementary school,
the child can perform most all of these skills. The child continues to refine these motor skills
through repetitive practice (Seefeldt, 1982).
At puberty, a gender difference appears. Girls reach a plateau around age 14 and
performance on certain skills, such as the flex-arm hang, sit-ups and leg lifts show little
improvement thereafter. Boys progressively improve on those skills that require strength
and power. However, skills such as dribbling and catching a ball continue to improve until
puberty, when these skills reach a plateau (Branta, et al., 1984; Bodie, 1985). One must
ask, how are these skills being developed today in the absence of regular daily physical
training? The current injury rate for non life threatening incidents resulting in loss of
physical ability for more than 48 hours has risen to 61 percent of school children within one
academic year between the ages of 6 - 17 years old.

There is an optimal time for training, by correlating improvements in physical activity to
sexual maturation and the growth spurt, it has been proven that longevity and long term
function along with much more rapid growth in strength and motor skills occurs when
injuries are reduced or eliminated and training is done specifically to include all three facets
of the movement pyramid (CNS Function, Tissue Function, Mechanical Function).
During adolescence, biological maturity relates to strength and motor performance. Early-
maturing boys are stronger than average and late-maturing peers from preadoles- cence
through adolescence. The strength differences are especially apparent between 13 and 16
years of age, and the strength advantage for the early-maturing boys reflects hormonal
changes, increased body size, and muscle mass. Boys advanced in maturity appear to
maintain their strength advantage (Beunen, et al., 1988).
During adolescence, early-maturing girls are also stronger than their late-maturing peers.
The early-maturing girl shows a rapid increase in strength through 13 years of age, and
then improves only slightly. By contrast, the late maturer improves in strength gradually
between 11 and 16 years. For both groups, by age 16 to 17 years, strength levels are
comparable (Beunen, et al., 1988).
Boys advanced in biological maturity also tend to perform better in a variety of motor tasks
than less-mature boys. This is especially evident in activities that require power and
strength (e.g. explosive movements). On the other hand, later maturation by girls is often
associated with superior motor performance (Beunen, et al., 1988).
From a practical maximal development standpoint, you can estimate the athletic capabilities
of children, since young athletes need training regimens that are in keeping with their
individual stages of development. The optimal age for training can be accurately predicted
as between 6 - 19 years old to maximize genetic potential and exploit longevity.

General Guidelines for Age-Appropriate Activities

Children are likely to show natural preferences for certain sports or activities. En- courage
parents and coaches to start there, being careful to keep the child’s skill level, maturity and sport
readiness in mind.

Ages 2 to 5: Toddlers and preschoolers are beginning to master many basic move- ments, but
they’re too young for most types of organized sports. At this age, unstructured free play is
usually best.

• Running • Climbing • Kicking

• Tumbling

• Dancing
• Playing catch with a lightweight ball
• Pedaling a tricycle or bike w/training wheels • Supervised water play

Ages 6 to 7: As children get older, their coordination and attention spans improve. They’re also
better able to follow directions and understand the concept of team- work. Consider organized
activities such as:

• T-ball, softball or baseball • Soccer

• Gymnastics
• Swimming

• Tennis
• Golf
• Track and field • Martial arts

Ages 8 and older: By age 8, nearly any sport — including contact sports — may be acceptable.
Carefully supervised strength training is OK at this age, too.

Nutrition Numbers for Active Kids and Teens

The distribution of macronutrients recommended for active kids and child athletes is much
the same as for less active peers with the exception of caloric variability which is taken into
account in the Body Hacks System©.
Protein aids muscle recovery when consumed after exercise and should account for 10% to
15% of calories. Recommendations for total protein intakes are 0.95 g/kg/day for kids aged
4 to 13 and 0.85 g/kg/day for adolescents aged 14 to 18 for maximum strength, growth
and function.

Carbohydrate is the most important source of energy for an active child or adolescent and
should represent 55% of calories (more on heavy training days), about 5 to 8 g/kg of body

Fat should account for 25% to 30% of total calories. High-fat foods may cause discomfort if
eaten too close to the start of physical activity, but some fat is needed on a regular basis for
growth. Emphasize healthful fat that’s found in avocados, tuna, canola oil, soy, and nuts.

Fluid intake should be supervised and monitored during and after physical activity. This
should result in an hourly fluid intake of 13 mL/kg (6 mL/lb). Fluid replacement postexercise
should include about 4 mL/kg (2 mL/lb) for each hour of activity. More is needed for kids
who sweat heavily.

Macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein and fats, provide the fuel for physical
activity and sports participation.

Carbohydrates are the most important fuel source for athletes because they provide the
glucose used for energy. One gram of carbohydrate contains approximately four kilocalories
of energy. Glucose is stored as glycogen in muscles and liver. Muscle glycogen is the most
readily available energy source for working muscle and can be released more quickly than
other energy sources and when limited or ineffective, will lead to injury and loss of genetic
potential invariably limiting growth. Carbohydrates should comprise 45% to 65% of total
caloric intake for four- to 18-year-olds. Good sources of carbohydrates include whole grains,
vegetables, fruits, milk and yogurt.

Proteins build and repair muscle, hair, nails and skin. For mild exercise and exercise of short
duration, proteins do not act as a primary source of energy. However, as exercise duration
increases, proteins help to maintain blood glucose through liver gluconeogenesis. One gram
of protein provides four kilocalories of energy. Protein should comprise approximately 10%
to 30% of total energy intake for four- to 18-year-olds. Good sources of protein include lean
meat and poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans and nuts, including peanuts.

Fat is necessary to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), to provide essential fatty acids,
protect vital organs and provide insulation. Fat also provides the feeling of satiety. It is a
calorie-dense source of energy (one gram provides nine kilocalories) but is more difficult to
use. Fats should comprise 25% to 35% of total energy intake for four- to 18-year-olds.
Saturated fats should comprise no more than 10% of total energy intake. Good sources of
Developing the Future by Developing our Children

Our Team has combined with specialists all over the world to develop programs and provide resources
to Schools to ensure children have all the advantages physically and environmentally to grow to their
maximum potential.

The following pages show the research in early childhood of how variables can be influenced to provide
the foundation students need to be their best. Academic growth is reliant on physical capabilities and
endurance. When a child is healthy the mind and personality develop. When they excel in physical
activities their confidence increases, which in turn influences their academic life.

Early childhood is essential to develop habits and physical foundations, which play a substantial role later
on in life.

Concurrently the health o the Parents play a large role in Child Development as they are the physical and
nutrition role models to their Children. To encompass those needs our programs reach the adult
population for Cardiovascular Health, Diabetes Health and Minor/Major Injury prevention.

The first part of our manual looks at the variable in development during early childhood from physical
development to body composition, motor skills, sports participation, physical education and nutrition.

The second part looks at how minor injuries have long term consequences and gives examples of how
we teach your team how to predict injuries.

The Third part shows the resources we will bring to your School.

The fourth part shows the organizations we work with and develop programs for.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this brief summary of our programs and what we want to offer
your School. Please send us any questions you have
fat include lean meat and poultry, fish,
nuts, seeds, dairy products, and olive and canola oils. Fat from chips, candy, fried foods and
baked goods should be minimized.

Although there are many vitamins and minerals required for good health, particular
attention should be devoted to ensuring that children between the ages of 6 - 17 years old
consume proper amounts of calcium, vitamin D and iron. Calcium is important for bone
health, normal enzyme activity and muscle contraction. The daily recommended intake of
calcium is 1000 mg/day for four- to eight-year-olds and 1300 mg/day for nine- to 18-year-
olds. Calcium is contained in a variety of foods and beverages, including milk, yogurt,
cheese, broccoli, spinach and fortified grain products.
Vitamin D is necessary for bone health and is involved in the absorption and regulation of
calcium. Current recommendations suggest 600 IU/day for four- to 18-year-olds. Children
are more likely to be vitamin D deficient as opposed to adults. Sources of vitamin D include
fortified foods, such as milk, and sun exposure. Dairy products other than milk, such as
yogurt, do not contain vitamin D.
Iron is important for oxygen delivery to body tissues. During adolescence, more iron is
required to support growth as well as increases in blood volume and lean muscle mass.
Boys and girls 9 to 13 years of age should ingest 8 mg/day to avoid depletion of iron stores
and iron-deficiency anemia. Adolescents 14 to 18 years of age require more iron, up to 11
mg/day for males and 15 mg/day for females. Iron depletion is common in children because
of diets poor in meat, fish and poultry, or increased iron losses in urine, feces, sweat or
menstrual blood. Therefore, children, particularly female children, vegetarians and athletic
youth should be screened periodically for iron status. Iron-rich foods include eggs, leafy
green vegetables, fortified whole grains and lean meat.

Fluids, particularly water, are important nutrients for athletes. Developmental growth,
function, and athletic performance are affected by what, how much and when an child
drinks. Fluids help to regulate body temperature and replace sweat losses during exercise.
Environmental temperature and humidity can affect how much a child sweats and how much
fluid intake is required. Hotter temperatures and higher humidity make a person sweat
more, and more fluid is needed to maintain hydration. Dehydration can decrease
performance, reduce growth, decrease muscle growth and put children at risk for heat
exhaustion or heat stroke.
Proper hydration requires fluid intake before, during and after exercise or activity. The
amount of fluid required depends on many factors, including age and body size. Before
activity, children should consume 400 mL to 600 mL of cold water 2 h to 3 h before their
event. During sporting activities, children should consume 150 mL to 300 mL of fluid every
15 min to 20 min. For events lasting less than 1 h, water is sufficient. For events lasting
longer than 60 min, and/or taking place in hot, humid weather, sports drinks containing 6%
carbohydrates and 20 mEq/L to 30 mEq/L of sodium chloride are recommended to replace
energy stores and fluid/electrolyte losses. Following activity, athletes should drink enough
fluid to replace sweat losses. This usually requires consuming approximately 1.5 L of
fluid/kg of body weight lost. The consumption of sodium-containing fluids and snacks after
exercise helps with rehydration by stimulating thirst and fluid retention. For non-athletes,
routine ingestion of carbohydrate-containing sports drinks can result in consumption of
excessive calories, increasing the risks of overweight and obesity, as well as dental caries
and, therefore, should be avoided.

Recommended minimal fluid intake during and after exercise in active children, based on
the calculation of 13 mL/kg during exercise and 4 mL/kg after exercise

Body weight, kgFluid replacement during exercise, mL/h Fluid replacement after exercise, mL/h
25 325 100
30 390 120
35 455 140
40 520 160
45 585 180
50 650 200
55 715 220
60 780 240

Recovery foods should be consumed within 30 min of exercise, and again within 1 h to 2 h
of exercise, to help reload muscles with glycogen and allow for proper recovery. These foods
should include protein and carbohydrates.

One of the trickiest things to manage is meal planning around events. The timing of meals
is very important. It is important for athletes to discover which foods they like that also help
to maximize performance. They should not experiment with new foods or new routines on
the day of competition.
General guidelines include eating meals a minimum of 3 h before an event to allow for
proper digestion and to minimize incidence of gastrointestinal upset during exercise. Meals
should include carbohydrates, protein and fat. High-fat meals should be avoided before
exercise because they can delay gastric-emptying, make children feel sluggish and thereby
adversely affect performance. For early morning practices or events, having a snack or
liquid meal 1 h to 2 h before exercise, followed by a full breakfast after the event, will help
ensure sufficient energy to maximize performance.
Pre-game snacks or liquid meals should be ingested 1 h to 2 h before an event to allow for
digestion before start of exercise. Snacks can include fresh fruit, dried fruit, a bowl of cereal
with milk, juice or fruit-based smoothies. During an event, sports drinks, fruit or granola
bars can be ingested to help refuel and keep energy levels high.


Optimal nutrition is essential for muscle growth, longevity and functional ability and for
children to maintain proper growth and optimize performance in athletic endeavors. An ideal
diet comprises 45% to 65% carbohydrates, 10% to 30% protein and 25% to 35% fat.
Fluids are very important for maintaining hydration and should be consumed before, during
and after athletic events to prevent dehydration. Timing of food consumption is important to
optimize performance. Meals should be eaten a minimum of 3 h before exercise and snacks
should be eaten 1 h to 2 h before activity. Recovery foods should be consumed within 30
min of exercise and again within 1 h to 2 h of activity to allow muscles to rebuild and ensure
proper recovery.
Injury Prediction in Children for Optimal Growth and Performance Excerpt



 This position loads all three axis through the midline (flexion, extension, rotation)
and will expose suboptimal isometric contraction along all three axis under variable
load. This will show a predisposition to translational shear and rotational shear on
the entire midline. The assessment shows neurological dampening when the load is
altered and the distance from the center of gravity is increased (altered levers). The
shoulder stability is challenged on the support side under axial and rotational load,
and on the active side the loss of flexion and recruitment of torso rotation to
accommodate the final movement. The hip extension on the active side is forced to
work to maximum range without engaging knee flexion to 'finish' the movement
while remaining linear as opposed to external or internal hip rotation. The support
side hip under load and lateral hip stability is challenged during opposite side
movement. The entire system is loaded in both full flexion/extension and contra
lateral movement across the midline.


 A considerable loss of anti flexion, anti extension & anti rotation will be exposed by
seeing the client collapse the midline towards the floor, a loss of anti rotation will be
seen with a rise in height of the Iliac crest and rise of the middle deltoid on the
active arm side.
 The anti extension shows as a pike position or visibly muted hips at the inguinal
 Limited shoulder flexion into a smooth overhead position will cause the elbow to
bend and the humerus to internally rotate in a 'free style' swim position.
 If the hip has a restriction in extension the femur will externally rotate causing the
knee to kick out in a fire hydrant.
 When there's an instability in the hip, the support side is what is observed, the Iliac
crest will kick out lateral on the support side and the knee will valgus.
 On the support side of the shoulder, in the presence of an instability, the elbow will
bend and the hand will spin internally.
 Any midline inefficiency will be seen as a deviation from a linear Spine for the entire
 The wrist will spin into either external or internal rotation to accommodate the
movement because of limited wrist extension.


 Knee injury
 Lumbar extension injury
 Shoulder injury
 Overhead stability injury
 Directional change injury
 SCORING AND FAULTS - pain is always an instant fail.
 GLUTE FAIL - Asymmetrical External Hip Rotation/Loss of Static Hip
Stability/Recruitment of Reflexive Stabilizers as Primary Movers/Motor Pattern
Deficiency/Midline Rotation Recruitment On Hip Extension - Landmarks - Spine/Iliac
Crest/Knee/Foot - In Quadruped the Iliac crest will sit higher (cephelad) on the
inactive side, once hip extension is engaged, the torso hip will twist towards the
side of weakness driving the Iliac crest posterior. The knee will flare away from the
midline on the restricted side and the knee will not lock into TKE when a loss of
strength or recruitment issue is present.
 HIP FLEXOR FAIL - Restricted Capsule Internal Rotation/Hip Flexor Complex Adhesion
& Restriction/Loss of Hip Flexor Engagement On Spinal Bracing Sequence -
Landmarks - Glute/Spine/Iliac Crest/Knee - With both capsule and hip flexor
complex restrictions, the Iliac crest will drop cephelad and anterior into a pelvic tilt
and the spine will sway info extension to accommodate hip flexion on initiation of
movement. The knee will rotate inwards and the pelvis will move into posterior tilt
on iliopsoas specific restrictions forcing the Iliac crest to move posterior.
 MIDLINE FAIL - Anti-Flexion, Anti-Extension, Anti-Rotation loss/Hyperextension
Accommodation Reaction/Midline Static Support Weakness/Motor Pattern Deficiency
- Landmarks - Spine/Iliac Crest/Middle Shoulder/Occiput - The Spine sways into
hyperextension globally on static quadruped. The spine will continue to load into
hyperextension once contralateral movement is engaged. As the hip
extends/shoulder flexes, the spine will rotate posterior on the active shoulder side
and laterally deviate away from the active shoulder side. Full hip extension will not
be possible with a midline fault because the spine is neurologically recruited to feed
slack into the system to allow the hip to 'extend.' As the arm goes into full flexion,
the thoracic spine will either flatten or become hyperextended to allow the shoulder
to reach flexion.
 PRESS FAIL - Scapular Static Support Loss/Tricep Complex Weakness/Anterior Group
Weakness/Capsular Flexion Restriction/Torso Rotation Compensation - Landmarks -
Spine/Middle Deltoid/Elbow/Wrist - The elbow will flare and the wrist will turn in on
the support side when the active side is engaged. As flexion is initiated on the
active side, the elbow will flare out, the spine will rotate opening up the active side
and the middle deltoid will roll posterior. There will be visible external shoulder
rotation seen at the distal end of the chain (the wrist and hand) which will be above
the head and higher than the elbow. The support side will drop anterior as flexion is
initiated to recruit stability.
 WRIST FAIL (support side only) Wrist Extension Loss or Restriction/Elbow Stability
Loss/TKE Loss - Landmarks - Wrist Crease/Elbow/Middle Deltoid - The wrist will turn
external and the elbow will bend on the support side as the arm flexion is engaged.
Middle deltoid turns superior as the shoulder rolls internally bringing the elbow
towards the midline.
Fault Rapid Assessment

 Lower Engine - iliac crest, knee, foot

 Upper Engine - deltoid, elbow, wrist
 Transfer Engine - spine, shoulders

Fail Protocol


 Psoas
 Quadriceps
 Gluteus minimus
 Erector spinae (flexion extension deviation)
 Rhomboids
 Forearm


 Banded wrist opener

 Piriformis
 Thoracic Extension (with shoulder)
 Elbow Extension Opener
 Couch


 Band plank push up

 Staggered Stance Front Raise
 Sand Bag front rack lunge
 Hollow
 Side Plank Band Pull


 Posterior chain flexibility is a major player in most functional movements along with
full shoulder flexion. The assessment will demonstrate hamstring, calf, glute and
shoulder flexibility with symmetrical hip flexion and extension.
 The toe grab forces a symmetrical anchor point for the entire posterior chain when
standing up. The full depth squat at the beginning of the movement will show
symmetrical hip mobility and midline stability under normal conditions.


 Limited hamstring mobility while moving body weight through normal range of
motion. Missing terminal knee extension because of reduced hamstring flexibility.
 Calf/ankle mobility restriction either with tissue or a Talus fault where the ankle
binds and will not allow full dorsiflexion due to loss of talar tuck.
 Glute complex flexibility is limited and engagement is either asymmetrical or not
present (relying on quads).
 Hip binds up in Impingement preventing full depth squat and causing the knees to
 Plantar Collapse is a result of ankle instability and loss of achilles flexibility
 Shoulder overhead position is limited because of capsular or tissue restrictions or
 Loss of balance, stability and movement control because of 'hunting' for engagement
of compensatory actions and dysfunctional motor patterning.


 Groin pull
 Hamstring strain
 Lumbar disc herniation
 Glenohumeral subluxation/dislocation
 Ankle eversion injury
 Meniscus injury
 Hamstring rupture
 Lat/subscapularis injury

 SCORING AND FAULTS - pain is always an instant fail.

 GLUTE COMPLEX - Inactive/Asymmetrical engagement - Landmark Iliac Crest -when
you observe an asymmetrical recruitment of the glute complex on the concentric
portion of the movement. The Iliac crest will be lower on the side that's inactive.
Any asymmetrical movement is a fail.
 HIP - Mobility Restriction/Loss of Internal Rotation - Landmark Iliac Crest/Knee -
when the hip collapses and drives the knee inward to accommodate the loss of hip
mobility under load on the eccentric portion of the movement.
 HAMSTRING - Reduced Flexibility/Tissue Quality- Landmark Knee - when the knee
engages on the concentric portion of the movement to allow slack into the
movement because the hamstrings are tight.
 PLANTAR COLLAPSE - Tibialis Posterior Weakness/Navicular Fault/Ankle Mobility Loss
- Landmark Ankle/Foot/Achilles tendon - the instep collapses and the arch flattens
out rolling the foot into eversion, Achilles' tendon deviates outward at the distal
 SHOULDER - Teres complex, Pec complex, Lat, Subscap Loss of Flexibility/Joint
Capsule Adhesion/Anterior Humeral Head Position in the Glenoid Fossa - Landmark
Elbow/Middle Deltoid/Full Spine - the elbows bend on the concentric portion of the
movement. Thoracic spine rotation towards the decreased mobility side to
accommodate the lack of tissue extensibility.

Fault Rapid Assessment

 Lower Engine - iliac crest, knee, foot, achilles

 Upper Engine - deltoid, elbow
 Transfer Engine - spine, shoulder

Fail protocol


 Plantar Opening
 Gastrocnemius/Popliteus
 Hamstring
 Psoas
 Piriformis
 Erector Spinae (flexion extension dysfunction)
 Latissimus Dorsi


 Banded TKE
 High Hamstring
 Pigeon
 Couch
 Thoracic Extension (and shoulder opener)


 Sand bag staggered RDL

 Sand bag contralateral lunge
 Band Duck Under
 Bridge Knee Flare
 Kneeling Around the World


 The OH Inline Lunge motor pattern is involved in rapid direction change and
deceleration along with rotational stability included in both of those.
 It is designed to include midline stability, shoulder stability in full overhead position
and the ability to maintain that position while loading the pelvis with rotational
 The full overhead position will expose hyperextension as a compensation for limited
shoulder mobility, limited thoracic mobility and femoroacetabular restriction in both
flexion/extension and internal/external rotation under load.
 The glute complex including the TFL and the hip flexor complex must maintain a
neutral pelvic position during the movement to avoid shear in both the lumbar spine
and pelvis itself.
 A linear position while maintaining a full overhead position forces stability at
maximum force opposition to the movement due to the length of the arms which is
the maximum distance from the center of mass of the body.


 Complete lower extremity mobility restrictions (hip, knee, ankle) due to loss of tissue
quality, capsular adhesions and restrictions or mechanical insufficiency.
 Asymmetrical hip extension, external rotation and abduction.
 Hamstring inflexibility and calf complex inflexibility.
 Loss or diminished proprioceptive input resulting in loss of dynamic stability.
 Thoracolumbar pliability issues
 Shoulder pliability restrictions causing diminished Horizontal abduction and external


 Inguinal hernia
 Abdominal hernia
 Diastasis recti
 Calf strain
 Achilles rupture
 Lumbar disc injury
 Lumbar soft tissue injury
 Eversion/Inversion ankle injury
 SCORING AND FAULTS - pain is always an instant fail.
 HIP FAIL - Trailing Hip - Hip capsule restriction/Loss of Internal Rotation/Hip Flexor
Complex Restriction Landmark - Anterior Iliac Crest - As the client descends into the
lunge, the hip will pitch forward, muting the hip and the glute complex will flare
posterior because of the hip flexor complex restriction or capsular restriction.
Leading Hip - Hamstring restriction/External Rotation Restriction - Landmark - Iliac
Crest/Patella/Foot - As the lead leg decelerates the client descending into the lunge,
the knee will cave inward, the Iliac Crest will flare out towards the lead leg side and
the foot will collapse.
 HAMSTRING FAIL - Lead Leg - Limited Hamstring Pliability - Landmarks -Iliac
Crest/Spine - Watch for posterior pelvic tilt caused by excessively tight hamstring
group. The lumbar and thoracic spine will round out into hyper kyphosis ton
accommodate the posterior tilt.
 ANKLE/CALF FAIL - Trailing leg - Limited Calf Complex Pliability/Limited Plantar
Pliability/Mechanical Ankle Dorsiflexion Fixation - Landmarks - Foot/Anterior Ankle
Crease - As the client descends, the foot abruptly plantar flexes opening the
anterior ankle crease, the bottom of the foot is completely visible minus the toes.
Lead Leg - Landmarks - Anterior Ankle Crease/Foot - The anterior ankle crease will
not pass 90 degrees and the lead foot will turn out or in to allow for slack in the
movement because of the lack of pliability, the foot will collapse into a flat arch
 THORACIC FAIL - Limited Pelvic Stability/ALL Limited Pliability/Limited Trunk Support
- Landmarks - Bilaterlal Iliac Crests/Full Spine - The Iliac Crest on the lead leg side
will rotate forward towards the trailing leg. The thoracic spine will round into hyper
 SHOULDER FAIL - Limited Flexion/Limited External Rotation/Capsular Adhesion -
Landmarks - Middle Deltoid/Elbow - Either on the onset of the descent of either side
or at the initial arm placement during the priming phase of the test, the middle
deltoid will roll forward, the elbows will decrease the distance between them in front
of the client and the elbows will drop during the descent of either leg.
 KNEE FAIL - Limited Knee Flexion of Lead Leg/Limited External Rotation Or
Weakness at the Hip - Lead Leg Only - Landmarks - Patella - During the descent
The client widens the stance to allow for less flexion at the knee. The knee collapses
into valgus because of hip weakness or poor motor patterning.

Fault Rapid Assessment

 Lower Engine - iliac crest, patella, foot

 Upper Engine - deltoid, elbow
 Transfer Engine - spine, shoulders

Fail Protocol


 Quadriceps
 Adductors
 Tibialis Posterior
 Thoracolumbar matrix
 Pectoralis Major and matrix

 Hip Capsule general opening

 Thoracic Extension (with shoulder)
 Double hip opener
 Thoracic Extension (with shoulder)
 Piriformis


 Suitcase Carry
 Cossack Clean
 Wall Hip Bump
 X walk
 Sand bag Squat hold Press Out

Body Hacks Systems© Protocol

The pliability system is built around the three corners of the movement pyramid, developed
by Dr Trevor Bachmeyer, that focus on maximizing your ability around movement, nutrition,
function, and prevent injury.

When it comes to maximizing health, performance and longevity, the program needs to
address a very specific problem. How does injury affect the outcome of the program?.
That’s why Body Hacks is a platform for achievement that goes beyond traditional health
care, athletic performance, or cookie cutter plans. You become part of all of the the things
that are vital to your health and longevity — everything needed to perform at a high level
day after day, year after year, permanently.

You’ll find that our system is based on improving function, movement, nutrition, and injury
prevention. We put you in control of your health and then make sure that you stay there.

The Body Hacks Systems© team goes through the entire testing protocol with the group.
The assessment takes less than 2 minutes, marking a pass or fail for the three movement
assessments, (taking note that pain is an instant fail and moves that student outside of the
hacking protocol).

Once the metrics are collected (name of the student and whether pass or fail). The entire
group engages in the movement protocol for 4 weeks (87% faster than any other physical
therapy, chiropractic or personal training system available today).

The same school population is once again put through the three movement assessments,
showing the elimination of all failed tests in less than 30 days, resulting in an elimination of
injury and exploitation of maximum growth and performance of the student.

The second phase once the school has passed the assessment phase, is the optional
performance protocol, where the 5 day Body Hacks Systems© training is implemented each
morning, as a standalone class, or in PE. This phase two is specifically built and designed for
maximizing human performance, and not just athletics, but also, mental clarity, daily tasks
and recovery.

Our team is over a quarter of a million strong and growing by the day.

We focus on the needs of the students and faculty

We seek to understand the needs and aspirations of every person involved. A personal
approach leads to more personal outcomes.

We design the solution based on the long term outcomes you want to see.
No matter what you want to achieve for your students or yourself, our system is built
specifically for you.

We personally deliver and implement the solution for you

We connect the students to the solutions they need, providing individualized plans based on
time-tested fundamentals and research.

We constantly refine and assess the outcomes to produce long term results
The system is designed to create permanent results with self correcting training as the
system progresses.

The purpose of Body Hacks is to give you the ability to do more, be more and have more
without losing any time.

We started Body Hacks in 2015 and quickly proved to the world that injury prediction and
human performance are available to everyone and will radically improve long term health
and ability. Essentially, we’ve given everyone that’s used our system, the best tools and
resources to take control of their health so they can succeed at anything.
In seeing the results happen so quickly, we’ve designed a platform that can be applied to
any facility, organization or institution, and give results within weeks. Currently, Body Hacks
Systems© is 87 percent faster than anything else available, and we are continuing to
improve on that every day.

Peak performance isn’t just about athletes, its for everyone, when you eliminate the chance
of injury, when you improve nutrition to optimal levels, when you create the mindset of a
champion in everyone, the overall production increases exponentially.

The basic human need is for increase, and in the realm of human performance, nobody does
it better than we do because we are focused on your needs, and your goals, and then, we
get you there. Whether you’re a student, an engineer, a doctor, or a professional athlete,
Body Hacks Systems© is designed specifically for you.

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