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Change in technology system can dramatically after the standard of evaluation system as
function and evaluation structure both of which emphasize on giving information and being a
large number of information to network of evaluation system. This makes the evaluation system
become a standard strategy for the development of evaluation system and create more efficient
management of information and communication. The demand of accurate, update Evaluation has
always been vital part of organization of primarily to assess it’s current programs or activities.
The advancement of technology in the evaluation system can aid the proponents and gathering
more accurate data in the fastest possible manner. Online evaluation system have developed for
the staff and teachers to provide evaluation in an easy quick manner to the school of Medina
College ipil Incoporated. Online evaluation system which delivers a via the students admin and
interface as online system which act as a service provider. By using this technology we can make
fast evaluation about the faculty by the student’s and inform in time to the development of
school. The possible help and outcomes of online evaluation system is to create online evaluation
system institution, Implement online system in the institution ,improve online evaluation system
then promote online evaluation system to the institution to help others to directly submit their
needs and requirements and to conduct and a courteous and appropriate manner in school and in

Disavantages of Online Evaluation System Assessment is not much can be said about the
disadvantages of online evaluation system assessment, since the advantages outweight them by
far.But there might be some for example you need to be computer literate(or able to use a
computer well) in order to create and take an assessment. Technology is not always reliable there
might be connection or internet problems, energy breaks and other things like that also, theres a
cost involved in Online Assessment Softwares. And there are also advantages of online
evaluation system assessment, we have the use of evaluation system assessment to save
companies a lot of the time and money often the assessment can be completed in less
time,multiple candidates can complete the online evaluation system assessment at the same time
and there is no need for specialized (and expensive)personel.Also,the test takes are able to take
the assessment during class or at home, using their result and answer and get instant feedback
about your chosen topic.That helps you as a researcher, recruiter, teacher,or trainer,to learn more
about your uses and adopt their needs, strength and weakness.


Enable to determine the effectiveness of the online service provided by student affairs
department especially the weakness and strong points since learning students are not able to
interact face. To evaluate the similarities and differences of services provided by students affairs
administrations for traditional learning and e-learning students, and to develop an appropriate
system prototype for student affair administration the suits e-learning students and provide better
service for e-learning students. A simple we interface will be developed for interacting with
students affairs professionals to improve affairs administration services for e-learning students.

Track progress over time was course evaluations serve a purpose of not only improving course
quality, but also evaluating the performance of proffesors and administrators on any numbers of
factors over time. Snap survey software has the ability to generate comprehensive smart report,
which can be integrated into your course management of multiple report, administration
flexibility is managing online course evaluation affords many convinces that paper-based course
evaluation don’t offer. Students can complete their course evaluations at their convinces-
whenever, from wherever , from wherever,24/7 on advice of their choice-desktop, laptop, tablet,
or smart phone. Additionally , consider those that are visually impared. Web accessibility
standards have been created for snap survey software as part of the web accessibility initiative
(WAI) of the World-Wide Web consortium (W3C) to ensure that web content is accessible to
everyone, regardless of disability. In the U.S., many of these requirements are enshrined in
section 508 of the rehabilitation Act. Track students responses is given the large volume of
students in any higher education institution, as well as the number of course offered, it becomes a
challenge to keep track of which students have a completed course evaluation. A complete
course evaluation should go to specific students, and track which course evaluations students
have or have completed.

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