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Determining whether performance deficiencies result from lack of knowledge or

skills is shown by:
A. organizational analysis.
B. person analysis.
C. gap analysis.
D. ask analysis.

3. (p. 105) The question, "Who should be trained?" is one that should be asked by:
A. upper-level managers.
B. training consultants.
C. mid-level managers.
D. trainers.

4. For mid-level managers, organizational analysis focuses on all but which of the
A. How much of the budget to devote to training
B. The types of employees who should receive training
C. For what jobs can training make the biggest difference in improving product or
D. The role of training compared to other HR functions such as selection

5. Inexpensive, can collect data from a large number of persons, but may lack detail and
requires time are advantages and disadvantages of the _____ method of needs assessment.
A. questionnaires
B. observation
C. focus groups
D. interviews

Difficulty: Medium

6. Interviewing as a needs assessment technique:

A. is less expensive than most other assessment methods.
B. can explore unanticipated issues that come up.
C. only provides information directly related to questions asked.
D. minimizes interruption of work.

7. (p. 108) Questionnaires used for needs assessment:

A. allow for rapid collection of a large amount of information.
B. are one of the most costly techniques for collecting data.
C. are a highly objective source of information.
D. have the main disadvantage of providing information that is often outdated.

13. (p. 113) Employees' "readiness" for learning refers to all the following except whether they:
A. have completed orientation.
B. have the necessary knowledge and skills to learn.
C. whether the work environment will enhance learning.
D. whether they are motivated to learn.
20. (p. 122) In the process of determining if training is the best solution for a performance
problem, you discover employees were trained but rarely or never used the training
content. This is an example of a _____ factor affecting performance and learning.
A. input
B. feedback
C. consequences
D. output

26. Needs assessment determines the type of training that is best for the specific

Difficulty: Medium

27. When an organization experiences a performance problem or there is new

legislation affecting an organization, this indicates training is necessary.

28. "For what jobs can training make the biggest difference in product quality or
customer service?" is appropriate for upper-level managers to ask.

29. How will training and development meet my business goals?" is an appropriate
question for mid-level managers to ask.

33. In practice, organizational, person and task analyses are not conducted in any
particular order.

45. (p. 131) Regardless of the impact of a pressure point on business, a rapid needs
assessment should amount of information gathering should be relatively small and quick.

Difficulty: Difficult

Short Answer Questions

46. (p. 103-104) Needs assessment is the first step in the training design process (ADDIE
model). Why is needs assessment important to the ISD process?

Without a thorough needs assessment, one or more of the following may occur:
Training may be incorrectly used as a solution to a performance problem (when the solution
should deal with employee motivation, job design, or a better communication of
performance expectations).
Training programs may have the wrong content, objectives, or methods.
Trainees may be sent to training programs for which they do not have the basic
skills, prerequisite skills, or confidence needed to learn.
Training may not deliver the expected learning, behavior change, or financial results that
the company expects.
Money may be spent on training programs that are unnecessary if they are unrelated to
the company's business strategy.

Difficulty: Easy

Chapter 03 - Needs Assessment

47. (p. 108-109) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the needs assessment methods:
questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and online technology. Which method would be
most effective for call centers; which method(s) would be best for attitudinal and
interpersonal issues?

See Table 3.2

Online technology would be most useful for call centers while interviews and focus
groups would be best for attitudinal and interpersonal issues.

Difficulty: Medium

48. (p. 109) When is training the best solution for a performance problem that has
been identified?

1. When the performance problem is important and the cost to the company may be great.
2. When employees do not know how to perform effectively, perhaps due to little or
no previous training or poor training.
3. When employees cannot demonstrate appropriate skills or behaviors, even under ideal
circumstances. They may have known how to do something at one time, but haven't had
the chance to use the skills or behaviors enough to maintain them.
4. When performance expectations are clear and there are no apparent
(environmental) obstacles to performing well.
5. When there are clear, positive rewards for good performance and no rewards for
poor performance.
6. When feedback has been timely, relevant, accurate and constructive and the employee
still can't perform effectively.
7. When other solutions, such as transferring employees or redesigning their jobs is
not feasible.

Difficulty: Easy

Chapter 03 - Needs Assessment

49. (p. 114-122) Identify the 5 basic factors that influence employee performance and learning.

Figure 3.3 shows a process for analyzing the factors that influence performance and learning.
Person characteristics refer to the employees' knowledge, skill, ability, and attitudes. Input
relates to the instructions that tell employees what, how, and when to perform. Input also refers
to the resources that the employees are given to help them perform. These resources may include
equipment, time, or budget. Output refers to the job's performance standards. Consequences
refer to the type of incentives that employees receive for performing well. Feedback refers to
the information that employees receive while they are performing.

Difficulty: Medium

50. (p. 127-128) Compare and contrast job analysis and competency models.

Job analysis refers to the process of developing a description of the job (tasks, duties,
and responsibilities) and the specifications (knowledge, skills, and abilities) that an
employee must have to perform it.
Job analysis is more work- and task-focused (what is accomplished), whereas competency
modeling is worker-focused (how objectives are met or how work is accomplished).
Focusing on "how" versus "what" provides valuable information for training and
development. Competency models are more likely to link competencies and the company's
business goals. Competency models provide descriptions of competencies that are common
for an entire occupational group, level of jobs, or an entire organization. Job analysis
describes what is different across jobs, occupational groups, or organization levels. Finally,
job analysis generates specific knowledge, skills, and abilities for particular jobs. It is used to
generate specific requirements to be used for employee selection. The competencies
generated by competency modeling are more general and believed to have greater application
to a wider variety of purposes, including selection, training, employee development, and
performance management.

Difficulty: Medium


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