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1. Choose a verb for the sentence:

“The Gomez family members ___ dinner together every night”

2. Complete the conversation using the modal auxiliary would.

You are on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer him your seat.
You: _________________________________
Man: Oh, that’s very kind of you. Thank you very much
Would you like to sit down?

3. Choose a verb for the sentence

“Susan and Peter ___ very early.”
wake up

4. Choose a connector for the sentence

“He sings along to the music on the radio ___ he takes a shower”

5. Read the next sentence

It’s not polite to make a lot of noise because you know that others are sleeping.
Now complete the same idea in a question of cause and effect:
Is it polite to make a lot of noise ____ you know that others are sleeping?
a) when
b) until
c) because
d) since

6. Complete the question: “Will you please call me up when you __ there?”

7. You’re invited to a wedding and the invitation says: “After the ceremony, there’s a reception with family and friends”.
You understand that:
There will be a reception after the end of the ceremony

8. What do you consider is thebest way to correct spelling on your writings?

Looking up in books the words you aren´t sure about

9. In the next sentence, identify the type of verb, not the tense.
The girl lives in Mexico.

10. What is the tense for each sentence?

The British Trevor Baylis invented in 1996 a wind-up radio. It doesn’t need electricity or batteries. You wind it up by
hand. He got the idea for the radio while he was watching TV.
Past, present, present, past, past progressive

11. Why do we use the verb in past form only in affirmative sentences?
In negative and interrogative we have the auxiliary “did”.

12. It is possible to distinguish irregular and regular verbs in a sentence in present? Why?
No, because the verb in present has no indication of its conjugation
13. It is possible to distinguish in the bird person if the verb is regular or irregular?
It’s impossible to distinguish them, no matter what the form is.

14. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form
“We planted an apple-tree in the backyard; unfortunately it _____.

15. Look at this poster:

What is the purpose of the poster?

The store sells jewels at a lower price this week

16. We calm them regular verbs because the past tense of each is formed by adding “ed” to the end of the verb.
But some verbs have many different ways of forming the past tense, because there is no regular pattern, these verbs
are kown as irregular verbs.
Change to past tense the following verbs:
choose, weep, like, beat, drive, fly
chose, wept, liked, beat, drove, flew

17. What would you do if you’re waiting for someone at the airport and a foreigner approaches you and ask you this:
“Do you know what time the bank opens?”
I’d try to answer using my knowledge in English.

18. ¿Qué dinámica sigues para asistir a la asesoría del Módulo 3 “Mi vida en otra lengua” con respecto al uso de los
verbos irregulares?
Las programas conforme a un plan de trabajo.

19. If I want to tell something that happened during the day and the person in front of me does not understand when I
speak in English, what happens to me?
I feel glad that even as I can’t speak well I lost the fear to express myself.
20. Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in future.
“I ____ hot chips.”
am going to eat

21. Choose a verb for the sentence.

"Peter __ TV in the evening"

22. Is it possible to distinguish irregular and regular verbs in a sentence in present? Why?
No, because the verb in present has no indication of its conjugation.

23. Is it possible to distinguish in the third person if the verb is regular or irregular?
It’s impossible to distinguish them, no matter what the form is.

24. The sentence "These days I'm sleeping a lot." expresses:

Temporary present, even though it’s not happening at the moment.

25. Choose the gramatically correct negative form of the following sentence:
"I'rn taking care of Mary's pet.”
"l'm not taking care of Mary's pet.”

26. Indicate if the following sentences are in simple present (S) or present progressive (P):
1. He reads the newspaper at mornings.
2. l'rn speaking English to you because you want to practice it.
3. They speak Italian and Chinese every day.
1-S, 2-P, 3-S

27. Choose the correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous.
"They __________ football at school."
were playing

28. Read the following sentence:

"Every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills."
Now, change it to the gramatically correct interrogative form asking "why?"
Why is every word on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills?

29. Which questions are logical and gramatically correct?

1. What do you do?
2. What is Lorenzo playing?
3. Why are Rebeca watching TV?
4. Are Sergio a doctor?
5. What are you doing?
1, 2, 5

30. Analyze if the highlighted forms of present or past progressive are adequately used in this context by choosing
correct (C), or incorrect ( I ) if simple present or simple past should be used. Mark the sequence of the words in the
text when you answer in the chart:
"Now l'm reading about how to be a lot more careful about the environment. l'rn living in Mexico City and there’s a lot of
pollution. There were trees and birds everywhere in the past, the sun was shining and people enjoyed the city a lot
more. Moreover, currently violence and crirne are affecting us very hard, although everybody is fighting against them.
Time's running fast and we're requiring some kind of solution.

31. Change the sentence to simple past tense:

"Paty is going to bake cookies for the guests".
a) Paty baked cookies for the guests.
32. Change the next sentence to past continuous.
AII of the reindeer are leaping around in the snow.
AII of the around __________________in the snow.

were leaping

33. Si tuvieras que presentar un examen de colocación de inglés en el ingreso a la universidad, ¿cuál crees que es tu
desempeño en el manejo de los tiempos en pasado y presente?
Bueno, porque tienes bastante vocabulario, conoces las estructuras y manejas los verbos en sus diferentes

34. If you want to remember the things that you experienced as a kid, which of the following phrases would correspond to
that purpose?
1, I live in a house with a garden full of plants.
2, On rny first birthdays I was afraid of clowns.
3, When I see pictures from my childhood I feel nostalgic.
4, I still see some of my schoolmates from elementary school.
5, My best friend lives two houses down the block from me.
2, 3, 4

35. Match the comparative and superlative on the left with the sentences In the column on the right
Comparative or superlative Sentences
1. larger a. Which state is ___________, Chihuahua or Zacatecas?
2. the largest b. Michoacan is __________ than Hidalgo.
c. Which city has the _________ population: Guadalajara, Mexico City or
d. Mexico City has __________ population of the country.
[1-a,b] [2-c,d]

36. Complete the conversation using the correct form of the verbs for past progressive. Use the verbs in parenthesis.
Lupe: I'm afraid I've broken the pot for the mole.
Pedro: Oh no! What1 _______________ (do)?
Lupe: I2 ___________ (take) it into the dinning room.
I bumped into Chayo. She3 ___________ (come) out just as
I4 _________ (go) in.
1- were you doing 2- was taking 3- was coming 4- was going

37. Read this sentence: Mary works.

Change it to present progressive in the next forms:
1. Affirmative
2. Negative
3. Interrogative
1- Mary is working 2- Mary is not working 3- Is Mary working?
38. Decide which answer matches each question.
Questions Answers
1. How many servings of fruit do you eat each day? a. Very little.
2. How much junk food do you eat? b. Two or more.
3. How often do you exercise or playa sport per day? c. A lot of it.
d. Never.
e. Weekly.
[1-b] [2-a,c] [3-e]

39. Decide whether the following sentences are in present progressive or simple present tense.
1. Simple present a. My brother is playing the guitar at the moment.
2. Present continuous b. I otfen write poems to my wife.
c. Your parents are talking now.
d. Jose is taking his grandparents to his house in this moment.
e. The sun barely shines with this weather.
[1-b,e] [2-a,c,d]

40. What's the correct and logical question for this answer?
"Beto is presenting his findings to Andres".
What is Beto doing?

41. Choose a connector for the sentence.

“____ I play soccer, everybody shouts."

42. Match the concepts in Ieft column with their corresponding examples on the right column.
We use the present continuous tense to express: Examples:
1. Actions that are happening right now. a. My cousin is building his new house next month.
2. Future plans. b. Liz is studying hard these days in Canada.
3. Actions that are happening around now or are c. Two policemen are following the suspect. .. watch
temporary. them, right there!
d. They are starting samba lessons this evening.
[1-c] [2-a,d] [3-b]

43. Complete the following sentence:

The simple past with regular or irregular verbs indicates an action: _______________.
completed or finished in the past.

44. What do you consider is the best way to correct spelling on your writings?
Looking up in books the words you aren’t sure about.

45. Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in past progressive.
"I____________ at the party."
was dancing

46. Choose the gramatically correct negative form of the following sentence:
"l'm taking care of Mary's pet."
"l'rn not taking care of Mary's pet."
47. Based on the picture, answer the following question:

What are they doing?

They are dancing.

48. Which sentences are in simple present?

1. My brother is playing the guitar at the moment.
2. I otfen write poems to my wife.
3. Your parents are walking to the classroom now.
4. Jose is taking his grandparents to his house in this moment.
5. The sun barely shines with this weather.
2, 5

49. Relate the tenses on the left to their corresponding questions on the right.
Tenses Questions
1. Simple present a. What are you doing?
2. Present continuous b. What do you do?
c. Where is Mexico playing?
d. Is your sister at school?
e. Is Rafael working in the office now?
[1-a,c,e] [2-b,d]

50. Choose a superlative adjective for the sentence.

"China's population is __ of all the countries."
the largest

51. Is this sentence correct? Why?

"I does get amazed at Day of the Death offerings on November 2nd."
No, because you can use the auxiliary in affirmative, but "do" goes with the subject "I".

52. Complete the next sentence using the correct tense and form of the verb:
"When you rang me yesterday, I ____ ___________a shower."
was taking

53. The expressions and words below aren't in order. Choose 5 of them and indicate the sequence they must follow to
create a logical and complete sentence in present progressive.
1. the radio
2. listen to
3. When you are
4. hear his voice
5. listening to
6. you can
7. you
54. Choose a correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous.
"We ___________in a small town."
were living

55. Past progressive indicates:

An action in progress in the past at a specific time.

56. Decide which sentences are true.

1. We use the present continuous to talk about what's happening now.
2. "Now", "at the moment" are simple present time expressions.
3. In the simple present tense we add "ing" to all the verbs.
4. We use the auxiliary verb "to be" with the present progressive tense.
1, 4

57. Order 6 of the following numbers to make a coherent sentence.

1. potato chips
2. the saltiest
3. why
4. are
5. snack
6. does
7. is
8. ?

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