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Practice good hygiene.

Staying fresh and clean gives you the building blocks to

work toward your best self. Develop a routine that leaves you feeling squeaky clean
and smelling great.[1] Remember to always scrub areas such as elbows , necks and
knees due to the bacteria you bring home each day.[2] The bacteria will cause your
elbows to turn darker if you have a pale skintone.
 Shower daily. Pick out a body soap that appeals to you and scrub down! Don't feel
obligated to wash your hair every day (in fact, that could dry it out), but do wash up
regularly, especially after workouts.
 Pick out a shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. Use a deep treatment every
so often to increase your hair's natural shine.
 Brush your teeth (and tongue!) at least twice a day. Make it a habit when you get up
and right before go to bed. A whitening toothpaste will make your pearly whites
glisten even more.[3]
 While you're at it, floss and use mouthwash! Not only are they good habits to have,
but they reduce your chances of gum disease and tooth decay. [4]
 Use deodorant.[5] Throughout the day, our body releases oils and odors that don't
always help us look our best. Using deodorant regularly prevents any unnecessary
smells from creeping out of nooks and crannies.
 Don't douse yourself in perfume or cologne. A light spray is a good idea, but smelling
you from across the street, even if you smell like a field of daisies, is overpowering
and less than ideal.

Get a good night's rest. Not only does 8 hours of sleep a night make you feel
energized and ready for the day, it benefits your appearance and quality of
life.[6](Prevents darker bags under your eyes too!)[7]
 Circulation increases in our sleep. That means our skin is receiving the most
nutrients it receives at night, preparing it to look healthier and glow. [8]

 Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same areas of the brain. Studies have
shown that participants who get more sleep lose more fat than their counterparts,
who lose more muscle. [9]
 Sleep allows our brains time to consolidate memories. Not only does a healthy
amount of sleep make for easier recall, but the same restructuring of memories
spurs the creative process.[9] Our attention is sharpened, making it easier to focus
(and get better grades!).
 Sleeping around 8 hours a night spurs athleticism, too. Athletes who slept around 10
hours a night experienced less daytime fatigue and faster running times. [9]
Care for your skin. Depending on your skin type, this could mean different things.
But whatever skin you're in, develop a regimen catered to it.[10]
 Know your skin type. If you have dry skin, use a heavier, more moisturizing cleanser.
If you have oily skin, stick to something light and oil-free. Wash up at least once a
day to remove dirt and residue.
 If you have acne, use treatments containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to
combat blemishes on your own.[11] If that's not working, consider seeing a
dermatologist. Don't pop your zits--they'll scar your face and lead to more.[12] Make-
up works to cover them up in case of an emergency, but it clogs pores and can lead
to more breakouts in the future.
 Protect your skin from the sun;[13] even 15 minutes outside can start the process
rolling. Use moisturizers and lip balms with SPF 15. Pale will always be more in than
dark, splotchy, and wrinkly.
 Don't forget, part of skin is nails! How long or short you want them is up to you, but
be sure to remove sharp edges and keep them clean. And don't miss your toes!

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