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Kathryn Jean B.

Question #1


Ex: Section 1 which states that the Philippine Constitution provides that all educational
institutions shall offer quality education for all competent teachers committed of its full
realizations. However, several institutions, both provincial-based and even in the NCR failed to
provide quality services. The schools do not have enough facilities to support, much less provide
“quality” education and those who want to be teachers and are already teachers are left to
improvise and make use of the little resources present.


Ex: Several teachers especially from primary education failed to educate students and transfer
the cultural heritage of the country as well as elevate national morality, promote national pride,
cultivate love of country and others which is stated in Article II, Section 1. Most school
institutions as well as teachers focus on the academic side of the situation and promote result-
based programs.
Also, several teachers neglect Section 4, showing no devotion to their duty by not coming to
class at all or just letting their students study on their own. In violation also to Section 5, several
teachers especially public school teachers accommodate or receive donations or solicit to public
officials for school supplies and others.


Ex: Due to lack of budget, schools having small spaces and volume of students getting larger
every year and other factors, provision of an environment conducive to learning and growth
which was stated in Article III, Section 1 is violated. Learners are crowded in small and
unventilated classrooms, suffer from lack of chairs and blackboards, and most of all, the number
of teachers needed to teach this increasing volume of learners are lacking.
And few of the teachers in service, due to small wage and compensation, violated Section 3, and
were reported to participate in gambling, smoking, drinking alcohols and as well as sexual
harassment just like seen on TVs and social medias.


Ex: Most teachers are unaware that they violate Article IV, Section 2. Few teachers from almost
every school go to class or go to their respective schools not in their best state. Though the lesson
plans they prepare are checked regularly, some do not execute it in class. The way they teach the
learners cannot be qualified as highest possible standard of quality education to the point that
they come to class unprepared.
Teachers also participate in lots of seminars and trainings which can be said to be part of their
compliance to Continuing Professional Education (CPE). However, not all these seminars are
beneficial to teachers and not related to their technical skills nor any other skills they need for


Ex: Section 7 of Article V states that “a teacher may apply for a vacant position for which he or
she is qualified; provided that he respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and
competence; provided, further, that all qualified candidates are given the opportunity to be
considered. “However, on the actual setting, when the teachers are ranked for a position, several
uses connections more than their competence and skills. So, applicants with lesser connections or
have no connection at all tends to be on lower ranks when their competence tells otherwise.


Ex: Normally in every group, there’s a smaller group which talk behind the backs of the larger
group. And this situation is also present in every school. There will always be a group of teachers
that are against the administration and vice versa. Submission is difficult and the flow of duties
are unstable in this kind of management which is common in large schools which is a violation
of Section 1.

Ex: In connection with the example stated above, violation with Article VII, Section 3 occurs.
Teachers that are qualified for a promotion or has done a notable achievement for the school are
sometimes ignored or never given the deserving acknowledgement due to internal conflict within
the teachers and the administration. This results to a teacher being in a floating position or being
in a single position (like Teacher I) for several years without receiving a promotion.


Ex: As stated in Section 4 of Article VIII, teachers shall not accept gifts from learners or their
parents and others, however this issue has been reported several times and happens in the school
environment ever since. Teachers or school institutions are reported receiving favors just to
received student from a well-known family or receiving gifts just to let students pass.
Violation of Section 7 are frequently seen on news reports. A romantic relationship between
teacher and student gone wrong. However, this is a silent issue inside an institution. Teachers
contacting students expressing interest and students being in a relationship with teachers to pass
a subject where “utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential
treatment of the learner” is violated.


Ex: The volume of the learners every school year is increasing, while the number of teachers to
accommodate them is lacking. According DepEd reports, the number of students in a public
classroom averages 40 and higher. This is a problem for teachers because managing such
numbers every single day is difficult. How much more is communicating the status and condition
of every students to their parents. Though it is stated in the Code of Ethics Article IX, Section 2,
it is commonly violated not because the teachers lack initiative but rather the process is difficult
to implement. Also, in public schools, students rarely communicate their teacher’s evaluation on
them to their parents adding to the problem.


Ex: Violation of Section 1 is also quite common. Although it is stated that a teacher can have a
legitimate business, there are reports where a teacher used to sell things (such as candies and
snacks as well as school supplies) to their students. There is an instance in a public school where
a teacher will sell snacks to her students and students who will buy for an amount more than
three pesos are exempted to the daily cleaners list and those who can’t afford are the ones who
will clean the room after class. There are also who ask payments for the photocopies of their
prepared test papers which are higher from the common price of the copies.
Violation of Section 3 registered as the “norm” these days. Teachers publishing their own book
and imposing their students to buy the copies as those books will be use for the whole semester
and that the activities will be on the books and needed to be detached from the book and pass to
the teacher in order to complete the requirements.


Ex: Section 2 states that “the teacher shall put premium upon self-discipline as primary
principles of personal behavior in all relationship with others and in all situations.” It is violated
when a teacher will go to school not properly dressed, not wearing the correct uniform and with
haircut inappropriate for the profession. As teachers, they must serve as role models to learners
at all times.


Ex: Many sections from the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers are violated and ignored.
Though this may result in revocation of their Certificates or licenses, or any disciplinary actions
stated in Article XII, Section 1, many teachers who committed violations are still in service nor
received any punishments. Though the severe cases are reported and amended, minor cases still
remain and undiscovered and unpunished.

Question #2
Those teachers teaching in colleges and universities are not covered in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers. It is because as stated in the Article 1, Section 2 of the Code of Ethics, it
only covers teachers practicing profession up to the secondary level of education. Since college
is the tertiary level, they are no longer covered. Also, professors earned their own merit, they can
teach in colleges and universities for the tertiary levels even without passing the Licensure
Examination for Teachers (LET) as long as they have the units and graduated the required course
for the subject and that they are recommended by the school. That in itself doesn’t bind them by
the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. However, it be great if they also be covered in
order to monitor them and avoid such violations in the tertiary level of education.

Question #1
As stated in the PPST, there are. seven (7) domains that define how a teacher should. The
different domains are interesting and would really upgrade the level and skills of teachers which
is competitive for the 21st century demands.

Domain #1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

This domain is focused on the mastery of teaching and its techniques. It is a strategy where in it
aims to upgrade the critical and creating thinking of teachers as well as how it be applied to the
other areas of the curriculum. It makes use of the new technologies present and promotes greater
learning as well as understanding and applying the correct principles of teaching and learning
and how it will be communicated to the classroom. In short, domain #1 ensures that teachers
really understood the art of teaching and use technology and apply teaching techniques to easily
understandable by learners.

Domain #2: Learning environment

This domain ensures that a teacher can create and established a wonderful and fair learning
environment, as well as better management of the classroom and its structure, including the class
activities. It promotes that learners must participate in order to manage and enhance the learning
behavior of the students.

Domain #3: Diversity or Learners

This domain helps teachers to identify the diverse and different conditions of the learners
enabling the teachers to come up with strategies to approach and introduce learning to every
student unique for each one of them according to their classification thus promoting the best way
of learning for everyone.

Domain #4: Curriculum and Planning

This domain focuses on the ability of the teacher to identify how applicable his/her teaching
process is to his/her students. It also promotes improvement to the teaching process and the
teaching practice of the teacher.

Domain #5: Assessment and Reporting

It is focused on the strategies of how to select a process in the which a learner will be assessed
and evaluated. The data from the monitoring of the learner’s progress and achievement will be
analyzed by the teacher and a systematic report will be prepared and will be communicated to the
higher ranks as well the learner’s parents such as needs, progress and achievements of the
learner. The feedback from the parent as well as the students and the authority will be used to
improve and develop and better teaching programs and practices.

Domain #6: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

This domain is about how the progress and achievement of the learners as well as the
involvement of the parents will be beneficial to the community. The teacher will think of a way
to establish a learning environment where the community can be enhanced. It also helped
disciplined the teachers to abide by the Code of Ethics as well as the school’s policies and

Domain #7: Personal Growth and Development

This domain is focused on the personal development of teachers including enhancing one’s
teaching practice, understanding the philosophy of teaching and the desire to improve one’s self.

Question #2
Career Stages of the PPST elevate the teacher’s standards in such a way that it helps
distinguished the difference in the skill levels of teachers in each stage. It identifies the position
of the teachers on those stages, therefore, knowing what to improve and develop. It also gives a
person a certain goal to achieve, giving birth to the desire to improve and reach the last career
stage resulting in more dedicated and passionate teachers.

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