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WITC Activity Plan

Your Name: Amanda Timm

Learning Experience Title : Ages of Children:2-3 year olds

Brush your teeth
Type of Learning Experience: (check all that apply)
⚪ Creative Art ⚪ Social Studies ⚪
⚪ Sensory Play Social
⚪ Literacy & Language ⚪ Gross Motor ⚪ Emotional
⚪ Health/Safety
⚪ Dramatic Play ⚪ Fine Motor ⚪ Community Building
⚪ Cooking/Nutrition
⚪ Music & Movement ⚪ STEM ⚪ Other:
⚪ Nature/Outdoor

Learning Experience Presentation Type: (check one)

⚪ Large Group—all children ⚪ Small Group—a portion of ⚪ Activity choice during free play
participating at the same the children participating
time at the same time
Number of children participating at the same time: 5
using fine motor muscles to brush up and down and side to side. calming our bodies by
blowing out "candles" using large motor muscles to move our whole bodies

brushing is healthy for our teeth-calming our bodies when we feel upset or sad- moving is
healthy for our bodies
This learning experience has been planned to feature the following WMELS performance standards:
The biggest performance standard is health and physical development.

Why have you chosen to do this experience? What observations have you made about the development, interests,
needs of individuals or groups of children in your care?
The children I have in my class are really into putting things in their mouth. This is a great
opportunity to teach them what is ok to go in their mouth and what is not. Brushing teeth is
also a good way to form healthy oral hygiene habits.

Specific list of space and/or materials needed including colors, amounts, sizes, etc.
teeth outlines and variety of paint colors with paint brushes- to paint teeth
individual tooth brushes and child safe toothpaste
water and tooth brushes for sensory bin.
Madison goes to the dentist book- After this book is read it can be kept on the bookshelf for children to read.
Source of materials:
⚪ All are available at the center/in the classroom
⚪ Provided, in part, by cooperating teacher
⚪ I am providing the following:

Teacher preparation needed before activity presentation, i.e. mixing paint, cutting paper, construction of flannel
board characters, etc.
put paint into bowls with paintbrushes
fill sensory table with water and place toothbrushes in
label each child's toothbrush.
Teaching Sequence of the Learning Experience
Set-up and arrangement of materials and equipment
While children are free playing I will set up the activities

Transition Planning: Describe how the children will transition into the learning experience. Transition in to the
activity (preschool) OR Incorporation of individual child routines (infant/toddler).
During circle time the class will discuss what we will do for an activity that day. The child may
choose if they would like to to participate or not.
Procedure: What is the teacher’s role (what will you do) during this learning experience? What will the children do
during the learning experience? (Remember children are active, hands-on learners!) List all the steps in your activity
using numbers or bullet points.
⚪ Gather Children by the sink
⚪ Wet toothbrushes under sink and hand out asking who is who ( peer recognition)
⚪ using a paper towel put a dab of toothpaste on each child's toothbrush
⚪ I will also have a toothbrush and show the children how to brush.
⚪ children will help rinse off toothbrushes and put away

Questions to support inquiry and discussion and/vocabulary words to introduce.

Which way is up and which way is down?
can you brush side to side?
where is your tongue?
How will the learning experience area be cleaned up? (How will the children help in this process? Where will the
leftover materials be put? Where will the children’s art work be placed?)
Children will help rinse off their own toothbrushes and put them away in the correct spot.

Transition Planning: Describe how the children will transition out of the learning experience.
This activity will be done after snack before outside time. After their teeth are brushed
children will find a dot on the floor to line up for outside time.
Notes on Differentiation, Guidance, Family Culture, and other group-specific considerations.
Parents may provide their own toothbrush/toothpaste if they wish.

My work sample for health is an activity plan for brushing teeth. It fits this category because it teaches
the children how to properly brush their teeth to maintain healthy teeth. I will be able to use this in
future lesson plans about teeth. I will be able to recall this experience with the children. I chose it as the
best example of my work because it demonstrates my ability to create a teachable, hands on lesson plan. I
learned how important it is to teach children healthy habits while they are still young. It is important to
teach children while they are young so they can develop a healthy routine and learn what is healthy and
what is not.

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