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Project Name: Online Enrollment for Imelda Operio’s Learning School

Members: Antoy, Airell B.

Dula, Jeffersone G.
Karim, Monsour A.
Lindo, Glen Oliver E.
Malimata, Jeorge Lennuel C.
Magculang, Chardy P.
Module 1: Pre-registration of Students (Queue)
- Pre-registration
- Sectioning
- Adding Subjects
Module 2: Login System for Administrator and Staff (Queue)
- Login Form
- User-Account Form
Module 3: Students Panel (Queue)
- Login Form with use of student number
- Student-Account Form
Algorithm Data Structure Applied:
We applied queuing for the Module 1: Pre-registration of Students because every
students that want to register on the school the system will automatically assign a

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