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Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 99, No.6, June 1998

Schwarzschild Space-Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity

Toshiharu KAWAI, Eisaku SAKANE and Takashi ToJO*

Department of Physics, Osaka City University, Osaka 558-8585, Japan

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* Up Educational Project, Nishinomiya 663-8204, Japan

(Received October 21, 1997)

In the context of Poincare gauge theory of gravity and Poincare gauge theory of gravity,
we give the necessary and sufficient condition for the Schwarzschild space-time expressed in
terms of the Schwarzschild coordinates to be obtainable as a torsionless exact solution of the
gravitational field equations with a spin less point-like source having the energy-momentum
density 'i;(x) = -Mc2 6/Lo6o"tPl(a:). Further, for the case in which this condition is sat-
isfied, the energy-momentum and angular momentum of the Schwarzschild space-time are
examined in their relations to the asymptotic forms of vierbein fields. We show, among other
things, that the asymptotic forms of the vierbeins are restricted by requiring the equality
of the active gravitational mass and the inertial mass. Conversely speaking, this equality is
violated for a class of vierbeins giving the Schwarzschild metric.

§1. Introduction

There have been many attempts to describe gravity by a gauge theory. Among
such theories, we have the PoincanPl and Poincan§2) gauge theories. The former,
which we shall write as PGT, is formulated by the requirement of invariance of the
theory under the local Poincare transformations. In this theory, the Poincare group
does not work &<; a gauge group in the sense of Yang-Mills theories. The Poincare
gauge theory (PGT) is formulated on the basis of the principal fiber bundle over the
space-time, possessing the covering group Po of the Poincare group as the structure
group, by following the lines of the standard geometric formulation of Yang-Mills
theories as closely as possible, in which the group Po works as the gauge group in
the sense of Yang-Mills theories.
The energy-momentum and angular momentum have been discussed in Ref. 3)
for PGT and in Refs. 4) and 5) for PGT, in the general framework of the formulations,
by assuming that the vierbein fields and the Lorentz gauge fields approach their
asymptotic values sufficiently rapidly.
In this paper we examine these two theories. We study, among other things,
the following: (1) We obtain the necessary and sufficient condition to be imposed on
parameters in the gravitational Lagrangian density in order that the Schwarzschild
space-time expressed in terms of the Schwarzschild coordinates is obtainable as a
torsionless exact solution of the gravitational field equations with a spinless point-
like source located at the origin. (2) In the case for which this condition is satisfied,
the energy-momentum and the angular momentum of the Schwarzschild space-time
are examined in their relation to the asymptotic behavior of vierbein fields, and
conditions for the vierbeins to yield the equality of the active gravitational mass and
the inertial mass are obtained.
972 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

§2. Preliminary

We briefly summarize the basics of Poincare gauge theory and Poincare gauge
theory for the convenience of latter discussion.
2.1. Poincare gauge theory
In this theory, 1) space-time is assumed to be a differentiable manifold endowed

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with the Lorentzian metric*) gl-'vdxl-' @ dx v . Here, {xl-'j /-l = 0,1,2, 3} is a local
coordinate of the space-time. Fundamental gravitational field variables are vierbeins
ek = el-'k8j8xl-' and Lorentz gauge potentials Akll-" For the duals e k = ekl-'dxl-' of
the vierbeins, we have gl-'v = e\L'r/klel v with ('r/kl) ~f diag(-l, 1, 1, 1). The covariant
derivative Dk of the field cp belonging to a representation (J of the Lorentz group is
given by

where M 1m ~f -i(J.(M1m ). Here, {M 1m , 1, m = 0,1,2, 3} is a basis of the Lie algebra

of the Lorentz group satisfying the relation

[M kh M mnl = -'r/kmMln - 'r/ln M km + 'r/knMlm + 'r/lm M kn , (2·2)

Mkl = -Mlk , (2·3)

and (J. stands for the differential of (J.

The field strengths of e kI-' and of A kll-' are given by

T k1m ~f I-' v
- e Ie m
(8I-'e kv -
8v e k)
I-'+ e I-'I Akml-' - emil-'
I-' Ak
' (2·4)
Rkl ~f el-' e V (8 Akl _ 8 Akl + Ak. Ajl _ Ak, Ajl ) (2·5)
mn m n I-' " v I-' JI-' v JV 1-"

respectively. The gauge potentials Akll-' and the affine connection coefficients r>:1-' are
related through the relation


and we have

T kI-'V =
- kTA
R kII-'v =- k PR A (2·7)
e A I-'v' e Ae I PI-'V


R I-'vAp ~f 8A rl-'VP 8Prl-'vA

I-' defrl-' rl-'
T vA = Av - vA' - - + rl-'rA r r"P - rl-' r r
rp vA' (2·8)

The components TI-'''A and RI-'''AP are those of the torsion tensor and of the curvature
tensor, respectively, and they are both non-vanishing in general.
.) In our convention, the middle part of the Greek alphabet, IL, v, A," " refers to 0, 1, 2 and 3,
while the initial part, a, {3, ,,(,"', denotes 1, 2 and 3. In a similar way, the middle part of the Latin
alphabet, i, j, k, .. " denotes 0, 1, 2 and 3, unless otherwise stated. While the initial part, a, b, c, .. "
denotes 1, 2 and 3.
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 973

The field components e kJi and eJik will be used to convert Latin and Greek indices.
Also, raising and lowering the Latin indices are accomplished with the aid of (17 kl )
~f (17kl)-l and ('f}kl) , respectively.
For the matter field i.p, LM(i.p, Dki.p) is a Lagrangian*) invariant under local
Lorentz transformations and general coordinate transformations if L M (i.p, Oki.p) is
an invariant Lagrangian on the Minkowski space-time.

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The gravitational Lagrangian, which is invariant under local Lorentz transfor-
mations, including also inversions, and under general coordinate transformations and
is at most quadratic in torsion and curvature tensors, is given by
- def
LG = LT + LR + aR (2·9)




In the above, a, {3, ,,/, Ck (k = 1,2" .. ,6) and a are real constants. Also, tijk, Vk and ak
are irreducible components of the field strength T k1m , and A k1mn , B klmn , C k1mn , Ekh
hi and R are irreducible components of the field strength R k1mn . These components
are given explicitly in Appendix A. Then,

I~f ~ J
£d 4 x (2·12)

is the total action of the system, where c is the light velocity in vacuum, and £ is
defined by

with g ~f det(gJiv), The parameter a is fixed 6),**) to be a = 1/2K, = c4 /167rG, which

we shall assume to hold in this paper, by the requirement that the theory describes
the Newtonian limit. Here, K, and G represent the Einstein gravitational constant
and the Newton gravitational constant, respectively.
When the torsion is vanishing, 711m == 0, the field equations 8£/ 8ei Ji = 0 and
8£/8Ai~ = 0 reduce to***)

2aG ij ( {}) + (3C2 + 2C5) [Rim ( {} )Rj m( {}) + Rmn( {} )(~mjn( {}) - ~'f}ijRmn( {}))]
- (2C2 + C5 - 4C6)R( {}) (~j ({}) - 417ij R( {})) = Tij , (2·14)
(3C2 + 2c5)'~[iGjlk( {}) + (C2 + C5 + 4C6)17k[iOjP( {}) = -Sijk , (2·15)
.) From now on, the Lagrangian density will simply be called the Lagrangian.
**) The theory describes the Newtonian limit also when 6) Ck = 00 (k = 1,2,···,6) and
a: + 4{3 + 9a:{3", = O. We do not deal with this extreme case in the present paper.
... ) A ... [k ... lj ... ~f ~(A ... k ... l... - A ... 1... k ... ).
974 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

respectively. Here, Tij and Sijk are the energy-momentum and spin densities of the
source field <p, respectively. They are defined by
clef 1 8L M
Tij = ~ejl-'-i:-'-' (2·16)
V -9 ve'l-'

clef 1 8L M
Sijk = - Rekl-' 8A i j I-' ' (2·17)

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with LM ~f RL M . Also, G ij ( {}) and G( {}) represent the Einstein tensor and its
trace, respectively:


where we have defined


with the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor

II( {}) ~f 0 I-'
{ ), }
_ 011 { ), }
P J..l
+ { ), } {
a J..l Pv
a } _ {
), } {
P J..l
} . (2·20)

2.2. Poincare gauge theory

This theory 2) is formulated on the basis of the principal fiber bundle over the
space-time possessing the covering group Po of the proper orthochronous Poincare
group as the structure group. The fundamental field variables are the translational
gauge potentials Akl-" the Lorentz gauge potentials Akll-' , the Higgs-type field 't/J
= {'t/Jk}, and matter field <po This theory is different from Poincare gauge theory
in various respects, among which the following are worthy of note:
(A) There is a non-dynamical Higgs-type field 't/J = {'t/Jk} which plays a key role
in the formulation. Its existence is a necessary consequence of a basic postulate
on. the space-time manifold and of the structure of the group Po. Also, 't/J is
directly related to the existence of a sub-bundle which induces a spinor structure
on the space-time, and the spinor structure is built in as a sub-structure of the
formulation. Its field equation is automatically satisfied if those of A kI-' and of <p
are both satisfied.

(B) Dual components ekl-' of vierbeins are related to the field 't/J and the gauge
potentials A kI-' and A kll-' through the relation


The components ek I-' are invariant under internal translations.

(C) The field strength Rkl-'II of Akl-' is given by

R 1-'11
clef ~ Ak
= UI-' II -
aII AkI-' + AkII-' AlII - Ak Al
III p.' (2·22)
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 975

and we have the relation

Tkp,v = Rkp,v + R k1p,v1f;1 . (2·23)
The field strengths Tkp,v and Rkl p,v are both invariant under internal translations.

(D) A nonintegrable phase factor describes both of the motion of a point and the
motion of a vector. 7)

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(E) Generators of internal Poincare transformations and of affine coordinate trans-
formations depend on the choice of the set of independent fields variables; i.e.,
generators for the case in which {1f;k, Akp"Aklp"'P} is chosen as the set of inde-
pendent field variables are different from the corresponding ones for the case in
which {'it';k,ekp"Aklp,''P} is chosen instead. When h)k, Akp"Ak1p,''P} is employed
as the set, we have the following: For suitable asymptotic forms of field vari-
ables at spatial infinity, the conserved total energy-momentum and the total (spin
+ orbital) angular momentum of an isolated system are obtained as the generators
of the internal Poincare transformations, and the generators of the general affine
coordinate transformations vanish. 4),5)

(F) It admits the possible existence of matter fields having non-vanishing "intrin-
sic" energy-momentum P k (= the quantum number associated with the internal
translation),8) and the covariant derivative of the matter field 'P takes the form

Dk'P = eP,k (8p,'P + ~Almp,Mlm'P + iAI p,Pt'P) , (2·24)

in general.

(G) An extended new general relativity is obtained as a reduction of the theory. 9)

The invariance of the action integral under internal Po gauge transformations
requires the gravitational Lagrangian to be a function of Tklm and of R k1mn , and
the gravitational Lagrangian agrees with that in PGT. Hence, gravitational field
equations take the same forms in these theories.

§3. Schwarzschild space-time

By the term 'Schwarzschild space-time', we mean a space-time with the vanishing

torsion and the Schwarzschild metric, which has the expression

ds 2 = - (1 - ~) (dXO)2 + (1 - ~~) -1 (dr? + r2 [(dO)2 + sin2 O(d4>?] (3·1)

in the Schwarz schild coordinates (XO, r, 0, 4». Here, ro is the Schwarz schild radius
ro = 2G M / c2 with M being active gravitational mass of the central gravitating
body. A static chargeless mass point with active gravitational mass M is considered
- v
to produce a Schwarz schild space-time, and the energy-momentum density T p, of
the gravitational source is expected to have the expression
T: (x) = -Mc2 {jp,°{jov{j(3)(X) . (3·2)
976 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

In both PGT and PGT, the Schwarzschild space-time is obtainable as an exact

solution of the gravitational field equations with Sijk == 0 and T: (x) ~f A e kJ.L evlTkl
= _MC28J.L°8oV{j(3)(x) if *) and only if

as we shall show below. Since T k1m == 0 for this space-time, the curvature R ijmn

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agrees with the Riemann-Christoffel curvature R ijmn ( {}), and it is given by


with h ~f ro/r, where we have written the Lorentz (Latin) indices in parentheses.
Substituting Eq. (3·4) into the field equation (2·14), we obtain

T- 0 = -2a ( -h' h ) + (3C2 + 2C5) [( -h" + -hI) -h" - ( -h' + -h) -h]
+ -r2
o r 2 r 2 r r2 r2
h" hi ) 2 ( hi h ) 2]
+( 2C2 + C5 - 4C6) [ - ( 2" + -:;: + -:;: + r2 '
- '" - 0
To =O=T", ,

T- f3 _ 8 (hll
- -2a [f3 - + -h'r ) - - - (h"
x'" xf3 -2 - -r2h )]
'" '" 2 r2
-(3C2 + 2C5) ( 8 f3 - 2x'"-x- ) [( -h" + -hI) -h" - ( -h' + -h) -h]
'" r2 2 r 2 r r2 r2
xC< x ) [( h" hi ) 2 ( h' h ) 2]
+( 2C 2 + C5 - 4C6) ( 8! - 2--;:2 2" + -:;: - -:;: + r2

We regularize lO ) the function h = ro/r as ro/..,jr2 + 102 , in order to make a distri-

- 0
bution theoretical treatment. Then the regularized energy density To (x; 10) of the

*) In Ref. 1), the following has been shown: (1) For a gravitational source with'Sijk == 0, any
solution of the Einstein equation is also a solution of the gravitational field equations in PGT if
the condition (3·3) is satisfied. (2) The gravitational field equation 8L/8A i J,:. = 0 contains third
derivatives of the metric tensor, unless the condition (3·3) is satisfied.
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 977

gravitational source takes the form


Here, we have defined

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. {_ 2aroE2 } _ _ 2 (3)
!~ r2(r2 + E2)3/2 - Me 8 (x), (3·8)

where we have used a = e4 /167rG. For the second term A(r; E), we have

1 00 r2
o A(r;E)r2dr=-E~(C2+e5+4c6)
dx 157r r2
x2+1024E~(19c2+35e5+268e6)' (3·9)

in which the integral on the r.h.s. is divergent. As is known from Eqs. (3·5), (3·6),
(3·8) and (3·9), we have the limit


if and only if the condition

which is equivalent to Eq. (3·3), is satisfied:) Obviously, the field equation (2·15)
with Sijk == 0 is satisfied identically if the condition (3·3) is satisfied. 1)
From the above discussion and from the fact mentioned in the footnote on page
976, we know that the Lagrangian LR with the condition (3·3), which we shall employ
in the following, is favorable in various respects.

§4. Spherically symmetric vierbeins giving the Schwarzschild metric

In view of the fact that the Schwarzschild space-time is asymptotically

Minkowskian,3) we choose vierbeins satisfying


with e(O)k!-, being constants satisfying e(O)k!-,Tlkle(O)1 y = Tl!-'y. The general forms of
components e\, having spherical symmetry have been given by Robertson. 11) These
0) As for energy-momentum densities of the gravitational field, see §5 for PGT and §6 for PGT,
respecti vely.
978 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

can be written as
_ A Bxo: (a)
°- , eta)
,e ° = Cx(a)
(a) _ (a) x(a)xO: x{3
e Do 0: - 0: + E -r-2 - + FE(a)o:{3-
. (4·2)
Here, A, B, C, D, E and F are functions of r = J(x 1 )2 + (X2)2 + (x 3 )2 and of xo,

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and E(a)(b)(c) represents the three-dimensional Levi-Civita symbol with E(1)(2)(3) = l.
These give the Schwarzschild metric (3·1) if and only if

A2 - C 2 = 1- h, AB - C(D + E) = 0, D2 + F2 = 1 ,
_B2 + (D + E)2 = (1 - h)-I. (4.3)

The six functions A, B,···, F are required to satisfy the four relations in Eq. (4·3).
Thus, if A and D are fixed, the others are uniquely determined up to their signs.
Equations (4·1) '" (4·3) lead to

lim A = A oo , lim D = D 00 ,
r-+oo r-+oo
lim B
= r-too
lim C = lim E = lim F = 0 ,
r--too r-+oo
with Aoo and Doo being constants such that


From Eq. (4·3), it follows that

B(l - h) = .dC, (D + E)(l - h) = .dA, .d 2 = 1, (4·6)

with Ll ~f A(D + E) - BC.

In what follows we shall choose, for simplicity, the gauge of the internal Lorentz
group in a way such that A (and hence B and C) is independent of *) xo.
In Appendix B, we give an example of the set of spherically symmetric vierbeins
which gives the Schwarzschild metric and has an xO-independent A.

§5. Generators in Poincare gauge theory

In this section, following Hayashi and Shirafuji,3) we examine generators of

Lorentz gauge transformations and of Poincare coordinate transformations in the
Schwarzschild space-time. We employ, instead of t G, the following LG:

LG ~f tG + 2ao,AFB e"'ke"IA kl ",) (5·1)

as the gravitational Lagrangian. Thus, the total Lagrangian becomes

L~f LG+L M . (5·2)

.) This gauge choice is always possible for arbitrarily given spherically symmetric vierbeins
yielding the Schwarz schild metric.
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 979

The role of the divergent term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (5·1) is to produce reasonable
generators, 3),4) and it does not affect the field equations. .
The canonical energy-momentum MJ." the orbital angular momentum LJ.'v, and
the spin angular momentum Sij are generators of coordinate translations, of Lorentz
coordinate transformations, and of internal Lorentz transformations, respectively,
and they are expressed as 3), *)

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M J.' ~f totT- J.'Vd a v , . (5·3)


LJ.'V ~f f/VP (xJ.' totij/ - qi/>') da>. - (J-l ~ v) , (5·4)

S ij def
= 1(j
av , (5·5)

totij v ~f ij' v + t v (5·6)
J.' J.' J."

qi VP <kf ~ k 8L Akl (5·7)

J.' - 8ekV,p e J.' + 8Akl V,p J.' '

tot- v def 8L 8L k 8L
Sij = -2 [i ejp. - 4 [ik Ajl A - iaMij'P . (5·8)
8e A,V 8A >',v 'P,J.'
Here, a and day represent a space-like surface and the surface element on it, respec-
tively, and we have defined**)
-, v def 8L M
T J.' = oJ.'v LM - a-'P,J.' , (5·9)
- v def v 8L a k 8L a kl
tJ.' = OJ.' La - - 8k e A,J.' 8Akl A A,J.'· (5·10)
e >',v A,V
There is the relation - I II .- v
TJ.' = TJ.' ' (5·11)
which follows from the fact that L M is a scalar density. Also, we have the identities
oL k oL Akl tot - v _ 8 v>.
- oe\eJ.'- OAkiv J.'+ TJ.' = >.qiJ.' ' (5·12)

.) In general, integrands in representations (5·3) "" (5·5), etc., of physical quantities are singular
at :Jl = 0 and on the horizon T = TO. But, for the case of the example given in Appendix B, this
causes no trouble if K(xO) = constant> O. For the energy-momentum M"" for example, this can
be confirmed easily by using Eqs. (5·3), (5·12), (5·20), (B· 1) "" (B·5). In what follows, we restrict
ourselves to cases such that the singularities at :Jl = 0 and on the horizon T = TO cause no trouble
(also see the footnote .. ) on page 984) .
.. ) The gravitational energy-momentum density t;
is not vanishing, even if the condition (3·3)
is satisfied. The integrated gravitational energy-momentum, however, vanishes when the condi-
tions (3·3) and (5·25) are both satisfied. This density does not reduce to the gravitational energy-
momentum density employed in Ref. 10), even for the case with Ck = 0 (k = 1,2" . ,,6) and with
Tklm == 0, for which the relation La = aRC {}) holds.
980 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo


where we have defined

E . .I-'V
~f -2 [ 8 AaL
_ 2a ( vc:; [I-'. vJ. -
- ge , e J e
(0)[1-'. (O)vJ .)]
•e J (5·14)

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More explicitly, the superpotential tV;p is expressed as

- 2J[ij][v pJ Ll· . (5·15)

'JI-' ,

where we have defined

Jijv p ~f _! 8L R
28A ijv ,p ,

Llijl-' ~f ~ekl-'(Cijk - C jik - C kij ) (5·17)



The expression of tV 000< and of tV 0<0i3 in terms of A, B, ... and F are given by

tV 00< = 4a-1 ( 1 - h - -AD) -xO< + 3C2 -hh' -xO< ,

° r Ll r2 r r
i3 i3
tV 0i3 = 2a [A' B - C' (D + E)] (8i3 _ x"'x ) _ 2a! BD (8 i3 + xo<x )
0< 0< r2 r Ll 0< r2

where we have defined h' ~f dh/dr, A' ~f dA/dr, etc. Also, we have

F2 - DE ( xo:x(a)) (D + E)F x i3 ]
E(o)(a) Oa = 2a [ Ll DCa) - ~ - Ll f.(a)ai3-;:

1 h' D(D + E)
-6C2 - -
[2 r Ll
O( ) - - -
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 981

1 h' (D + E)F x{3 1 h xax(a)]

+-2- A f(a)a{3- + J\ 2--2- ,
r.u r.ur r

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5.1. Energy-momentum
Equation (5·3) can be written as

M,.. = J .p,..oa r 2na dfl , (5·22)

with the aid of Eq. (5·12), where dfl represents the differential solid angle. We can
show that

Mo=167ra}~~r(1-h-A:) ,
Ma =0, (5·23)
by use ofEq. (5·20). We look for the condition imposed on the functions A, B, C, D, E
and F by the requirement
M,.. = -D,..°Mc2 , (5·24)
which implies the equality of the active gravitational mass and the inertial mass.
The condition (5·24) is equivalent to

hmr (1-
- =ro
-. (5·25)
r-+oo L\ 2
If we express AI Aoo and D I Doo as
A h D
-=l--+P j)=l+Q, (5·26)
Aoo 2 ' 00

then the relation lim r -+ oo P = 0 = limr -+ oo Q follows. Equation (5·25) is equivalent

to the condition
lim rep + Q + PQ) =0. (5·27)

Equation (5·24) agrees with Eq. (5·6) of Ref. 3), which has been obtained for generic
systems that are at rest as a whole.
5.2. Angular momentum
By virtue of Eqs. (5·12) and (5·13), Eqs. (5·4) and (5·5) can be rewritten as

L"'V = rt>' J x"'.p >.oa r 2n a dfl - (11 +=! v) \ (5·28)

Sij = J~i/Qr2nQdfl . (5·29)

982 T_ Kawai, E_ Sakane and T_ Tojo

These lead to, using Eqs_ (5-20) and (5-21),

LI-'II =0, Sij =0, (5-30)
which hold for any A, B, C, D, E and F satisfying the conditions (4-3) and (4-5).

§6. Generators in Poincare gauge theory

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In this section, on the basis of the discussion in Refs. 4) and 5), we exam-
ine generators of internal Poincare transformations and of general affine coordinate
transformations for the Schwarzschild space-time in PGT.
6.1. The case in which {'lj!k,Akl-',Akll-"'P} is employed as the set of independent field
Let us denote the Lagrangians Land LG expressed as functions of 'lj!k, A kl-" A kl 1-"
'P and of their derivatives by t and G , respectively. For this case, the generator t
£'h of internal translations and the generator Ski of internal Lorentz transforma-
tions are 4 ) the dynamical energy-momentum and the total (spin + orbital) angular
momentum, respectively, and they are expressed as

M k ~f
1 totT

I-'d0"1-" (6·1)

S kl ~f

1 U

0"1-" (6·2)


totT I-' <kf at . at R at A I (6.3)

k - a'lj!k
+ ~ a 'P,I-' k'P + aAI 11,1-' k II ,

tot A I-' def (at A III-' A III-' m i at )

Ski = -2 --[k-'lj!I] + F[k AI]II + 2F[km AI] II + 28Mkl'P ,
a'lj! ,1-' 'P,I-'
F 1-'11 ~f at A 1-'11 def at
k - aAk ' F kl = aAkl (6·5)
IL,V j.L,V

~ 1-'11 ~f 2 [FA 1-'11 _ 2 ( c;:. [I-' eII] _ (0)[1-' e(0)11])] (6·6)

~kl - - kl a y -ge k I e k I

Also, there are the identities



A 1-'11 A 1-'11
The functions F k and F kl have the expressions

F;II = (2a/Fr;)ekp a u [(_g)g[I-'PgvJu]

Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 983

+2a yc;-.g
[e[/' k (evJ1e AI,A _ eA1e vJ I,A ) + e Ak e[l'l evJ I,A'
• I'V • [l'vJ • I'V
Fkl = -2J[kIJ + F[k '!/JIJ' (6·9)

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A 0", • 0",
The expression of F co) and of F(a) in terms of A, B,··· and F are given by

F CO )
0", 1(
= 4a;: A -..1 -:;:'
D) x'"

• 0", 1 x(a)x'" { 1 B} ( xca)x"')

FCa) = -4a;:G~ + 2a D [A'B - G'(D + E)]-;:..1 8(a) - ~
+2aF [A' B - G'(D + E)] E(a)",{3~ . (6·11)
• I'V
For ~ kl ,we have

A 0", [1
= 2a ..1 (F 2 - DE) ( 8(a)
- ~ -
x"'x ») (D + E)F

h' D(D + E) ('"

[ -r ..1
8Ca ) - - - 2-
+ -h'r (D +..1E)F ECa)",{3-

2 h x"'x Ca )]
+ - - - - - 4a-1r ( A - -D)
..1 r2 r2
..1 r
2 x"'x Ca ) x{3
+2a ( - - G -2 - + [A'B - G'(D + E)] FE(a)",{3-
r r r

+ { [A'B-G'(D+E)]D-;:..1 B} ( x"'x
»)) '!/JCO) ,

2 x"'x(a) x{3
- [ 2a ( - - G -2 -+[A'B-G'(D+E)]FECa)",{3-
r r r

+ {[A'B - G'(D + E)] D - ~ ~} (8ca) - x",~ca») )'!/JCb)

-((a) +::t (b))]. (6·12)

984 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

6.1.1. Energy-momentum
By using Eq. (6·11) and the expression


which follows from Eqs. (6·1) and (6·7), we can obtain

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£1(0) = 167ra }i.~ r (A - ~) ,
M(a) = o. (6·14)

We have the relation 4) Mk = e(O)I\MI-' for generic space-times satisfying suitable

asymptotic conditions. Here, MI-' is the energy-momentum vector of the total system,
which agrees*) with the canonical energy-momentum in PGT given by Eq. (5·22).
In view of this, we require the relation


following the requirement (5·24) in PGT. This is equivalent to

. ( D A)
hmr - - -
r-+oo Doo Aoo

If we express A/Aoo and D / Doo as

A h D
-=l--+U -=l+V (6·17)
Aoo 2 ' Doo '
then the relation limr-+oo U = 0 = limr oo V follows. Equation
-+ (6·16) is equivalent
to the condition
lim r(U - V)
= o. (6·18)

6.1.2. Angular momentum

As is known from Ref. 4), the angular momentum in PGT depends on the
asymptotic behavior of the field 'ljJ,**) and the relations

'ljJk = e(O)kl-'xl-' + 'ljJ(O)k + O(l/r,B) , (6·19)

'ljJk,1-' = e(O)k I-' + O(l/rl+,B) . (6·20)

This is quite natural, and we assume it to be the case. Here, 'ljJ(O)k and (3 are constants
((3 > 0), and O(l/rn) with positive n denotes a term for which r nO(l/rn) remains
finite for r - t 00; a term which is O(l/r n ) may of course also be zero.

*) In view of this agreement, we use the same symbol Mp. for these two energy-momenta.
**) We choose this field to be regular everywhere in the finite region of space-time. This is
possible, because the field 'Ij; can be chosen arbitrarily, as has been shown in Ref. 2).
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 985

The angular momentum Ski is expressed as


which follows from Eqs. (6·2) and (6·8). From Eqs. (6·12), (6·15) and (6·21), we

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A _ A (0) _ (0) A
S(O)(a) - -M(o)1jJ (a) - 21jJ [(o)M(a)] , (6·22)
A (0) A

S(a)(b) = 0= 21jJ [(a)M(b)] ' (6·23)

when the conditions (6·18) and


are both satisfied. Equations (6·22) and (6·23) show that Ski agrees with the orbital
angular momentum 4) around the origin of the internal space R4. These equations
agree with Eq. (5·8) of Ref. 4), because the first term on the r.h.s. of this equation
vanishes for the Schwarzschild metric.
6.1.3. Canonical energy-momentum and "extended orbital angular momentum"
The generator Mel-' of coordinate translations and the generator t; of GL(4, R)
coordinate transformations are the canonical energy-momentum and*) the "extended
orbital angular momentum", respectively. They have the expressions



where we have defined**)

tot ~ v clef A v (A AV k A AV kl at k at )
TI-' = L81-' - Fk A A,I-' + Fkl A A,I-' + a1jJk,v 1jJ ,I-' + acp,v cp,1-' , (6·27)


A VA ~f A VA A VAAkl
.p I-' - Fk Ak
I-' + F kl I-' • (6·29)
From Eq. (6·25) and the identity


*)Note that the anti-symmetric part L[I-'''I ~f L[/11"I>" is the orbital angular momentum.
**)The energy-momentum density of the gravitational field is defined by the r.h.s. of Eq. (6·27)
with L replaced by La. This density does not yield a vanishing energy-momentum when it is
integrated over a space-like surface.
986 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

the expression
I.L =
j A

r n",dfl , (6·31)
is obtained. By evaluating the r.h.s. of this, we obtain


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when the condition
lim rU =0 (6·33)

is satisfied. For £:' we have


which follows from Eqs. (6·26) and (6·30). By evaluating the r.h.s. of this, we obtain

Lo = 0, £;=0, f-t=l=v (6·35)

when the conditions (6·18) and (6·33) are both satisfied. Also, we have


if the conditions (6·33) and

U' = O(l/rl+l') , (6·37)
with 'Y a positive constant, are both satisfied. It is also known that the orbital
angular momentum £ [I'v] vanishes if the condition (6·24) is satisfied.
6.2. The case in which {'l/!k,ekl',Akll.L'<p} is employed as the set of independent field
Let us denote the Lagrangians Land Lc expressed as functions of 'l/Jk , e k1" A kl 1" <p
and of their derivatives by t and t c , respectively.
For the dynamical energy-momentum Mk , we have 5 )

M- k ~fl
totT- kI.Ld 0"1' =
- 0, (6·38)

totT- I' ~f at . at R = 0
k - ao/,k
'f' ,I'
+ '/, a <p,1' k<P - . (6·39)

The generator Ski of internal Lorentz transformations is expressed as



tot -
SkI I' def at at
= -2--[k-'l/JI] - 2-[k-el]v - 4
[k A I]mv - 1,8
. at M kl<p· (6 4 )
. 1
a'l/! ,I' ae 1/,1' aA mv,1' 'P,I'
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 987

Also, we have the identity



Ek/'V ~f -2 a:!: + 4a (FYe[J.t kev]l - e(O)[J.t ke(O)v]l) .

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Equation (6·40) can be rewritten as


with the aid of Eq. (6·42). The integrand in Eq. (6·44) agrees with that in Eq. (5·29),
and it follows that
which holds for any A, B, C, D, E and F satisfying the conditions (4·3) and (4·5).
The canonical energy-momentum Me/.' is expressed as



1/ def
= - (at

k + aeat ek>',/.' + aAkl
1/J,J.t kA,V
at A kl >',1' + a'P,/.'
at) .

There is the identity


where we have defined


From Eqs. (5·3), (5·7), (5·12), (6·46), (6·48) and (6·49), we can show that


When the requirement (5·24) is imposed, the functions A, B, C, D, E and F agree

with those in the case of PGT.
*) The energy-momentum density of the gravitational field is defined by the r.h.s. of Eq. (6·47)
with L replaced by La. This density agrees with that of PGT if the "intrinsic" energy-momentum
Pk of the field ip is vanishing.
988 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

The "extended orbital angular momentum", which is the generator of GL(4, R)

coordinate transformations, has the expression

LI-'v ~flMI-'VAd eTA, (6·51)


M;A ~f -2 (xv totT1-'>' _ q; I-'VA)

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The integral in Eq. (6·51) is evaluated to give


the first of which implies that the orbital angular momentum is vanishing. We have


1 2 1 3 5 4
P = - 23 h - 24 h - 27 h +Z , (6·55)

where Z satisfies Z = O(1/r6 ) and limr--->oo r3 Z' = o.

§7. Summary and comments

The results obtained in §§3 '" 6 can be summarized as follows:

1. In both PGT and PGT, the Schwarz schild space-time expressed in terms of
the Schwarzschild coordinates is obtainable as a torsionless exact solution of
gravitational field equations with a spinless point-like source located at the
origin if and only if the condition (3·3) is satisfied. This and the fact mentioned
in the footnote on page 976 show that the Lagrangian LR with the condition
(3·3) is favorable in various respects.
2. Spherically symmetric vierbeins (4·2) have been considered by choosing the
gauge of the internal Lorentz group in such a way that the function A is inde-
pendent of xo.
3. For PGT, the equality of the active gravitational mass and the inertial mass is
satisfied if and only if the condition (5·25), which is equivalent to Eq. (5·27), is
satisfied. Also, the spin angular momentum Ski and orbital angular momentum
LI-'V both vanish for any A, B, C, D, E and F that satisfy the conditions (4·3)
and (4·5).
4. For PGT, the generators depend on the choice of the set of independent field
(A) The case in which h"k, Akl-" Akll-" cp} is employed as the set of independent
field variables.
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 989

For this case, the dynamical energy-momentum Nh, which is the generator
of internal translations, has the expression (6·15)*) if the condition (6·16)
(or equivalently the condition (6·18)) is satisfied. For the total angular mo-
mentum Ski, we have Ski = 21j;(O)[kMl] if the conditions (6·18) and (6·24) are
both satisfied. This shows that the total angular momentum of this space-
time is only the orbital angular momentum around the origin of the internal
space R\ which is quite reasonable, because this space-time is a static and

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spherically symmetric with a static spinless point-like source. The canoni-
cal energy-momentum Mc,.. vanishes if the condition (6·33) is satisfied. The
"extended orbital angular momentum" i; vanishes if the conditions (6·33)
and (6·37) are both satisfied. Thus, reasonable expressions for the energy-
momentum and angular momentum are obtained as the generators of the
internal Poincare transformations, and the generators of general affine co-
ordinate transformations vanish if the conditions (6·18), (6·24), (6·33) and
(6·37) are all satisfied.

(B) The case in which {1j;k, ek,.., Akl,.., 'P} is employed as the set of independent
field variables.
For this case, the dynamical energy-momentum JVh identically vanishes, 5)
and also the spin angular momentum Ski and the orbital angular momentum
L[,..[ll both vanish for any A, B, C, D, E and F satisfying the conditions (4·3)
and (4·5). The canonical energy-momentum Mc,.. agrees with the energy-
momentum M,.. in PGT, and the active gravitational mass is equal to the
inertial mass if the condition (5·25) is satisfied. The "extended orbital angular
momentum" L; vanishes if the condition (6·55) is satisfied.
Finally, we would like to add several comments:
[1] In general relativity, an expression identical to (3·2) has been obtained 10) for the
energy-momentum density of the source of the Schwarzschild space-time. Thus,
the gravitational field of this space-time can be interpreted to be produced by
a point-like particle with mass M located at x = O. The regularization scheme
employed is crucial in giving this result. 10) In the present paper, we have devel-
oped our discussion on the premise that this interpretation and the regularization
scheme are both applicable also to PGT and to PGT.

[2] For the Schwarzschild space-time, the Lorentz gauge potentials Akl,.. agree with
the Ricci rotation coefficients Llkl,.., and the results given in §§5 and 6 show that
reasonable energy-momenta and angular momenta are obtainable, even if the con-
dition 3), 4)

Ll kl ,..,(m) = 0 ( r 21+a ) ' m= 1,2, a> 0, (7·1)

0) Recall the discussion in the paragraph just below Eq. (6·14) and note that the relation Mp.
= -Mc2 8p.° gives the equality of the active gravitational mass and the inertial mass.
990 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

or the weaker condition 3), 4)


with Mkll-' a constant and

1) '

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L kl I-',(m) = 0 ( r3 m = 1,2, (7·3)

are not satisfied. Here, ..1 kl 1-', (m), for example, denotes the m-th order partial
derivative of ..1 kl l-' with respect to x>'.

[3] As we have seen in the summary, the requirement that the active gravitational
mass is equal to the inertial mass restricts the behavior of the vierbeins at spatial
infinity. The physical meaning of vierbeins violating this equality is not yet clear.
In this connection, it is worth mentioning the following: (1) There is a similar
situation also in new general relativity. 12), 13) (2) Also in the framework of general
relativity, the equality of the active gravitational mass and the inertial gravita-
tional mass is violated for the Schwarzschild metric expressed with the use of a
certain coordinate system. 14)

[4] The discussions in §§5 and 6 present us with a test of the definitions of energy-
momenta and of angular momenta introduced in Refs. 3) and 4), and the results
summarized in §§3 and 4 support these.

Appendix A
- - Irreducible Components ofTklm and of R k1mn - -

The irreducible components of nlm and of R k1mn are as follows:

def 1 1 1
tklm = 2" (Tk1m + Tzkm) + "6 (7]mk VI + 7]mI Vk) - "37]kl Vm , (A·l)
defTI (A·2)
Vk = lk'
def 1 T 1mn (A·3)
ak = "6t:klmn ,

A k1mn ~1
= "6 (Rklmn + Rkmnl + R kn1m + Rlmkn + Rlnmk + Rmnkl ) , (A·4)

Bklmn =
"41 (Wk1mn + W mnkl )
- Wknlm - Wlmkn , (A·5)

def 1 )
Cklmn = 2" (Wk1mn - W mnkl , (A·6)
def 1
Ekl = 2"(R kl - R 1k ) , (A·7)
def 1 1
hi = 2"(Rkl + R 1k ) - "47]kl R , (A·8)

R ~f
- 7]
klRkl, (A·9)
Schwarzschild Space- Time in Gauge Theories of Gravity 991

Wklmn = Rklmn - 21 ('rJkmRln + rJlnRkm - 'rJknRlm - 'rJlmRkn)
+6"('rJkm'rJln - 'rJlmrJkn)R, (A·lO)

R kl def mnR
= 'rJ kmln' (A·ll)

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Appendix B
Vierbeins Giving the Schwarzschild Metric - -

Vierbeins having the expression (4·2) are fixed by the functions A, B, C, D, E

and F. Here we give an example of the set of A, B,'" and F which gives the
Schwarzschild metric:

A = ± (1- %+ Jhw) , (B·l)

D=± 1 (B·2)
1 + K(xO)h w '

C = v' A2 - 1 + h, F = v'1 - D2 , (B·3)

B=±l_h' (B·4)
E=±l_h -D. (B·5)

The signs in the expressions for Band E are chosen to be the same!) Also, J(~ 0)
and ware real constants, and K(~ 0) is a real-valued function of xO.
The function A in the above is independent of xO, and we have the following:

L1 = ±1, (B·6)
Aoo = ± 1, if and only if J = 0 or w > 0 , (B·7)
Doo = ±1, if and only if K == 0 or w > 0 , (B·8)

where the choice of signs in Eq. (B·6), Eq. (B-7) and Eq. (B·8) are the same as in
Eqs. (B·4) and (B·5), Eq. (B·l) and Eq. (B·2), respectively. The restrictions imposed
on w, J and K by the asymptotic conditions (5·27), (6·18), (6·24), (6·33), (6·37), etc.,
can be easily determined.

1) K. Hayashi and T. Shirafuji, Prog. Theor. Phys. 64 (1980), 866.
2) T. Kawai, Gen. Relat. Gravit. 18 (1986), 995; 19 (1987), 1285E.
3) K. Hayashi and T. Shirafuji, Prog. Theor. Phys. 73 (1985), 54.
4) T. Kawai, Prog. Theor. Phys. 79 (1988), 920.
5) T. Kawai and H. Saitoh, Prog. Theor. Phys. 81 (1989), 280, 1119.
6) K. Hayashi and T. Shirafuji, Prog. Theor. Phys. 64 (1980), 1435.

0) Otherwise, the choice of signs in Eqs. (B'1)"" (B·5) is arbitrary.

992 T. Kawai, E. Sakane and T. Tojo

7) T. Kawai, Prog. Theor. Phys. 84 (1990), 993.

8) T. Kawai, Prog. Theor. Phys. 82 (1989), 850.
9) T. Kawai and N. Toma, Prog. Theor. Phys. 85 (1991), 90l.
10) T. Kawai and E. Sakane, Prog. Theor. Phys. 98 (1997), 69.
11) H. P. Robertson, Ann. Math. 33 (1932), 496.
12) T. Shirafuji, G. G. L. Nashed and K. Hayashi, Prog. Theor. Phys. 95 (1996), 665.
13) T. Shirafuji, G. G. L. Nashed and Y. Kobayashi, Prog. Theor. Phys. 96 (1996), 933.
14) Y. Bozhkov and W. A. Rodrigues, Jr., Gen. Relat. Gravit. 27 (1995), 813.

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