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One Eye One Keyhole







Setting: House

There was one woman whom had a job at the new company at Manila. Since her family's house was far
from it, she rented an ace near the company at a cheap price. "This place is cheap yet is in a great
condition" the landlord said. After her first day at the company, she had a rest at her bed, but it was
disturbed by the ruckus on the other room. she placed her ear near the wall to listen to what is
happening. she heard a fight between a married couple and a child around 5-6 years old, crying. Since it
was a family problem, she chose not to get involved. Days passed yet the conflict on the other room was
still on-going, so she decided to take action. she tried to open the door at the other room yet it did not
open, so she tried to look at the keyhole and surprisingly, someone was looking back at her! At first she
was shock but she did not bother to look again. Weeks and months have passed but the noise just gets
louder and wilder than before. One night, she was celebrating but it was interrupted by the noise that
got noisier and wilder. When he checked the keyhole again, the eye that was looking at her got a little
angrier, it had more nerves around it and the breathing shows that it was angry. In the morning she
decided to talk to the landlord. "What is all the ruckus in the other room? The family seems to have a
fight every night. And it is bothering me!" The worker said. "But ma'am" The landlord contradicts, "the
family that used to live there is alreadt dead."

7:31 PM

"The father killed his own wife due to jealousy. The last I can recall is that the wife was looking through
the keyhole of the door, looking for help after getting 5 stabs at the back"

SVG 101.1

*horror song plays*

Dear SVG,

There’s so many things that science can’t explain and this is what I had proven from one of the situation
in my life, that I still seek for an explanation every now and then. Ms._______, my name is Anitha, 21
years old and I want to share this story of mine for the awareness of people about the unexplainable
things that they may encounter. This story happened 2 years ago in my apartment in Manila but it’s still
fresh in my mind even if it happened years ago.


Landlord: This place is cheap yet is in a great condition


Landlord: what do you think?


Anitha: well, hmmm, this place is looking great. It’s exactly my type.

Landord: oh, thank you ma’am. This place is really convenient for working people like you since it’s just a
walking distance from the other companies, malls, universities, public transportations and hospitals.


Anitha: hmmm, How much is the rent? I’ll pay you now.

Landlord: P-pardon?

*purse zipper

Anitha: hmm?

Landlord: *stuttering* u-uhm, 2,000 a month mam. 2 months deposit, 1 month advance.


Anitha: oh, great.


Anitha: Here, take it. I’ll be moving my things here tomorrow. I’m leaving.
Landlord: thank you mam. Have a nice day.

Anitha: You’re welcome.



*Bus sound





Anitha: Hey mom and dad

*nagtatanggal ng sapatos

*tv sound

dad: oh, how are you my child?

Anitha: I’m fine dad, just a bit tired.


Anitha: I looked for an apartment near at my work and fortunately, I found one. Although it’s hard to
find a convenient but cheap one but It’s still worth it. Hayyss…

Mom: it must be really tiring.


*walking to the kitchen

Mom: Come, let’s eat before our food becomes cold.


Mom: hey, anitha, why are you still standing there?

Anitha:i- I just realized something…

Dad: what is it, my daughter?

Anitha: I realized that I won’t be here anymore and you’re not with me there. I’ll be lonely. There’s no
mom who will cook for me and there’s no dad who will advise me.



mom: oh c’mon. anitha, you need to stay strong without us okay? You said you are not a crybaby
anymore right?

Anitha: yeah dad, I can handle this.

dad: and we promise you, we’ll be visiting you there if we have time.

Anitha: yeah, right. I’ll be waiting for you to visit me one day, okay?

Mom: Of course, you’re our daughter, we’ll keep our promise. For now, let’s eat I’m already hungry.



Anitha: uhmm, just place it there mister.

*furniture moving

Anitha: thank you!

Mister: welcome.

*truck door closing


Anitha: haysss. This is my new home. I should get used to it.






*checks the phone

Anitha: oh, it’s already 3:30 am? I just finished my presentation.

*bed creaks

Anitha: I should sleep now…



Anitha: huhhh?? It’s just 3:45

*bed creaks

(tries to sleep again)


*something shattered

(bumangon) *bed creaks

Anitha: what the fuck was that?

(other room)

Girl: please don’t hurt mom, dad.


Man: You should die, you slutty bitch!

Woman: Please let go of me!

*heavy breathing

Girl: dad, Please stop this.


*heavy breathing

Woman: I-I can’t breathe

*she ignores it and gets back to sleep

Anitha: a family thing huh? I really need to sleep now and stop listening to other people’s business.


*bed creaks
DJ: I don’t know why they are fighting but I just ignored it… at first. But then it happened…again

--------------THE OTHER NIGHT------------------

*door opens and closed


Anitha: I’m so tired. I need to sleep.

*bed creaks

3:45 am


*bed creaks


Anitha: oh shit! Not again!

--------------THE OTHER NIGHT------------------


Anitha: Tomorrow is my date and I need to have my beauty sleep ^_^

*bed creaks

Anitha: Haysss… I already miss my parents but I’m just living here a month ago.



Anitha: Good night world!

-------------3:00 am----------------

*heavy breathing

Anitha: ugh! what was that strange dream? Haysss…It’s so cold

*phone rings

Anitha: hmmm?? whose number is this?

Anitha: hello? Who are you?

Anitha: u-uhm? Hello?

*ends call

Anitha: so weird…


*goes to the kitchen

* pouring water


Anitha: I should go back to sleep now.


*bed creaks


----------------3:45 am-----------------



*bed creaks

Anitha: what the heck is happening again?!!! UGH! SO FUCKING IRRITATING



*bed creaks


Anitha: why the fuck they can’t keep their shitty mouths shut?! Ugh! Fuck them!




Anitha: u-uhhh hello? Could you please open this door?




ANITHA: HELLO? Please open the door

*door knob

Anitha: we need to talk.. you’re pestering me!



*Heavy breathes


Anitha: oh my god, what was that?

*walk fastly


*heavy breaths

Anitha: w-what the fuck was that? Oh god.. I hope it’s just my imagination. Yeahh r-right.. I’m just tired.

----------------ON THE OTHER NIGHT--------------

DJ: there’s a reddish eye looking at me when I looked into that keyhole. I thought I was just being crazy
so I just ignored what I have seen and tried to forget about it. Days passed, and the fighting stops. I’m so
happy that my sleep got very well that’s why I got promoted to my job and so I decided to celebrate in
my apartment. I thought It would be okay but something happened that I can’t ever forget.

*loud music

*kpop song

Anitha: eotteoke nide..

Anitha: wooohhh..

*drinking wine
Anitha: ahhhh.. so delicious

*music rumbled

*music suddenly stops


Anitha: h-huh? Wait w-what happened?!

(she heard it again)

Woman: I-I can’t breathe

Anitha: A-again?! I thought…


Man: you should die!!!!!!!

*glass breaks

Anitha: o-oh my god!


Woman: help me please! Ahhhh!

*murderous sound

Man: You’re only mine! Mine! You hear that?! Mine and only mine!!

*heavy breathes

*murderous sound


Girl: mom!!!!

Anitha: Again?!!! For heaven’s sake!


Anitha: I can’t handle this anymore!





*door knob

Anitha: Open the door now!

Anitha: Hey!!!!!!!! You mother fuckers! Open the door!




*door knob

Anitha: I need to talk to whoever are you! HEY!


Anitha: ghaddd why can’t they open this fucking door?

*door knob

ANITHA: what the fuck?? Are they deaf? Why can’t they fucking hear me?!

*LOUD Kick to the door

Anitha: fuck you…


*heavy breathing

*grrrr (angry noise)

*horror sound

Anitha: a-again? W-who are you?

*wind blows

Anitha: ahhhhh!

*door locked


*bed creaks

*heavy breathing

Anitha: Lord, please help me…




Man: die! die! die! die! die!

Anitha: Lord, please save me… please, please, please





Man: I will kill you…..

DJ: The eye that I have seen in that keyhole became my nightmare. It was full of nerves and it seems
that that person is also angry at me. I thought I was going to die because of shock and fear building up
inside me but I just prayed until I fell asleep.

The next day, I decided to talk to the landlord about the other room beside mine. I told her about what
happened and what she said gave me shivers up until now.


*heavy breaths


*door opens

Landlord: Oh, what happened miss anitha?

Anitha: What is all the ruckus in the other room? The family seems to have a fight every night. And it is
bothering me!

Landlord: B-but ma'am

Anitha: But what?! Spill it! Or I’m gonna talk to the police!

Landlord: the family that used to live there is already dead!

Anitha: what are you talking about?! Are you dumb? Everynight I always hear their fights! How come
they are already dead?!

Landlord: n-no mam, please listen to me first. T-the father killed his own wife due to jealousy. T-the last I
can recall is that the wife was looking through the keyhole of the door, looking for help after getting 5
stabs a-at the back

Anitha: w-what?

DJ: after that, I decided to go back to my parent’s house because of fear and trauma I got in that
apartment. Up until now I was thinking of what happened. It’s still bothering me every night and I can’t
sleep well because of that. One year passed by, and after I recovered from it I decided to check out what
happened to that apartment but I was shocked when…



Anitha: Uhm, hello, do you know where is the Herrera’s Apartment?

Man: uhm, Herrera’s Apartment?

Anitha: uhhh yes?

Man: It was already abandoned and burned 5 years ago because of the massacre

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