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Time Allowed: 3 Hours
イゥNセ[}GAZ|Lᄋjヲ\ャQ_ョF@ MaximllmMarks: 300

Candidates should attempt Question 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining
questions selecting at least one question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks.

ヲAapGセr@ *I

(a) The orb1t of the earth 1s an elhp se wtte eccentn aty 0 0 167 Deternune the of the maxtmum
speed of the earth to its minimum speed. セ@ +
(b) A rocket is fired vertically up. During the burning of the en ·n 1 lasts for 50 s, a constant
acceleration of 2.0 g is observed. What is the speed of the cltet end of 50 s? Calculate the
maximum height to which the rocket will rise before ゥ セエ・@ in to fa! back. Take= g = 9.80 ms-2 and
neglect the variation of g with height.
(c) Water is observed to flow through a capillary of 、 セ ᄋ@ e e .0 with a speed of 3 ms-1 viscosity of
water m c. g. s. umts 1s :
0.018 at0°C セ@
0.008 at 30°C
0.004 at 70° c セ@
Calculate he Reynolds ョオュ「 セ イウL@ st hich of these three temperatures is the flow like! y to be
(d) Find the Fermi energy セ ヲ@ ectrons in sodiummc Na ). given its density to be 0.97 g cm-3
Treat the electrons as 。 セ@
2.(a) A neutron havin ineti. f. energy E collides head on with a セ R c@ nucleus and rebounds perfectly
elastically in ction from which it came. Determine the kinetic energy of the neutron after
(b) of the Sun, given the distance of the Earth from the sun to be I 5 x I 08 km.
(c) elo city of an electron having kinetic energy I MeV.
id sp ere of mass 6 kg, diameter 20 em, and uniform density rolls over a surface with a speed of
ll"lloJll. Calculate its kinetic energy.
dentical drops of water, each of radius r2, co a! ease to form a large drop of radius R. C a! culate the
energy released in the process and the consequent rise in temperature of water.
(c) Explain clearly why Young's modules Y of a material determines the resistance to bending of a thin
rod made of that material.
Derive the expression for the work done when a wire of length I and cross-sectional area A is
stretched by an amount クHセャI@ under a given load corresponding to equilibri urn at stretching x.
4.(a) Calculate the root-mean-square speed of smoke particles of mass 5xl o-1' gin air 0°C.

(b) Write down the expression for the energy distribution of a blackbody radiation at temperature
T and deduce. Wien' s displacement law.
Taking the constant to be equal to 3-s, where sis small (so that scan be neglected in comparison to
I). Find the value of s.
(c) Consider the following equation of state for a gas:
RT a
P= v-b- T..?
where a and b arc constants and other symbols have their usual meaning.
and V, in terms of a and h at the critical point.

Answer any three of the follo1Mng
Parallel hght 1s mc1dent normally on diffraction ァイ。ョエゥ セ
r :o@ hnes per em Fmd the angular
separation between the max1ma for wavelengths 5: / セ セ YV@ Am the second order

(b) The angular frequency, oo, of a wave IS イ セ・ャエ、@ セ ・@ vector, k, by the relation

r.J=r.J0 stn-z orO<
>-; Q!j

dセゥB@ •• ph•• orul GZ |セ@ 0 of <hio • .,, orul ,,_ • roogh oko<oh • ohow .,,,
vanatlon wtth

k(O <k < セイャ。I イ^NL@

(c) Cal cui ate the pow radiU a tungsten filament I 0 em long and 0. 0 I 0 mm in diameter, when it is
heated to 2, 50 an+vacuated bulb. Assume that the filament radiates at 3 0% of the rate of a
blackbody at temperature.

(d) tィ・ セ セ@ om the Sun 1.37x!03 W/m2 of power on the top of the attnosphere. Calculate the
ュ セ@ that is converted into energy in one second.

6.(a) セ 、ゥ・@ following three functions only one can be Fourier analysed in the range MQエセx@ 1t. Choose
セ@ , rrect function and obtain its Fourier series expansion:

(i) f(x) = i for 0 < x < 1t

(ii) f(x) = 0 for -1t < x < 0

= 1t for 0 <x < 1t

(iii) f(x) = llx2 for -1t<x< 1t

(b) How can one produce

(i) left-handed circular motion, and

(ii) right-handed circular motion

by combining two simp! e harmonic motions? Justify, your answers.

(c) What is stimulated emission of light? How does it differ from spontaneous emission? Name any
device basal on the stimulated emission of light and explain its working.

7. (a) Define and explain the terms resolving power and magnifying power of an optical instrum
telescope, on that parameter do these depend? For a given resolving power, what is th
magnifying power?









(f) e four Maxwell's equation.

(a) The stopping potential for electrons emitted from a metal, due to photo electric effect, is found to be I
volt forli ght of 2, 5 00 Angstrom units. Calculate the work function of the metal in electron volts.
(b) Which of the following reactions are forbidden and why?
p セ@ n+e++ve
1t セ@ J.L++vu
H2 セ@ He3 + e-+ e
(c) The number of a! ph a particles emitted per gm of radium each second is 3. 71 x I 010 .Atomic weight
of radium is 2 26. Calculate its half-life in years.
(d) Write a brief note (about 200 words) on X-ray absorption edges.
V(x) = 0
=Vo forx>O
for x < 0

Deduce the reflection coefficient for particles incident from left to rigl:i
Q ·. e om negative to
P"iti" ' "'''") wi. <M<gy E > V0. Do Y" <'Ooct my BG セ@ p o of ^セ@ """
incident from right to left? Explain qualitative! y. +'
7. Give an account of Pauli's exclusion principle. Show how ita uilding up of the Periodic
Table of elements. The description must particularly emph ize structure and the placing of
alkali metals, helo gens and inert gases in the Perio die セ@
8. Explain, on the basis of bond structure, the b ・ィ セ ᄋ@ 1 ators and conductors. Describe the
effect of adding donor or acceptor impurities on
of a p-n junction as a rectifier. _
,r duct n a semi -conductor. Explain the action

Mass of electron = 9.1 x 10,-;c-5"11

セZッGウ@ Z Qセ

numbers : Mュッャ・イ Q@
So ] Nオセ@ Qエ セ セ@
6.6 セ ᄋ erg sec
h0 .
c ' 10 10 em/sec
-......\ Ie .6x10- erg
セML@ • = L6x 10- joule

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