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Republic of the Philippines


Bustos Campus
Poblacion, Bustos, Bulacan

Name: Santos, Luigi S. Subject: Geography I (SSE 103)

Course/Year/Section: BSED-Social Study 1-H Instructor: Mr. Gaudencio S. Dy

Human Geograph

(Human geography of Central Asia)

“Things that you should learn about Central Asia’’

 Central Asia is known to have a rich history as a birthplace of higher mathematics and

modern medicine. Scientists, legal scholars, historians and poets of medieval period from

central Asia were among the greatest in the world.

 Central Asia saw one of the worst environmental disaster made by humans on the planet

is the shrinking Aral Sea, which was a lake fed by two rivers and bordering Uzbekistan

and Kazakhstan.

 Central Asia has the third largest oil and gas reserve on the planet. Kazakhstan and

Turkmenistan are major exporters of oil and gas.

 Five stans Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan that makes

Central Asia are sandwiched between China, Russia and Europe. Thus, they make

something of a geographical crossroads.

Buzkhashi – A Central Asian horse game

 Buzkashi which literally means “goat dragging” in Persian is the Central Asian sport in

which horse-mounted players attempt to drag a goat or calf carcass toward a goal. It is the

national sport of Afghanistan. The game consists of two main forms: Tudabarai and

Qarajai. Tudabarai is simpler form of the game. In this version, to score rider must obtain

the possession of the carcass and then take it away from the other players in any

direction. In Qarajai, players must carry the carcass around a flag or marker at one end of

the field, then throw it into a scoring circle known as “Circle of Justice” at the other end.

In Uzbekistan the game is called ‘Kokboru’, in Kazakhstan it is called ‘Kokpar’ and in

Kyrgyzstan it is known more by the name ‘Ulak Tyrtysh’. Buzkashi games are often

played for special occasions like weddings and religious events. Buzkhashi started with

Turkic Mongol people but it is played in all five Central Asian countries Kyrgyzstan,

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. It is national sport of Afghanistan

today. A player in the game of Buzkhashi is called Chapandaz.

The Great Game – A Historical Preview

Throughout the 19th century Central Asian countries was major interest land for Russia

and Britain. It was a strong strategic move by both the countries to establish their power in the

region. This effort by both the countries referred to as Classic Great Game ran from early 19th

century to early 20th century.

The Silk Road

Traders called the route the Silk Road, after the costly silk they bought in China. In

Addition to silk, traders carried many other goods on their horses and camels. These included
gold, silver, ivory, jade, wine, spices, amber, linen, porcelain, grapes, perfumes, ostriches and

acrobats. The Silk Road also become a route for spreading ideas, technology, and religion.


The Kazakhstan is an Asian country covering 2,724,900.00 km 2 of which 0.92% is water

and 2,699,700.00 km 2 is land. This makes it the 9th largest country in the world and slightly less

than four times the size of Texas. The name "Kazakh" derived from the Turkic word "kaz",

which means "to wonder". And It has a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers.

Kazakhstan has a population of 18,360,353 It will bring the 62nd largest in the world.

The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, as is Russian. The major ethnic group is

Kazakh, followed by Russian. Other minority languages include Dungan, Ili Turki, English and

the Sinte Romani. And most of the population is Muslim, with a Christian minority. Its major

export partners are China, Russia, and France. Its main exports are oil natural gas, ferrous metals,

and chemicals. Its major import partners are Russia, China, and Germany. Its major imports

include machinery and equipment, metal products, and foodstuffs.

Its government comprises of the executive, judiciary and the representatives. Kassym-Jomart

Tokayev is the president and the currency of this country is "Tenge" wherein one Tenge is

equivalent to (0.13) Philippine Peso.

The Kazakhstan’s Flag

 The eagle symbolizes the power of the state. Independence, freedom and flight to the

the 32 sun's rays are shaped like grain, which is the basis of abundance and prosperity.

 The pattern represents the art and cultural traditions of the old Khanate and the Kazakh


 The sun represents a source of life and energy. It is also a symbol of wealth.


Afghanistan is an Asian country covering 652,230.00 km 2. This makes it the 40th largest

country in the world and almost six times the size of Virginia; slightly smaller than Texas.

Afghanistan is a Presidential republic consisting of three branches of power (Executive,

Legislative, and Judicial) who led by President Ashraf Ghani. Kabul is the capital city of the

country and then the name "Afghan" comes from the word originally used to describe the

Pashtun people; "stan" is a term meaning "place of" or "country of".

It experiences a climate that is arid to semiarid, with cold winters and hot summers. Its

major export partners are India, Pakistan, and Tajikistan. Its main exports are opium, fruits and

nuts, and handwoven carpets. Afghanistan has a population of 33,332,025 making it the 40th

largest in the world. Dari and Pashto are both official languages. Dari alphabet has 26 letters

while Pashto has 45. Dari makes up the most speakers, especially in urban areas while Pashto is

second with slightly lower speakers than Dari. Major ethnic groups are Pashtuns, Tajiks,

Hazarsa, and Uzbeks. Its major import partners are Pakistan, India, and the United States. Its

major imports include machinery and other capital foods, and food. The currency of Afghanistan

is the Afghani wherein one Afghani is equivalent to (0.65) Philippine Peso.

The Afghanistan’s Flag

 The black color represents the dark past when its foreign policy was under control of the

British Empire

 the red represents the blood shed for Independence.

 The green color represents hope and a prosperous Islamic future

 The central image is circled by sheaves of wheat, representing fertility.

 Wheat is very important in Aryan culture; it is believed that Yama, the first Aryan king,

and Ahmad Shah Durrani, founder of modern Afghanistan, both used crowns made from

wheat in their coronations.

 In the center of the flag is an emblem which consists of a masjid (mosque) with a flag on

each side.

 On the top of the emblem is the phrase “Allahu Akbar” in Arabic (God is Great)

rays of sun leading up to the Islamic Declaration of Faith or “Shahada” (in Arabic)


Turkmenistan is an Asian country covering 488,100.00 km 2 of which 3.72% is water

and 469,930.00 km 2 is land. This makes it the 52nd largest country in the world then capital city

of Turkmenistan is Ashgabat. Ashgabat is in the northern region of Turkmenistan on the foot of

Kopet Dag mountain ranges. The name Turkmenistan means "lane of the Turkmen people”. It

experiences a tropical, marine climate that is moderated by trade winds and relatively dry.

Turkmenistan has a population of 5,291,317 making it the 119th largest in the world.
Turkmen became the official language in 1992 it contains 32 letters based in Latin script

while English as the second official language in 1993. There are about 20 other minority

languages spoken in the country. The official name of the government of Turkmenistan is a

Presidential Republic where it led by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. The head of state

and government is the president who is elected to office for five years.

Its major export partners are China and Turkey. Its main exports are gas, crude oil,

petrochemicals, textiles, and cotton fiber. Its major import partners are Turkey, Russia, and

China. Its major imports include machinery and equipment, chemicals, and foodstuffs. The

currency of Turkmenistan is the Manat wherein one manat is equivalent to (30.120) Philippine


The Turkmenistan’s Flag

 The background of the Turkmen flag is green, a symbol of the Islamic religion

 Its white crescent stands for faith in a bright future.

 The five stars are for the five senses, and the five points on each star are for different

states of matter (liquid, solid, gas, crystal, and plasma).

 The vertical stripe of Bordeaux red on which there is an elaborate design composed of

five carpet guls (motifs), respectively associated with the Salor, Tekke, Saryk, Yomut,

and Chaudor tribes. The traditional patterns have for centuries been woven into the rich

carpets for which the Turkmen are famous.


Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2019, January 1)

Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Retrieved from https: / /commisceo -
global. com /resources / country - guides/ afghanistan – guide.
Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2019, January 1)

Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Retrieved from https: / /commisceo -
global. com /resources / country - guides/ afghanistan – guide
Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2019, January 1)

Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Retrieved from https: / /commisceo -
global. com /resources / country - guides/ afghanistan - guide

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