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The Problem with Service Today

Problem 1: Service Is Considered Servile

Problem 2: The World of Service Is Poorly Mapped

So, What’s the Solution

What This Book Will Do for You


Chapter 1 Journey into a New Culture

In Search of Uplifting Service

Why Service? Why Singapore

Changi Airport’s “Why?”

The Adventure That Lies Ahead

Chapter 2 The Gateway to Possibility

Butterflies in an Airport?

The Gateway: Why Uplifting Service?

Why Improve Your Service?

Service is Taking action to create value for someone else.

Why Build a Service Culture?

Why Build an Uplifting Service Culture?

Are You Ready?

Chapter 3 The Proven Path

A Prescription That Works

An Uplifting Service Architecture

The Five Key Elements of an Uplifting Service Architecture (WHY-LEAD-BUILD-LEARN-DRIVE)

1. Start with “Why?”

2. Take the Lead
3. Build with the Blocks
4. Learn to Improve
5. Drive Forward

How Does This Change Begin?


Chapter 4 Taking the Lead

Rising Expectations

Made Different

Declaring a New Beginning

Declaring a Revolution

Leading from All Levels

Top-Down Service Leadership

Bottom-Up Service Leadership

Leading from Every Position

Transformation Does Not Come Easily

Chapter 5 Leading from All Levels

The Seven Rules of Service Leadership

Rule 1: Declare Service a Top Priority

Rule 2: Be A Great Role Model

Rule 3: Promote A Common Service Language

Rule 4: Measure What Really Matters

Rule 5: Empower Your Team

Rule 6: Remove the Roadblocks to Better Service

Rule 7: Sustain Focus & Enthusiasm

Service Changes the World

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