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Tara Blodgett

Professor McGriff
Living with your parents vs. Living on your own
What do you think is the best living accommodations living with your parents or all on your
own? Many say living on your own is awesome and great but as they get older they wish they could
have stayed home longer. Think long and hard about the pros and cons of living with your parents
verses living on your own and what is the same but different like the bills for the roof over your
head,the food you eat,and the lights you use to see.
Living with your parents may seem like an immature thing ,but think about what you get out of
it a roof over your head. The mortgages you don't have to pay you know that ugly bill your parents
always complain about and how it takes so much money just to live in that house. The room that was
just given to you because you are their child and they love you. The things that go into that room which
you take for granted.
The electricity bill so you have lights to see and other things that your parents pay when you are
living at their house. The electricity or sometimes the the utility bill is expensive especially in this
generation because of how much we rely on electricity. The lights in the house so you know where you
are walking at night. This bill is determined by how much electricity is used throughout the month
between bills.
Finally, what most people love and what is the most expensive bill in the house you are living in
is the food bill. Food is important to ones well being;Living with your parents you don't have to worry
about it. There is snacks ,cereal, and food you have to sit and cook. To appease every ones taste buds
your parents have to buy certain foods which is why the food bill is the most expensive in the house it
can range from a hundred dollars a month to well over five hundred a month depending on who is
living in the house and how may people there are.
Living on your own is a whole different ball game compared to living with your parents. The
roof that your head is gonna be under is now your responsibility. To keep that roof over your head so
you have somewhere to sleep. You have to pay your own mortgage bill or pay rent which is just as
expensive. Your going to have to pack all your things up into boxes and unpack it at your new place to
make your room your own.
Living on your own instead of with your parents you will have to pay the electric or utility bill
because it is reason you have lights in your home. Again this is your responsibility ,however it is
cheaper you only pay twenty to thirty dollars. As much as people rely on electricity you need the lights
so your not walking into walls that weren't there at your childhood home or for when your little toe
decides it wants to catch all the corners on every piece of furniture.
Now, when living on your own instead of with your parents you will notice cooking foods are
better than snack foods. All those special snacks and cereals well you can not afford such things
anymore. Food is the most expensive bill there is when living on your own or in your parents home.
Most people forget how expensive the food bill is and don't factor this bill in there expenses before
deciding to move out.
In conclusion,living on your own it is going to be difficult you will have to learn yo prioritize
your bills and make sure you have a roof over your head,lights to see, food to eat. Without prioritizing
your bills your life will be extremely rough . You will forget to pay your light bill for example and the
you will have nothing to heat up your food. “With freedom comes responsibility”by Elanor Roosevelt.

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