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The Arboretum

California Redwood
● This tree is one of the tallest and oldest
trees on Earth. They can reach up to
380 feet.
● Before commercial logging and clearing
began in the 1850s, this massive tree
occurred naturally in an estimated
2,100,000 acres along the coast of
● What is fascinating is that its lack of
resin makes it fire resistant. So if your
house is surrounded by trees, make
sure they are California Redwood trees.
Jeffrey Pine Tree
● Found in California, westernmost part of
Nevada, southwestern Oregon, and
northern Baja California.
● It is named in honor of its botanist
documenter John Jeffrey.
● Can reach from 82 to 131 feet tall.
● The scent of the tree can be described as
a reminiscent of vanilla, pineapple, apple,
and butterscotch.
● This scent can be sampled by breaking
off a shoot or some needles, or by
smelling the resin’s scent in between the
plates of the bark.
Ponderosa Pine Tree
● It is native to western United States and
● They can grow up to 235 feet tall and 324
inches in circumference.
● In 1953, theses trees were used in a nuclear
test in which 145 trees were cut down by the
U.S. Forest Service and transported to Area 5
in Nevada to see what would happen to them
in a nuclear blast. They were partially burnt
and blown over.
● It is the official state tree of Montana.
Bornmueller’s Fir

● They are found in North and Central

America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
● They can grow from 33 to 262 feet tall.
● Wood of most firs are often used as pulp or
for the manufacture of plywood and rough
● They are popular for Christmas trees
because they don’t shed many needles
when drying out.
● They are also used as food plants by
Blue Gum Tree

● One of the most widely cultivated trees native

to Australia.
● They can grow from 98 to 180 feet tall.
● They leaves are covered with a blue-grey,
waxy bloom, which gives this tree it’s name
“blue gum”.
● They grow rapidly and can adapt to all
different kinds of conditions which is why
these trees are one of the most commonly
planted eucalyptus.
● The leaves can be used as a herbal tea.

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