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Journey Project Selection - Product Brainstorming Form

Name: Salem Matheson

Project Title: Fundraising for breast cancer

Date: August 22


❏ Design or improve a product, service or system

❏ Plan or organize an event or activity
❏ Learn, present, or demonstrate knowledge of an advanced skill
❏ Other: ________________________________________________________________


For our project we will be raising money for breast cancer awareness. We will raise the money by
setting up fundraisers and setting up booths at Pine Lake sporting events. My group will be selling
scarves, jewelry, scrunchies, and headbands.

GOALS: Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (S.M.A.R.T.)

● Raise $1,000 for Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation.

● Start selling our headbands, scrunchies, scarves, necklaces, and bracelets.
● Sell everything we make all throughout the month of October and the beginning of

RESEARCH CONNECTION: How does your project/product connect your research you’ve completed?

● Does not connect with my research

BACKGROUND: What do you already know about the topic?

● I don’t really know a lot about the topic so I will have to research a lot about it / mentor
will tell us about it.

TIMELINE: List your timeline below illustrating how you plan to spend half of your hours on the project.

● Contact the breast cancer awareness society

● Come up with a plan for money management
● Make jewelry, scarves, scrunchies, and headbands.
● Plan out dates that we will set up booths to sell things.

EVIDENCE: What will you produce to demonstrate that you have successfully completed this project?

● We will have pictures of us working the booth and the amount of money we raised

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