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MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

MLY 3 Notes

1. Reasons for the downfall of the Malacca are; the weaknesses of the leadership and its local
dignities, the divisions among the local people & the increase in European colonization

2. Steps taken by the government to restore peace in the Malay Peninsula during the emergency
are identifying White area and Black area, introducing the relocation plan & implementing
the identity card system.

3. Briggs Plan is the relocation of locals who lived near the jungles to New Villages.

4. The main objective of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to strengthen economic and
political cooperation between Islamic countries.

5. Since becoming a member of United Nations in 1957, Malaysia has put forward some issues like the
problem of international trades, colonization and also the opposition against the apartheid issue in South

6. Japan captured the Malay Penansula from the British in 1942, it was an easy victory because
the British wrongly assumed that the Japanese troops would attack from the south, through
Singapore, preparations and combat tactics of the Japanese Army were well planned before
the invasion & the fighting spirit of the Japanese soldiers who did not surrender easily.

7. The Cobbold Commission was led by Mr. Lord Cobbold for the purpose of the formation
was to survey the opinions of the residents of Sabah and Sarawak & found that 80% of Sabah
and Sarawak residents had supported the formation of Malaysia.

8. MAPHILINDO was set to resolve and conciliate the dissatisfaction Malaysia, Indonesia &
Philippnes towards the Formation of Malaysia.

9. The executive body in our system of government will implement and police laws at various level.

10. The important functions of the Elections Commission are to demarcate election constituencies, to
register voters and to conduct elections, whether general or by-elections.

11. Magistrate Court & Session Court are the Lower Court in Malaysia.

12. At the Residential System, the Malay Government paid a Resident’s salary, funds were allocated for
the implementation of the Residential System, British Residents changed the ruling system in Malaya
& the British gave the Resident the power to take any action in order to achieve British interest.

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MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

13. The correct sequence for events taken place at Malaya

I. Japanese Occupation of Malaya
I. British Military administration
II. Malayan Union
III. Federation of Malaya
IV. Formation of Malaysian

14. According to Constitution of Malaysia ‘Malay’ defined, as one who speaks the Malay
language, one who professes the Islamic religion & one who practices the Malay customs.

15. ‘The Theory of Social Relation’ from lowest to highest level of integration is Segregation,
Accommodation, Acculturation, Amalgamation and Assimilation.

16. The main function of Parliament is to Enact laws.

17. The features of the Senate are to debate a bill, A senator must be 30 years old and above and a senator’s
term of office is 3 years.

18. The second reading is the most important in the law-making process carried out by the parliament.

19. The head of the state for states like Melaka, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak is known as_____________
the State Governor.

20. Malaysian Constitution is a written constitution.

21. Malaysian Constitution is the source of Legislation in the country.

22. Malaysian Constitution is based on the Federal constitution of Malaya drafted in 1957 by the Reid

23. Defence and Finance are the jurisdictions of Federal List.

24. Example of Supremacy of Constitution statement is ‘All laws that are in conflict with the Constitution
are considered null and void’.

25. The Chinese come in much larger numbers in the second phase during the late 19th and early
20th centuries for the development of the tin mining industry.

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MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

26. The Indians willing to leave India to migrate to Malaya due to the life in India was hard for
the poor.

27. ‘Orang Asli’ of Malaysia are the aboriginal people of Peninsula Malaya.Malaysia emphasizes its
foreign policies through ASEAN, UN, OIC & Commonwealth Organization.

28. Malaysian foreign policy are influence by Economy, Politics, History & Geography.

29. The Rukun Negara (National Ideology) was introduced on 31st August 1970 with the aim of fostering
national integration after the 1969 racial tension in Malaysia with the objective to create a common
identity among the citizens by eliminating parochialism and racism and replacing it with integration, to
nurture and sustain democracy & to create a just and fair country regardless of creed or religion.

30. There are permanent and temporary commission.

31. .Commission members are appointed by the King

32. Commission is free from interference by the ministry.

33. The national Constitution is a unifying factor in the country. A democratic government, basic rights
guarantee & Islam is the official religion but the practice of all other religions is allowed are the aspects
of the Constitution to ensure national unity among the people.

34. One of the unique characteristics of Malaysian politics is the role of the hereditary rulers. This system is
called Constitutional monarchy.

35. The Association of South East Asian Countries (ASEAN) was formed officially on 8th August 1967
when the Bangkok Declaration was signed. The MAIN aims of ASEAN are to have economic
cooperation amongst its members, to promote cultural ties & to have an ASEAN defense corps.

36. The role of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong in the Malaysian Parliament are to present the Royal Address
in the Parliamentary Opening Ceremony, has the power to summon, postpone and dissolve Parliament
and to appoint a member of the House of Representatives as Prime Minister.

37. The Parliament of Malaysia is made up of all the following components; the Yang Di Pertuan Agong,
the House of Senate and the House of Representative.

38. The age for an individual to qualify as a member of the House of Senate is 30 years old and above.

Degree Asia Pacific University 201607

MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

39. In 1993, the government introduced the Privatization Policy. The purposes of the policy were to
improve efficiency and productivity, to reduce the government’s financial and administrative burden &
accelerate economic growth.

40. Due to the consequences of Ethnic Disturbances (May 13, 1969); National Operations Council (NOC)
was formed, Emergency was declared, New Economic Policy was launched & Department of National
Unity was established.

41. The values of aspiration contained in the concept of 1Malaysia are Integrity, Culture of excellence &

42. The National Service Training Programme (PLKN) aims to develop the younger generation to be more
disciplined, tolerant, develop leadership qualities and a caring attitude.

43. Malaysia would be a developed nation by the year 2020.

44. Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age is the pre-historic era.

45. The MAIN factors that lead to the rise of the Malacca Sultanate are the Strategic route between
China and India & proximity to spice and pepper trade areas.

46. Spread Christianity & to monopolize the spice trade are the MAIN reasons for the Portuguese
to conquer Malacca.

47. During the Residential System the Resident’s salary was paid from the taxes, collected, funds
were allocated to implement the policies of the residential system, the administrative systems
in Malaya were changed by the Residents & the Residents were given the power to rule in the
interest of the British.

48. The duties of a British Resident are to restore peace and order, to set up a regular system of
revenue collection & to advise the rulers in the state administration.

49. The founder of Penang Island was Francis Light.

50. The founder of Singapore was Stamford Raffles.

51. The founder of Malacca Empire was Parameswara.

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MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

52. The first Resident of Perak was J.W.W Birch.

53. Anglo-Dutch Treaty divided Malay world into two parts, currently known as Indonesia and

54. Asia for Asians slogans was used by the Japanese to justify their occupation of Malaya.

55. The Japanese implemented the policy of Japanization in Education system, Economic system 7
Mass media.

56. The effects of Japanese occupation on our country during the Second World War were
Inflation, the rise in Malay nationalism & Scarcity of consumer goods.

57. The reasons for the easy British defeat by the Japanese during World War Two were pre-
occupation of British in Europe, sinking of the two British battleships, Japanese propaganda on
Indian soldiers & better strategy and war tactics of Japanese army.

58. Sir Gerald Templer was among those responsible for eliminating the communist threat in
Malaya by using Psychological Warfare, introduction of the white areas and black areas plan &
easing the regulation for citizenship.

59. The relocation plan for the community living at the edge of the forest to the new villages was
named as Briggs Plan.

60. The Emergency that lasted 12 years in Malaya brought various implications upon the people of
the country such as the usage of Identity Card.

61. The British Governor is the head of the Malayan Union, loss of power of the Malay rulers &
awarding of citizenship based on the jus soli principle are the main features of the Malayan
Union Constitution.

62. The principle of jus soli in the Malayan Union means anyone born in Malaya after the
formation of Malayan Union would become the citizen of the country.

63. The giving of citizenship status to the non-Malays was the MAIN reason of dispute in the
Malayan Union Constitution among the Malays.

Degree Asia Pacific University 201607

MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

64. In 1946, UMNO opposed vehemently the formation of Malayan Union similarly there was
PUTERA who were also against the Malayan Union concept.

65. The features of the Federation of Malaya Constitution were made up of the nine Malay States
and the Straits Settlements of Penang and Malacca, the powers of the sultans were restored, the
awareness of citizenship became stricter & the State Councils were given the authority over the
local government, land and agriculture.

66. After the hartal incident in 1949, Dato’ Onn Jaafar, Tang Cheng Lock & E.E.C. Thuraisingham had
seriously attempted to improve the relationship among the races.

67. The Inter-Government Committee is one of the important bodies formed during the formation
of Malaysia and it was set up earlier than the Cobbold Commission that also played a part in
the formation of Malaysia & Brunei was not a member of the Inter-Government Committee.

68. The Member System is similar to the Cabinet system that is being practiced now.

69. The main purpose of forming the coalition leftist political parties like AMCJA, API and
PKMM is to oppose the formation of Federation of Malaya.

70. The Alliance Memorandum, also known as the Alliance Contract refers to the tolerance among
the main races in Malaya in convincing the British of their effort to demand independence.

71. The factors promises did the Alliance make to obtain mass support in the July 1955 general
election were to obtain independence as soon as possible, to guarantee the position of the
sultans and the special rights of the Malays & to make the Malay Language as the national

72. Tunku Abdul Rahman’s objective on the forming of Malaysia were to curb the communist
influence, to accelerate independence and develop the economy of Sabah and Sarawak & to
balance the racial composition between the Malays and the Chinese.

73. The features of the Senate (Dewan Negara) are to debate a bill, a senator must be 30 years old
and above & a senator’s term of office is 3 years.

74. The role of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the Malaysian Parliament are to present the Royal
address in the Parliamentary Opening Ceremony, has the power to summon, postpone and
dissolve Parliament & to appoint a members of the House of the Representatives as Prime
Degree Asia Pacific University 201607
MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

75. The parliamentary democratic system in Malaysia are the formation or choice of government is
based on majority vote, the people will decide on the highest seat of governing body through
election & Criticism over the government’s policies can be voiced out in the parliamentary

76. Arrangement of the order of the courts in Malaysia from the highest to the lowest is Federal
court, High court, Magistrate court & Sessions court.

77. The features of the House of Representatives are the members have to draft, debate and pass
the bills, the tenure of the Member of Parliament is five years or until the Parliament is being
dissolved & member is not less than 21 years old.

78. The Constitutional Monarchy system is a system based on provision by the Constitution.

79. The power and institution of Yang di-Pertuan Agong, ruler or sultan is created, protected and
based on the Constitution is the concept of constitutional monarchy.

80. The role of executive body in our system of government is to implement and police laws at
various levels.

81. The powers of a court are to interpret the Constitution, to interpret a law, to declare a written
Federal or State law invalid & to declare any act of government unlawful.

82. Parliament comprises the King, the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Malaysian
Parliament conforms to the Westminster model & Parliament is symbolic to existence of
parliament democracy.

83. The features of the Cabinet in our government are the Cabinet is the highest policy making
body in our country, the Cabinet is headed by the Prime Minister and number of ministers &
the Cabinet practices collective principle and spirit of its members.

84. A democratic government, basic rights guaranteed & Islam is the official religion but the
practice of all other religions is allowed are ensure national unity among the people.

85. Malaysian constitution is a written constitution.

Degree Asia Pacific University 201607

MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

86. Constitution is the source of legislation in the country.

87. Malaysian constitution is based on the Federal Constitution of Malaya drafted in 1957 by the
Reid Commission.

88. Defence, Islamic Law, Land & Finance are the matters under the jurisdiction of the Federal

89. The role of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in protecting and safeguarding the special rights of the
Malays and the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak is contained in Article 153 under the
Malaysian Constitution.

90. Article 19 of the Malaysian Constitution provides the opportunity to residents aged 21 and
above who are not born in Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens by fulfilling certain
conditions is called Naturalisation.

91. Supremacy of Constitution describes the concept as all laws that are in conflict with the
Constitution are considered null and void.

92. The aims of the Constitution giving important for nation-building are . The aim of the
constitution are to act as a guideline for the implementation of national rule, to enhance laws
and to guarantee the security of its citizens & to reaffirm every citizen’s responsibilities
towards the nation.

93. Malaysia is a Federation mean it has two levels of administration i.e. the federal government
and the state government and the division of power is clear.

94. Sensitive issues that are prohibited from being questioned openly are Monarchy System, Islam,
Status of Bahasa Melayu & Special rights of Malays/indigenous.

95. Accommodation means making or becoming suitable or adjusting to circumstances.

96. Assimilation emphasis on absorbing or incorporating a value of majority group into minority

97. At stage Amalgamation society becomes mixed and fusion.

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MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

98. Belief in God, Loyalty to the King and Country, Upholding the Constitution & Good behaviour
and morality are the principles contained in the National Ideology (Rukun Negara).

99. The objective of Rukun Negara proclaimed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in 1970 is to create
a democratic, progressive, prosperous and united nation.

100. Prejudice, Communalism & Ethnocentrism are the obstacles to National Integration.

101. The important bases of unity and national integration are sharing of political power,
promoting cultural tolerance & ensuring sound economic growth & Practising of Rukun

102. Ethnic groups living in peace and harmony but not integrated, every ethnic group has its
own language, culture, religion, values and way of life & ethnic groups having diversity of
culture, racial identification and lack of social contact are the characteristics of a plural society
such as that of Malaysia

103. Immigrant groups that were responsible for the formation of multi-racial society in
Malaysia are Indians from South India, Chinese from Guandong and Fujian territories &
Indonesians from Boyan Island.

104. Tolerance, impartiality & understanding are the basics values applicable to unite

105. Thoughts / ideas, arts & values and norms can be grouped as culture field.

106. The Malay ethnic group consists of Banjar, Bugis & Boyan.

107. The fundamental objectives of the National Development Policy are to foster national unity
& create a fair distribution of wealth irrespective of race.

108. The objectives of the formation of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) are to create
knowledgeable society & enforce the development of information technology.

109. Cyber School concept is said to be skilled-based and not exam-oriented with autonomy
powers in administration, finance, selection of teachers, students, curriculum, co-curriculum,
teaching and learning, school fees and the involvement of Parent Teacher Association (PIBG)
but the school is still under the Ministry of Education.

Degree Asia Pacific University 201607

MPU3173 MLY3 - Notes

110. The Smart School concept stresses on student-oriented teaching approach, flexible and
open curriculum & education oriented to individual’s ability.

111. In 1993, the Malaysian Government introduced the Privatization Policy with the purpose of
to improve efficiency and productivity, reduce the government’s financial and administrative
burden, help achieve the objectives of the New Economic Policy & accelerate economic

112. The challenges stipulated in Vision 2020 establishing a united Malaysian nation with a
sense of common and shared destiny, establishing a scientific and progressive society that is
innovative and forward looking & creating a liberal, strong and progressive society.

113. The aim of the formation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is to eliminate trade
obstacles and to promote economic ties.

114. General Assembly Council acts like a “Parliament” in the United Nations to debate world

115. Malaysia emphasizes its foreign policies through ASEAN, UN, OIC & Commonwealth

116. The MAIN aims of ASEAN are to have economic cooperation amongst its members, to
encourage cooperation in the field of education & to promote cultural ties.

117. The objectives of the formation of United Nations in 1945 are to preserve world peace and
security, to encourage social, economic and cultural cooperation among the member nations in
the world & to protect human rights across all nationalities.

118. Water pollution can be overcome by launching of “Love Our Rivers” campaign, factories
must detoxify wastes & allocating adequate rubbish dump sites for proper disposal of water

119. The Stockholm Conference 1972, Langkawi Declaration & The Rio de Janeiro World
Summit 1972 are international agreement that are set up to restore the environment

120. Society has culture, language, foods, mutual interest and other common characteristic by itself.

Degree Asia Pacific University 201607

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