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Tecnológica de La Habana

“José Antonio Echeverría”


Havana, December, 2018

To Prof. Pedro José Muñoz Merino

Telematic’s Master Director
I am pleased to write this recommendation in favor of Daniel Morejón Jiménez. In the
time he has been working in the institute of Research and Development of
Telecommunication (LACETEL) he has fulfilled many objectives, maintaining an
excellent attitude and responsibility towards the task that have been entrusted to him.
He has the necessary characteristics to become an excellent researcher.
Daniel was working linked to the Research and Development Telecommunication’s
Institute from 2016 to 2018 on issues related to Digital terrestrial Television and Single
Frequency Networks. He shows a certain interest also for topics related to networking
and programming.
He, along with other partners, worked on the creation of the proposal for the single
frequency digital television network in the capital of our country.
He has demonstrated a great capacity for teamwork, high efficiency I the resolution of
problems that have been assigned to him and is very motivated by self-preparation.
Due to the reasons mentioned above, I consider Eng. Daniel Morejón Jiménez a
candidate for this Telematics Master’s program at the University of Carlos III Madrid.
Best Regards

Profesor: DrC. Ing. Amado Ignacio García Simón.

Department of Telecommunications and Telematics, CUJAE.

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