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Dr. Hj. Nurul Lailatul Khusniyah, M.Pd.



Brainstorm Observing picture and text
Reading Biography of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Reading strategy Brainstorm and Scanning
Activity Discussion and cooperative learning

 Students area able to restate the definition of word, phrase, and
 Students area able to explain the definition of autobiography
 Students area able to restate identify the words classes by scanning
 Students area able to analyze the generic structure of autobiography
by skimming
 Students area able to compare the sample autobiography with another


Your successful recognition on words, phrase, and sentence
depends on your understanding of its theory and meaning. Identify the
components and comprehend the holistic meaning of them will help you
to decide the dependency of them.

Discuss the following question!

1. What are the differences among word, phrase, and sentence?
Explain briefly!
2. In explaining someone’s life, which you will use, the word,
phrase, or the sentence? Why?
3. Which is more effective to inform and to command, word or
phrase or sentence? Why?
4. How can you comprehend the meaning of word, phrase, and
sentence easily? Explain!

Which of the following statements do you agree/disagree with? And

1. Word has more limited idea than sentence
2. Phrase may have different meaning to its word composition
3. Understanding a text needs not only comprehending the word as
single but also sentences as whole
4. Sometimes, we can acquire the word meaning based on the
clues that are comprised from the parts in text


Look and observe the following picture and solve the case!

1. What do you find in picture?
2. Who is he?
3. What do you know about him?
4. If you are asked to tell about his biography, what aspects
which you will explain?
5. What do you know about biography?
6. What is the function of biography?
7. What are the aspects that should be in a biography?
8. What are tips to make best biography?
9. Where do you usually find someone’s biography?

Now I Know

OBJECTIVE: Analyzing social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of the text short and simple biography about famous figures,
according to the context of its use.


Biography comes from the Greek, the bios which means life, dab
graphien which means writing. In other words, is writing a biography
about a person's life. Biography, it can simply be said to be a story of a
person's life history. Biography can be in the form of a few lines only,
but also may be more than one book.
The difference is, a brief biography describes only about the facts
of one's life and its vital role as a long biography includes, of course,
important information, but is told with more detail and certainly written
with good storytelling.
Biography analyze and explain the events in one's life. Through
biographies, will be found relationships, meaning description of a
particular action or mystery surrounding a person's life, as well as an
explanation of his actions and behavior. Biography can usually tell about
the life of a famous figure or not known, however, about the biography
of an ordinary person would tell you about one or more specific place or
time. Biographies often tell the story of a historical figure, but often also
about the people who are still alive. Many biographies are written in
chronological order. Some period of time can be classified by major
themes (such as "the early days were difficult" or "ambition and
achievement"). Even so, some others focus on topics or specific
Biography require primary materials and supporting materials.
The main ingredient can be objects such as letters, diaries, or newspaper
clippings. While some materials are usually in the form of other
biographies, reference books or history that describes the role of the
subject of the biography.
Biography is a story or information about a person's life which is
based on the subject of fiction (non-fiction / true story). A biography is
more complex than just a list of the steps of birth or death and one's job


data, but also tells of the feelings involved in having these events that
highlight differences in disposition including personal experience.
Common Characteristics of biography text:
1. Describes the person’s surroundings.
2. Shows how the person affects other people.
3. Provides examples that demonstrate the person’s behavior.
4. Supplies details that illustrate the person’s individuality.
5. Implies or notes how the writer feels about the person.
Generic structure
The purpose of a biographical recount is to inform by retelling
past events and achievements in a person’s life.The texts consist of three
a) Part 1: Orientation: opening statement introduces the subject, and
explains why he/she is known. It given the reader the background
information as two why this person is Noteworthy and should have a
biography written about the. The opening paragraph should answer the
questions: who, what, where, when, and how. The opening paragraph
gives the reader the background information as to why this person is
important and should have a biography written about them.
b) Part 2: Series:significant events are ordered chronologically
It presents a series of events, usually told in chronological order. Here
the writer might refer to a certain time on line. The recount then unfolds
in paragraphs that retell a series of events, usually told in chronological
c) Part 3: reorientation:closing statement explains how this person will
be remembered, and sometimes gives the writer’s opinion. It consists of
a type of conclusion with a comment on the contributions this person has
made or a summary and evaluation of the person’s achievement. The
final paragraph is a conclusion with a comment on the contribution this


person has made or a summary and evaluation of the person's
Language Features
A biographical recount uses specific names of the people
involved in the biography. It is mainly written in simple past tense (the
final paragraph could also include the present tense). A biographical
recount also uses liking word to do with time. A biographical recount
describes events, so it uses many verb or action verb. Use of names of
specific people. Mainly written in simple past tense (the final paragraph
could also include the present tense). Use of connectives to do with time
(last year, then, at the same time, next, on Tuesday 24 May, later, before,
meanwhile). Use of action verbs (painted, wrote, invented, discovered).
Refers to named individuals. Contains dates linked to specific events.
Can include direct and indirect speech and quotes from other sources.
Written in 3rd person. Includes time connectives to link ideas. Events are
anecdotal in style (rather than lists of facts), and engage the reader.
The following expressions time expressions that can be used.
Explain the relationship of time sequence of events at first; of First time,
in the beginning; Then, last, next, after this, after that after / event /
incident is. Finally to show the time, At (age / age) 12, at age 12 (years);
Last year, this year, next year, next year, the next day a year ago to
demonstrate a continuing period of time. During adolescence, the time I
was a teenager, for three years, for a long time. Since (the beginning of
the period continued) preposition; At ... (place name, direction), on ...
(date / month / year).


Guide for Reading

Brainstorming Questions
1. What do you know about that picture?
2. What do you know about prophet Muhammad PBUH?
3. Do you know the birth of prophet Muhammad PBUH?
4. Can you explain the life story of prophet Muhammad PBUH?
5. What is His main objectives as Muslim prophet in the world?
6. Please retell His biography to your classmates!

Vocabulary in Focus
 Ancient (adv.)
 Family (noun)
 Masterpiece (noun)
 History (noun)
 Understand (verb)
 Obtain (verb)
 Life story (noun)
 Society (noun)


Let’s Read
Read the following text!


Muslims believe
that Muhammad PBUH
(ca. 570 – 632 ) was
God's Messenger sent to
proclaim in Arabic the
same revelation that had
been proclaimed by
earlier Jewish and
Christian prophets, first
to the Arabs and then to all people. The Quran provides some historical
information about Muhammad's life, but fuller accounts are available in
sirah (traditional biographies), hadith (reports of Muhammad's sayings
and deeds), and general histories.
Muhammad PBUH grew up as an orphan in the tribe of Hashim
under the guardianship of his uncle, Abu Talib . Details of his early life
are not known with certainty. When he was twenty-five Muhammad was
hired by a wealthy widow named Khadijah to oversee her caravan of
goods to Syria. Muhammad later married her. They had four daughters
who grew to adulthood and at least three sons, all of whom died in
infancy. During her lifetime Khadijah was Muhammad's only wife. After
her death, he married a widow named Sawdah . Khadijah and Sawdah
were his only wives prior to the hijrah. Once in Medina, Muhammad
contracted other marriages based on political alliances and his
responsibilities as the head of the Muslim community.
Muhammad PBUH received his first revelation at about the age
of forty when the angel Gabriel appeared and recited surah 96 to him.
Accounts of miraculous foretelling of Muhammad's future prophethood


in the sirah and hadith literature include recognition of Muhammad's
prophetic status by Christian monks and a light shining from
Muhammad's face and that of his mother during her pregnancy. Other
miraculous accounts include Muhammad's Night Journey, or isra, from
Mecca to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven,
or miraj.
The Quran does not specifically refer to Muhammad's public
ministry in Mecca, but the biographical sources record the emigration of
Muhammad's followers to Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia), the boycott
of Muhammad's clan of Hashim, the deaths of his wife Khadijah and his
uncle and protector, Abu Talib, the loss of his clan protection, his visit to
al-Taif for refuge, and the hijrah to Medina. The Quran portrays
Muhammad as fully human with no supernatural powers. His humanness
is most apparent in the passages where he is told to be steadfast and
patient in times of persecution, disappointment, or grief. Although he
won many victories over the Meccans and succeeded in converting many
of the tribes of Hejaz, the Quran records that Muhammad agonized over
those who did not believe and remained humble, shy, and sincere. He
constantly sought forgiveness for his own sins.
The Quran, sirah, and reports of Muhammad's military
expeditions provide extensive information about the Medinan period. His
victories over the larger forces of the Meccans were interpreted as signs
of God's favor. By 627 Muhammad was in complete control of Medina,
and Bedouin tribes in the surrounding area were making alliances with
him and becoming Muslims. In the spring of 628 Muhammad negotiated
a treaty with the Meccans for permission to perform the pilgrimage, or
hajj, the following year, along with a ten-year truce. He led the first
Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in the spring of 629 . When the truce was
broken a year later, the leaders of Mecca agreed to surrender the city
peacefully to Muhammad PBUH. As a result, Muhammad PBUH was in
command of all of west-central Arabia by 630. In 631 envoys from all
over Arabia came to him to surrender. Muhammad PBUH regarded the
resulting treaties as an acceptance of Islam. In 632 he led the largest
number of Muslim pilgrims ever assembled during his lifetime on his


“Farewell Pilgimage.” On the return trip to Medina, Muhammad PBUH
contracted a fatal illness. He died in June 632, at about the age of sixty.
Muhammad PBUH served as administrator, legislator, judge, and
commander-in-chief as well as teacher, preacher, and prayer leader of the
Muslim community. For the scholars of Islamic law he is the legislator-
jurist who defined ritual observance; for the mystic he is the ideal seeker
of spiritual perfection; for the philosopher and statesman he is the role
model of both a conqueror and a just ruler; for ordinary Muslims, he is a
model of God's grace and salvation.

Vocabulary in text
 Revelation (noun)
 Adulthood (noun)
 Legislator (noun)
 Jewish (adj.)
 Ordinary (adj.)
 Law (noun)
 Commander (noun)
 Peacefully (adv.)
 Oversee (verb)
 Proclaim (verb)

Task 1
Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What is Prophet Muhammad PBUH main objectives in the world?
2. Where can we find the detail of His life?
3. What is hadith?
4. What is the life span time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH?
5. Who became the life guardian for Prophet Muhammad PBUH?
6. Who is the name of Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s uncle?


7. Who hired Prophet Muhammad PBUH as overseer of caravan of
goods to Syria?
8. Who was Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s early wife?
9. When did Prophet Muhammad PBUH marry Khadijah?
10. How many children did Prophet Muhammad PBUH have?
11. Where did Prophet Muhammad PBUH do hijrah?
12. When did Prophet Muhammad PBUH get his first revelation?
13. What did Gabriel angel recite to Prophet Muhammad PBUH at the
first revelation?
14. What were the miraculous foretelling of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
of his future prophethood?
15. What are the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad PBUH which
make him becoming life sample for people?
16. How were Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s records in military
17. What were the call for Prophet Muhammad PBUH as His superiorities
in many fields of study?

Task 2
Decide the similar meaning of the following reference in the text!
1. “the guardianship of his uncle” (paragraph two). The word “his”
refers to…
2. “to oversee her caravan” (paragraph two). The word “her” refers
3. “They had four daughters” (paragraph two). The word “they”
refers to…
4. “all of whom died” (paragraph two). The word “whom” refers
5. “Muhammad agonized over those who did not believe and
remained humble” (paragraph four). The word “those” refers


6. “he is the legislator-jurist” (paragraph six). The word “he” refers

Task 3
Decide the category of the following statement, whether it is word
or phrase or sentence! Give (V) to its best match!
Statement Word Phrase Sentence
God's Messenger
Christian prophets
Muhammad PBUH grew up as an orphan
Abu Talib
To oversee
Miraculous foretelling
Quran, sirah, and reports
Muhammad PBUH was in command of
all of west-central Arabia
Muhammad PBUH served as
Farewell Pilgimage

Task 4
Mention the synonym of the following words with vocabularies
you find in text and mention its the position in text! You can find the
position of words by scanning.

No Words Synonym Position

1 Trust


2 Complete
3 Next
4 Leader
5 White flag
6 Blossom
7 Agreement

Scanning is reading strategy that you look only for a specific fact
or piece of information without reading everything. You scan when you
look for your favorite show listed in the cable guide, for your friend’s
phone number in a telephone book, and for the sports scores in the
newspaper. For scanning to be successful, you need to understand how
your material is structured as well as comprehend what you read so you
can locate the specific information you need. Scanning also allows you
to find details and other information in a hurry.

Task 5
Observe the above text about the biography of Prophet
Muhammad PBUH and mention the generic structure of the biography!
Also, find the clues that underlie your decision to state each parts of the
generic structures.
No Generic Structures Clues in Text


Task 6
Read the following biography and compare the composition of
the following biography with the biography of Prophet Muhammad
PBUH. Share your ideas in case of generic structure completeness and
Compared Bio One Bio Two
Aspects ……………… ………………
1 Generic

2 Contents

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man
who never reads lives only one.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons



Brainstorm Observing picture and text
Reading Curriculum Vitae
Reading strategy Scanning and Skimming
Activity Discussion and cooperative learning

 Students are able to restate the definition of CV, Journal, and Diaries
 Students are able to create the definition of CV, with self-linguistics
 Students are able to analyze the generic structure of CV by skimming
 Students are able to answer the task containing literal information in


Your successful recognition on the definition of curriculum vitae
depends on your understanding of its theory and meaning. Identify the
components and comprehend the holistic meaning of them will help you
to decide the dependency of them. Do not forget on the finding the
specific features of CV.

Discuss the following question!

5. Have you ever heard the word CV? Where is that?
6. What do you know about Curriculum Vitae?
7. What is CV for?
8. Who will make the CV?
9. What is the function of Curriculum Vitae?

Which of the following statements do you agree/disagree with? And

5. Curriculum vitae must be made in English only
6. We can not put informal style photographs in our curriculum
7. Curriculum vitae must contains all true data and must be
provided with proofs


Look and observe the following picture and solve the case!

10. What do you find in picture?
11. What is the picture about?
12. Who has that thing?
13. What are kinds of CV that you know?
14. How many aspects that a good CV must have? What are
15. What is the best design for the CV?
16. How do you think the matching of CV with the prospective
job or work?


Now I Know

When applying for certain positions in the US, as well as jobs

internationally, you may be required to submit a curriculum vitae rather
than a resume. A curriculum vitae, or CV, includes more information
than your typical resume, including details of your education and
academic achievements, research, publications, awards, affiliations, and
Here you can review curriculum vitae samples, learn about
the difference between a CV and a resume, and glean tips and advice on
how to write a CV.
What to Include in a Curriculum Vitae
A curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as a “CV,” is a longer
(two or more pages), more detailed synopsis than a resume. Your CV
should be clear, concise, complete, and up-to-date with current
employment and educational information.
The following are examples of information that can be included in
your curriculum vitae. The elements that you include will depend on what


you are applying for, so be sure to incorporate the most relevant
information to support your candidacy in your CV.
 Personal details and contact information. Most CVs start with
contact information and personal data but take care to avoid
superfluous details, such as religious affiliation, children's names,
and so on.
 Education and qualifications. Be sure to include the names of
institutions and dates attended in reverse order: Ph.D., Masters,
 Work experience/employment history. The most widely
accepted style of employment record is the chronological
curriculum vitae. Your career history is presented in reverse date
order starting with the most recent appointment. More
emphasis/information should be placed on your most recent jobs.
 Skills. Include computer skills, foreign language skills, and any
other recent training that is relevant to the role applied for.
o Training / Graduate Fieldwork / Study Abroad
o Dissertations / Theses
o Research experience
o Teaching experience
o Publications
o Presentations, lectures, and exhibitions
o Grants, scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships
o Awards and honors
o Technical, computer, and language skills
o Professional licenses, certifications, and memberships
What Not to Include
There is no need to include your photo, your salary history, the
reason you left your previous position, or references in a CV submitted


for jobs in the United States. References should be listed separately and
given to employers upon request.
Note, however, that the requirements for international CVs differ,
and depend upon the country to which you are applying. In other
countries, private information like your date of birth, nationality, marital
status, how many children you have, and a photograph may be required.
How Long Should a CV Be?
A good, entry-level curriculum vitae should ideally cover two to
three pages (CVs for mid-level professionals, especially in academia and
medical research roles, may run longer). Aim to ensure the content is
clear, structured, concise, and relevant. Using bullet points rather than
full sentences can help minimize word usage.
Curriculum Vitae Writing Tips
Have Several Versions of Your CV
Don't just write one CV and use it for every position you apply for.
Have targeted and focused versions of your curriculum vitae and use
them accordingly.
Keep It Short
If possible, try to keep your CV short and concise. Include summaries
of your employment and education, rather than lots of details. Use
formal (no slang or abbreviations) language, writing simply and clearly.
Tell the Truth
It can be tempting to over-polish a CV and make our educational
qualifications or work history sound a little better than they are. If
you're tempted to stretch the truth about your work history - don't. It
will come back to haunt you. Most employers conduct reference and
background checks, and if your curriculum vitae doesn't match your
actual work history or education, you will most likely get caught at
some point – either you will be cut as a candidate or you will get fired if
you have already been hired.


Check the Format
Look at the format of your curriculum vitae. Is there plenty of white
space? Is it cluttered? Is your formatting consistent (bold, italic,
spacing, etc.) and is the overall picture that your CV provides a
professional and polished one?
Proof Your Curriculum Vitae
Double-check your curriculum vitae for typos and grammatical errors.
Then, ask someone else to review it for you - it's often hard to catch our
When to Use a Curriculum Vitae Instead of a Resume
In the United States, a curriculum vitae is used when applying for
academic, education, scientific, or research positions. A curriculum
vitae can also be used to apply for fellowships or grants. In Europe, the
Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive a
curriculum vitae rather than a resume.
Choose an Appropriate Curriculum Vitae Format
Make sure you choose a curriculum vitae format that is appropriate for
the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a fellowship,
for example, you won't need to include the personal information that
may be included in an international CV.
How to Write a Curriculum Vitae
Here are the details on when to use a CV, what to include, and how to
write it.
Curriculum Vitae Cover Letters
How to write an effective cover letter to include along with your CV, as
well as cover letter samples, how to format a cover letter, and types of
cover letters with samples of each.


Guide for Reading

Brainstorming Questions
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. What si the person doing in the picture?
3. Can you restate, the definition of curriculum vitae?
4. What do you need to prepare before making the CV
5. What is so important to be attention to compose CV?
6. What are the features existed in CV

Vocabulary in Focus
 Name (noun)
 Address (noun)
 Gender (noun)
 Affiliation (noun)
 Date of birth (noun)
 Employment (noun)


Let’s Read
Read the following text!
Gloria Gonzalez
3204 Windover Way
Houston, TX 77204
000.123.4567 (Cell)
Hispanic Literature, Latin American Literature, Peninsular Literature
Ph.D. in Spanish (US Hispanic Literature), 2016 – University of
Houston. Dissertation: Quixote Reborn: The Wanderer in US Hispanic
Literature. Sancho Rodriguez, Chair
M.A. in Spanish, June 2013 – University of Houston
B.A. in Spanish, June 2011 – University of Houston
Adjunct Lecturer: University of Houston, Department of Hispanic
Studies, September 2016 to Present.
Gonzalez, Gloria. Quixote Reborn: The Wanderer in US Hispanic
Literature. New Haven: Yale University Press (forthcoming)


Peer-reviewed Journals
Gonzalez, Gloria. “Mexican Immigrant Stories from the Central Valley,”
Lady Liberty Journal, 6(1): 24-41.
Gonzalez, Gloria. “Comparing the Hispanic and European Immigrant
Experience through Story,” Hispanic Literature Today 12(3): 25-
Gonzalez, Gloria. “Yearning to Be Free: 3 Hispanic Women’s Diaries,”
Hispanic Literature Today: 11(2): 18-31.
2018. Gonzalez, Gloria. “Storytelling Methods in the Central Valley.”
Hispanic Storytelling Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA
2017. Gonzalez, Gloria. “When Cultures Merge: Themes of Exclusion in
Mexican-American Literature.” US Hispanic Literature Annual
Conference, Tucson, AZ.

Adjunct Lecturer, University of Houston
 Mexican-American Literature, Spanish 3331
 Women in Hispanic Literature, Spanish 3350
 Spanish-American Short Story, Spanish 4339
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University
 Elementary Spanish 1501, 1502, 1505
 Intermediate Spanish 2301, 2302, 2610
Mexico Study Abroad Summer Grant, 2016


UH Teaching Awards, 2015, 2016, 2018
Dissertation Fellowship, 2015
English (native)
Spanish (bilingual oral and written fluency)
Classical Latin (written)
National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures
Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica
Modern Languages Association

Vocabulary in text
Association (noun)
Native (Adj.)
Study (verb)
Reviewed (adj.)
Language (noun)
National (adv.)
Presentation (noun)
Book (noun)
Appointment (noun)
Education (noun)

Task 1
Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. Who made the curriculum vitae?
2. Where is her address?


3. What are her research interest?
4. What is her education background?
5. Mention her publications!
6. Did she attend presentation? What is her role there?
7. Mention the conference that she had attended!
8. What are her teaching experience?
9. Can she speak Spanish?
10. What are her awards?
11. Is she joining association? What are they?

Task 2
Mention in which subtheme in the above curriculum vitae of the
position of the following word
For example: Hispanic Literature = Research Interest
1. Peninsular Literature
2. Quixote Reborn: The Wanderer in US Hispanic Literature.
3. Sancho Rodriguez, Chair
4. University of Houston
5. Department of Hispanic Studies
6. Mexican Immigrant Stories from the Central Valley
7. Yearning to Be Free: 3 Hispanic Women’s Diaries
8. San Francisco, CA
9. US Hispanic Literature Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ.
10. Adjunct Lecturer,
11. Elementary Spanish
12. Dissertation Fellowship, 2015
13. Classical Latin (written)
14. National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures


Task 3
Decide the category of the following statement, whether it is word or
phrase or sentence! Give (V) to its best match!
Statement Word Phrase Sentence
Mexico Study Abroad Summer Grant
Comparing the Hispanic and European
Immigrant Experience through Story
Mexican Immigrant Stories from the
Central Valley
University of Houston
Hispanic Literature
Yearning to Be Free: 3 Hispanic
Women’s Diaries
Adjunct Lecturer
UH Teaching Awards
Modern Languages Association
The Wanderer in US Hispanic Literature
Classical Latin

Task 4
Mention the synonym of the following words with vocabularies you
find in text and mention its the position in text! You can find the
position of words by scanning.

No Words Synonym Position

1 Girl
2 Learn
3 Overseas


4 Scholarship
5 Two languages
6 Combine
7 Yearly

Scanning is reading strategy that you look only for a specific fact
or piece of information without reading everything. You scan when you
look for your favorite show listed in the cable guide, for your friend’s
phone number in a telephone book, and for the sports scores in the
newspaper. For scanning to be successful, you need to understand how
your material is structured as well as comprehend what you read so you
can locate the specific information you need. Scanning also allows you
to find details and other information in a hurry.

Task 5
Observe the above text about the curriculum vitae and mention the
generic structure of the biography! Also, find the clues that underlie
your decision to state each parts of the generic structures.

No Generic Structures Clues in Text


Task 6
Read the following CV and compare the composition of the following
biography with the CV biography above. Share your ideas in case of
generic structure completeness and contents.

Name: Kristal Devi
Adress: Ahmad Yani street, Gedongtataan, Lampung 35371
Phone: (021) 999 999
Cellphone: 087899999999
Date of birth: January 06th, 1992
Nationality: Indonesian
Gender: Female
Marital status: Single
Religion: Moslem
1998 – 2004 State Elementary School 1 Gedongtataan
2004 – 2006 State Junior High School 1 Gedongtataan
2006 – 2010 State Senior High School 2 Bandar Lampung
2010 – 2014 English Education Department, The University of Lampung
GPA = 3.50 (scale 4)
PREDICATE: Very Satisfactory
July – September 2013: On the job training at SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung
January 2014 – Present: English Course Lecturer at FIRST EDUCATION
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point.
Good attitude, kind, communicative, dilligent, tolerant, target oriented,
discipline, honest, and responsible.


This is to state that above information is true and provided here by me, all in
good faith.


Compared CV One CV Two

Aspects ……………… ………………
1 Generic

2 Contents

“We read to know we're not alone.”

― William Nicholson, Shadowlands


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