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Francisco Ocampo


Reasons On Why I Write

A reason why I write is that I have to do homework like this one and to talk to friends. I
write for homework because it is pretty much mandatory and I need to do it for a grade so yea. I
didn’t think I wrote a lot but then Ms.Carrol said it's not just for school we also write when we
text. I was sort of made blown because then she also said we write so much that they have to
take away our writing object I guess you can say.

I also write to talk to friends and ask them if they want to hang out or if they want to play
some video games. I write because its a way of communicating to others either online or
Communicating in person. I would also say that people need to write in a journal/diary for they
can pour out a secrite they have been keeping in all day. This would also help people get rid of
stress and go about their day stress-free.

In conclusion, I write for I can communicate with my friends to check up on them or to ask if they
want to hang out or play video games. I also write during my 8th-period class in a journal this
helps me out because after a long day at school I can come into my 8th period and pour out the
emotions that were bottled in for the entire day.

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