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1.The author discusses how he used to think that blogging was just about quickly
writing and publishing posts, but has since learned that it involves a lot more
than that, such as interacting with other bloggers, promoting posts, and managing
social media.
2.The author discusses how blogging has helped them improve his writing and become
more efficient at it, both for their school papers and for their blog. He attribute
their growth in writing skills to blogging.
3.The author discusses how they have learned about deadlines and collaboration
through blogging, indicating that these skills may have been challenging to acquire
while balancing their responsibilities as a student and a blogger.
4. In the text, the author mentions the importance of working with other bloggers.
They have collaborated with other bloggers and learned about deadlines and working
with others. Through these collaborations, they have been able to create content
that they might not have been able to create on their own. Overall, working with
other bloggers has been an important part of their blogging experience.

1. False. The text does not provide specific information about Gianna's level of
experience as a blogger.
2. True. In paragraph 3, Gianna mentions that without the help of other bloggers
and her amazing readers, she's not entirely sure that she would be blogging today.
She also mentions in paragraph 2 that blogging is something she loves.
3. The frequency of Gianna's posts varies. Sometimes she posts every day, and at
other times, there are no posts at all. So this statement is false.
4. True. In the text, Gianna says that when she is working on collaboration posts
with other bloggers, she has to get it done by the agreed-upon date, which helps
her be more organized and meet deadlines.
5. False. In the ninth paragraph, she mentions that she has always loved writing,
and blogging has helped her be more efficient at writing.

1. Gianna’s writing has improved in terms of vocabulary and grammar.
2. According to Gianna, blogging can be stressful sometimes because she has many
things to do at the same time.
3. According to Gianna, blogging means doing many tasks online, not just writing
4. Gianna thinks it is difficult to balance life, school and her blog because she
is a bit lazy and disorganised.





1. I called Gianna twice this afternoon, but she didn’t answer. I left a message on
her voicemail.
2. With my new smartphone, I can take wonderful selfies.
3. I always chat with my friends on WhatsApp in the evening.
4. I read my favourite books on my new e-reader.
5. I’ve just made some photo uploads on my blog. You must check it out!

1-keeping in touch with friends

2-watching videos
3-checking social media.
4-Playing games.

1-John has decided to delete his blog on technology because he didn’t have time to
update it.
2-We are planning to update our blog every day. Readers are always asking for new
3-You should write interesting and motivating content if you want to take blogging
4-I was delighted to read your last post on the pros and cons of social networking.
5-John would rather buy a new smartphone instead of a laptop.

1-Texting is one of my favourite ways to communicate with my friends.
2-I was glad to know about the new school project on Internet security.
3-My parents let me surf online for a limited time in the evening.
4-I like browsing the Web for the latest fashion updates.
5-I apologized for clicking on pop-up screens I didn’t know on my dad’s computer.


1- A
2- A

1-John would write emails to his friends often if he had more free time.
2- If I clicked on pop-up screens, my computer wouldn't be well protected.
3- If we were more organised, we could chat online after school.
4- I wouldn’t write about teenage years if I don´t have an interest in it.



I enjoyed reading your post about your blog and how it has become a safe space for
you. I can definitely relate to that feeling of having a platform to express
oneself and connect with others who share similar interests.

As for me, I am more of a social networking user than a blogger. I do have a

personal blog that I update from time to time. However, I do find social networks
to be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, especially those who
live far away. It also allows me to discover and follow the work of creatives and
influencers who inspire me.

I think blogging and social networking can definitely bring a lot of happiness, but
it's important to use them in moderation and not let them consume too much of our
time and energy.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and keep up the great work with your blog!

Best regards, Duarte.

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