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Overview and Rational UA Science 10

Tim Loewen


Unit A: Energy and Matter in Chemical change, has many important topics, revolving in pre-

chemistry and physics. How chemical compounds are useful for humans when classified and

handled correctly. For students to identify when and where chemical changes are occurring in

different species. My goal for this unit is for students to gain an appreciation for the diverse

nature of chemistry and the nuances for practical and safety reasons. This unit takes

approximately 23 days to complete. Guiding question for this unit is, what is the historical and

contemporary impact of chemicals on our day-today lives?


This Unit is a amalgamation of previous units on matter. These include Grade 7C, Grade 8A,

Grade 9B and 9C. The use of scientific notation and use of algebraic manipulation of mass

formulas also draws a connection to mathematics. Unit A scaffolds to other units via the use of

demonstrating the flow of energy through matter, and the conservation of matter in systems. Not

solely in chemical but also bio-chemical and physical systems. Note taking and observations as

part of the scientific method are also extremely important.

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