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Learn the truth about Israleli Zionist crimes against humanity, racism and murder
of innocent civilians

'The Israel lobby -The influence of AIPAC on US Foreign Policy

--English version --An episode of the Dutch documentary program "Tegenlicht "about
the Israel lobby in the USA .This documentary (April 2007 )was created as a result
of the controversy created by Mearsheimer and Walt's "The Israel Lobby "article.
Featuring interviews with Mearsheimer, geostrategist Lawrence Wikerson, Richard
Perle, historian and critic Tony Judt, John Hagee, former Congressman Earl
Hilliard, Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch, Michael Massing and Daniel Levy.
'Tegenlicht' ('Backlight' )is a program from the Dutch VPRO public television.
English elucidation at the VPRO website:

Listen also to the revealing 2002 BBC radio reportage 'A lobby to deal with':

Bobby Fischer, the late world famous chess player, was portrayed as "insane "by the zionist
controlled media because he told the truth about the Israel lobby in the USA !His website:

Listen Mon-Fri to Michael Collins Piper's Zionist-exposing radioshow:

..and to Daryl Bradford Smith's radioprogram at

-- Related videos-- :

Senator Findley Speaks about how Israel Lobby Started this War

Findley Dares to Speak Out --Again - !AIPAC Exposed

Loss of Liberty

Arrested Israelis knew in advance of 9/11 attacks

Bush" :A free Iraq will help secure Israel"

Previews to new 9/11 documentary

Appeal to the European Union from alive dead.

We are Palestinian refugees, who are currently 15000 refugees living in Iraq under
the direct targeting of the Iraqi criminal militias, that have killed 250
Palestinians after the kidnapping and brutally tortured,and arrest and the loss of
60 Palestinians,and 1800 Palestinians were wounded because of the indiscriminate
shelling targeting our places in Iraq,and 670 infected with chronic disease
because of the inability to treatment in Iraqi hospitals for fear of abduction,
detention and the deterioration of our economic,and displace seven thousand
Palestinians in the AL-Tanaf camp on border between Iraq and Syria,AL-Walid camp
in the Anbar desert on the Syrian side and AL-Hull camp in the Hasakah in Syrian,
India, Turkey, Malaysia, China and others have entered the non-Arab countries
swimsuits after refusing 22 Arab country to embrace Palestinian Refugees from Iraq
after the U.S .occupation of Iraq in 2003 in conjunction with Israel's refusal to
bring us to our lands which they occupied in 1948 although there is resolution 194
issued by the United Nations in the same year .We make this appeal to fratricidal
EU To consider our cause and help us to get rid of the death in Iraq to enter the
European land...

DOHA Debates -The Pro Israel Lobby )AIPAC - (45:53 -May 8, 2007
At the latest Doha Debate held at the prestigious Oxford Union in the United
Kingdom on May 1st, two-thirds of the student audience approved a motion claiming
that Israel's supporters are stifling Western debate about Israel's actions .The
event at the world famous debating society of Oxford University marked the first
time the Doha Debates have been held outside Qatar .The Debate took place amid
mounting controversy over the role of the pro-Israel lobby in the United States
and accusations that it has suppressed criticism of Israel -a charge that the
lobby vigorously denies .Norman Finkelstein, an American academic and a leading
critic of Israeli policies, argued in favour of the motion claiming that the pro-
Israel lobby sows confusion to avoid being held to account .The journalist and
writer Andrew Cockburn also supported this view, claiming there are "red lines "in
discussing Israel that no politician or journalist in the US would dare cross for
fear of being demonised or driven out of public life .Dr Martin Indyk, former US
Ambassador to Israel and Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy,
argued strongly against the motion, saying that the recent 'firestorms' around
President Carter's book and the Walt and Mearsheimer report are proof of a lively
debate on the subject .His fellow panellist David Aaronovitch, the British
journalist and broadcaster, dismissed accusations of conspiracy around the lobby
and said that there simply isn't a lobby in the UK in the same way that there is
in the United States .A group of students from universities and high schools in
Doha travelled to the UK to join students from Oxford to question the speakers

Eugene Bird AIPAC with Dr .Hesham Tillawi

Eugene Bird of the Councel for the National Interest tells it like it is of who
controls the government in the USA .Every thing you needed to know but was afraid
to ask .Afraid no more .AIPAC and Zionism .Palestine and Isrel .Who are the
Palestinians .The Palestinian refugees .Jerusalem .Israel and Palestine

Gaza -The killing zone

This video documents the effect of just ONE missile attack .Israel's criminally
psychopathic government is currently raining them down on one of the most densely
populated areas in the world .Roughly half the population of Gaza is under 18
years old .The Israeli and US news calls it a "war with Hammas ".Here's what
conditions were like there five years ago

Gaza War Crimes Investigation -Attacks on Medics

Clancy Chassay asks why 16 medical workers were killed and more than half of
Gaza's hospitals hit during Israel's invasion of Gaza

Historian Eustace Mullins presents The Zionist World Order

Holocaust Facts vs .Fiction part 1 of 3

Israel -the rest of the story

Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an
army that occupies the Palestinian Territories .December 18 marks the launch date
of a global campaign to release them from jail .Join over 20,000 people including
American conscientious objectors,Ronnie Gilbert, Adrienne Rich, Robert Meeropol,
Adam Hochschild, Rabbi Lynn Gottleib, Howard Zinn, Rela Mazali, Debra Chasnoff, Ed
Asner and Aurora Levins-Morales and show your support by contacting the Israeli
Minister of Defense using the form below .22,000 LETTERS AND COUNTING! v=pNjggLhQo6w&eurl=http//

Israel Dark Side

The worst threat for the so called democratic Jewish State.

Israeli Army massacres a family at thier home!!

Evil murderous Zionist Jews

Israeli Soldiers Shooting Innocent Civilians

Israeli army arresting Palestinian kids, is this acceptable?

It has been proven that jews harvest childrens organs

Jerusalem .Battle for the Holy Land

Battle for the Holy Land :Jerusalem .A documentary about the problems in Modern
Day Jerusalem

Jewish Voice for Peace :What is role of Israel Lobby in US policy formation
First plenary session from Jewish Voice for Peace 2007 conference

MS-13 The World's Most Dangerous Hispanic Street Gang
Palestine Is Still The Issue 54 min
Most Americans are unaware of the truths and controversy surrounding Israel and
Palestine .John Pilger pulls no punches with his films, and this one is no
different .In one hour you'll know more about this issue, more truth about this
issue, than you'd get in a lifetime in front of your TV set .If you haven't
figured it out by now, you need to turn that TV off once and for all .It lies.

Palestinian Children Beaten by Israeli Soldier

Rachel Corrie An American Conscience 1 hr 34 min

The documentary, "Rachel Corrie :An American Conscience, "chronicles her
humanitarian work with the International Solidarity Movement in Rafah, Gaza Strip,
just prior to her murder in March 2003 .While Corrie stood in front of a
Palestinian home to prevent its demolition, an Israeli soldier in a Caterpillar D-
9 bulldozer crushed her .Israel says it was just an accident but eyewitness
accounts say otherwise.

Republican Paul Findley Dares to Speak Out --Again - !AIPAC Exposed

Paul Findley served on Capitol Hill for 22 years .During this time, he had many
encounters with Israel's lobby, which exhibited considerable control over
Congressional decisions with respect to Israel and the Mid-East .He speaks of
treachery and treason among the highest seats of the land, and how many
Congressmen put Israel's interests ahead that of America's

Secret WMD in Israel 45 min

From the BBC .The American media treats the subject of Israel different than other
countries do, including Israel .The result is that Americans don't know much about
Israel or the middle east .The realities of this film are well known around the
world, and now you can get the scoop on the side of Israel our media likes to
pretend doesn't exist.

Ted Pike -Zionism and Christianity Unholy Alliance

Of course this is old news, about 30 years old .BUT -now it is available in

The Dark Side Of The Anti-Defamation League
The Village of Naalin is Fighting for Its Life
Hesham Tillawi of Current Issues TV speaks with Hindi Mesleh and Grace-Eki Oyama
from the frontline .Israel is steeling the village land and on top of that Israel
is building a wall arouynd the town to choke the life out of the town to force its
residents to flee.

The influence of the Israel Lobby on American foreign policy

Professor Steven Walt and John Mearsheimer discuss their paper on the influence of
the Israel Lobby on American foreign policy.

USS Liberty :Dead in the Water (2002) 1 hr 9 min

A closer look at the cover up of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, which
Israel says was just an accident .Survivors and involved officers give statements.
While it's clear that the men on the USS Liberty are telling the truth, it's
equally clear that no branch of our government is willing to comment on it to this
day .Government demands on the Liberty crew to never speak of the attack to anyone
under any circumstances, make it clear they don't want the truth to be told.
Several speculative reasons for the attack and cover up are first given then shot
down, leaving no other conclusion than the intelligence services of the USA and
Israel conspired to attack one of our Navy ships with every intent to destroy it,
then cover it up .For anyone who finds it impossible to believe that our
government would conspire with foreigners to attack and kill Americans as a
pretext for war, then here you go .Puts Sept .11 in a whole new light, doesn't it?

What World Famous Men Said About The Jews

White Phosphorus Bombs, a Legacy of Suffering

During Israel's 3-week long offensive on Gaza launched on December 27th, the
Israeli army used internationally banned weapons according to foreign military and
medical experts .American made white phosphorus shells were used in populated
areas across the Gaza strip, home to about 1.5 million people .Nafez Abu Shaban,
head of burns department at Shifa Hospital, Gaza's largest medical center, has
treated dozens of patients who suffered sever burns, he is keeping a piece of
phosphorus covered under sand in jar to prevent it from exposing to oxygen..
music...Audio Excerpt used in music video taken from CII Radio -The French
Connection w /Daryl Bradford Smith (w /Special Guest Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.

Zionist John Hagee promoting the Terrorist State Of Israel

This is the root cause that is destroying Christianity .The Christian Church has
been hi-jacked by Judaism which hates Christianity( !!!Just look at what they
preach in their holy book called The Talmud ).Christianity � � has now been taken
over by its enemies and turned into something which it originally opposed.

Zionist Philosophy and Israel

The real truth about the Palestinian Israeli conflict .How did it start and what's
happening now

Zionist War Crimes

The Case For The Prosecution Genocide In Palestine

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