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● Needs just one parent
● By cell division called mitosis
● New organism receives chromosomes (DNA) identical to parent
● Its quick and efficient
❏ Example
➔ Potatoes
They grow stem tubers as well as a plant above the ground. The leafs photosynthesise then
send the nutrients and glucose to the tubers. One potato plant can produce many tubers.

★ Definitions
● Gametes:
○ sex cells produced by the parent
○ haploid cells so they contain half the chromosomes of a normal cell
○ are produced by a cell division called meiosis
● Fertilisation: when the nuclei of the gametes fuse
● Pollination: the transfer of pollen from male part to female part
● Zygote: new cell formed by fertilization
● Hermaphrodite : contains both female and male parts and gametes

★ Parts and functions

❏ Female parts = Carpel
● Stigma : catch the pollen grain
● Style : hold the stigma
● Ovary : contains ovule
● Ovule :contains female gamete
❏ Male parts = Stamen
● Anther : produces pollen in pollen sacs
● Filament : holds the anther
❏ Flower
● Petals : attract insects
● Nectary : produces nectar (substance
that insects feed on)
● Sepal : protects the flower while it's still a bud

★ Pollination
TYPES: Self pollination Cross pollination

The pollen grains are transferred to any flower of the The pollen grains are transferred to a flower of the same
same plant specie but a different plant

METHODS: Wind pollination Insect pollination

Wind moves the pollen and it lands on another flower The pollen sticks to the bee while it was drinking nectar
and then goes to another plant.

ADAPTATIONS: Flowers are adapted Flowers are adapted

small petals large, colorful petals

non scented strongly scented

non scented with nectaries

anthers and stigma dangling outside of flower so wind anthers and stigma inside the flowers so they make
can catch them contact with insect

smooth and light pollen sticky or spiky pollen so it sticks to the insect

★ Fertilization process
1. The pollen grain lands in the correct stigma
2. A pollen tube starts growing thanks to the secretes enzymes that digest a pathway
through the style
3. Once the pollen has reached the ovule it needs to go through the micropyle, a small
hole in the integuments
4. The pollen grain and the ovule nuclei fuse

★ Seed Germination
❏ Parts of a seed
● Embryo
○ Plumule : future shoot
○ Radicle : future root
● Testa: protects the embryo from bacteria and fungi
● Micropyle: allows exchange of substances
● Cotyledon: contains starch and protein
● Hilum: where seed was joined to the ovary

❏ Germination process
1. The zygote inside the ovule divides by mitosis and becomes an embryo
2. The ovule is now called seed and the integuments become hard and dry
3. Water withdraws from the leaf so it becomes dormant because no metabolic reaction
can take place
4. When the seed has the right conditions to germinate it will take up water through the
5. That water will go to the cotyledons and cause swelling
6. Then the testa will burst
7. With enough water the amylase begins to break the stored starch to maltose and
protease will break down protein to amino acids
8. The embryo will feed on the maltose and amino acids and therefore start growing
❏ Conditions
● Some heat
● Water
● Light

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