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Ralph: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

May I have your attention

please? In a few minutes, we are about to begin the Graduation Ball so
please find a seat and make yourself comfortable.

Bess: “You’re going to find naysayers in every turn that you make. Don’t
listen. Just visualize your goal, know exactly where you want to go.
Trust yourself. Never ever be afraid of failure.” – Arnold

Ralph: “Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of

other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown
out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to
follow your heart and intuition.”– Steve Jobs

Bess: Inspiring words from inspiring people who have made a

difference in this world, just by listening to what their hearts dream of

Ralph: Their quest for success ignited by their desire to make things
happen rather than watching things happen on their own.

Bess: It is on this very night that we will celebrate four years of buying,
trading, and selling everything you’ve got in this marketplace of ideas
for the pursuit of success.

Ralph: It is also on this very night that we will celebrate the

transformation of our aspiring graduates into would-be full-blown
members of the society and belong to those who serve as inspiration to
each and every person. To our beloved and ever-dedicated Dean of the
College of Nursing, Dean Socorro Salvacion Gasco,

Bess: To our ever hardworking and supportive Clinical Instructors

Ralph: To this year’s batch of aspiring graduates of the RTRMF College
of Nursing, the Iolite 2012

Both: Ladies and gentlemen, this is________________________

Bess: We are your hosts for tonight; I am Bess Rompal of the Jacinths

Ralph: and Ralph Saul M. Montesclaros of the Kunzites!

Bess: This night will certainly be one worth remembering, a night for
fun and enjoyment as we arrive to the grandest day of all, Graduation

Ralph: That’s right Bess, a day when you, the aspiring graduates of this
year finally reap the rewards of your hardwork, dedication, and
relentless efforts towards reaching where you are right now.

Bess: We owe so much gratitude to every person who have made life
more meaningful and of course, the reason why we strive to make a

Ralph: So many people are proud of you at this moment, seeing the
growth that has transpired in each one of you and of course for the
overwhelming thought of you geared up for tougher battles in the

Bess: But the most relevant people that we should thank for is none
other than our Omnipotent Father and his Son, Jesus, who have been
watching us even before we were born and have constantly showered
us with blessing during the course of our education.
Ralph: So let us begin this celebration with a prayer as a sign of
thanksgiving for the graces we have received. Let us all stand, bow
down our heads and put ourselves in the presence of God. (Prayer)

Bess: There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Dinner is now served.
You may now get your food at the buffet table.

Ralph: Tonight’s delicious dishes are brought to us by Correa’s Catering

Services. Thank you so much. Enjoy your meals while being serenaded
by our acoustic band. Bonne Appetite!

Ralph: Good evening once again Ladies and Gentlemen, we are your
hosts for tonight, Ralph Saul M. Montesclaros of Kunzite 2014

Bess: and Bess Rompal of Jacinth 2013 at your service and definitely
Ralph, this is a night we will never forget. I for one am in awe seeing all
these lovely ladies in their gowns and these dashing gents all suited up
for the occasion

Ralph: I agree Bess and I’m sure we are all looking forward to what’s in
store for us tonight. So to formally begin tonight’s event, may we call
on Ms. Kresta Dolina for the Opening Remarks. A warm round of
applause please.

Bess: Thank You Ms. Kresta Dolina for those kind words. Indeed
graduation is a significant and memorable occasion in a person’s life.

Ralph: I agree Bess. It creates in our minds and hearts mixed feelings
today and varied ideas for the future. Now for the aspiring graduates,
it is a day that marks the end of a four year educational battle in
college. You give a deep sigh of fulfillment and a satisfied smile
Bess: But of course you can’t help but think of the fact that this also
means that the days you have spent with your batch mates will finally
come to an end. The days you were used to before may never be the
same again.

Ralph: I agree Bess and so this is one of those times when we would go
back and remember everything that has happened in the past. Ladies
and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Nico Erwin Espina as he takes us
back to the past and show us the history of the batch we all know and
love- The Iolites. A warm round of applause please.

Bess: Thank You Mr. Nico Espina. Certainly, this batch had a fair share
of ups and downs but still managed to be united especially now that
they are about to graduate. Meanwhile, Ladies and gentlemen, let us
all take a breather and witness the following students as they perform
for us tonight. First, let us witness the singing prowess of RTRMF’s own,
Carl Von Candela of the Kunzites, who was actually our school’s
representative for the recently concluded McDonald’s Tacloban Singing
Star. This will then be followed by an electrifying dance number by
selected Nursing students from the Jacinths and the Kunzites. Let us all
give them a warm round of applause.

Bess: Thank you so much Carl and selected students from the Jacinths
and Kunzites for those awesome perfromances. Indeed, for you, the
aspiring graduates of this year, life as a student nurse in RTRMF was an
awesome ride. Now that you are on the verge of going outside its loving
and supportive foundations, you can’t help but think of what’s next for
you in the future. Ladies and gentlemen, the Batch Prophecy
symbolizes the desires and wishes of the batch in the years to come.
Let us welcome Ms. Arra Charmaine Del Castillo as she takes us to the
heart of what this batch of aspiring graduates wish to achieve. A warm
round of applause please.

Bess: Thank You Ms. Arra Del Castillo. Of course, to this year’s batch of
aspiring graduates, our best wishes for all your desires in the future.
Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for yet another awesome
performance, this time, from the Iolites. Let us all give a warm round of
applause to_________________________________________________

Ralph: Thank you so much_____________________________________

for that awesome performance. Ladies and gentlemen, this year, we
have prepared awards to recognize the outstanding nursing students
who, in their own ways, have captured the attention of many. Indeed it
is our honor to present to you tonight, this year’s recipients of the
different nursing awards.

Bess: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, this year’s recipients of
the different nursing awards. Congratulations!

Ralph: Before anything else, we would like to thank and acknowledge

the following key persons who took part of this joyous affair. For
without their support, this event would not be made

Bess: And now we proceed to one of the most awaited part of this
program. One that is especially dedicated to our hardworking,
supportive and dedicated Clinical Instructors. Let us welcome

(Message from the student: Abril, Montano, Poleno, Liao, Palicpic, Yu)

Ralph: Thank you so much for those heartwarming messages. Indeed

our clinical instructors have sacrificed their time and effort in order for
us to learn and work our way through college life as student nurses.
Indeed, we are always thankful.

Bess: And now Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Ms. Shemaine
Centino as she gives us her closing remarks. A warm round of applause

Ralph: Thank you so much Ms. Shemaine Centino for that inspiring
message. Indeed it’s true that a journey to a thousand miles begins
with a single step. And this has led you, the aspiring graduates of this
year, to the day you’ve been waiting for to arrive- Graduation Day. As
each one of you comes up to the stage to receive your hard-earned
diplomas that span of time will solely mark a noble end and an equally
noble beginning.

Bess: The sleepless nights preparing for your exams, the hectic days of
trying to beat the deadlines for your projects and the extra hours you
had spent just to perfect your reports and case presentations. Indeed, it
was never easy.

Ralph: Graduation day was once a dream, but this very day will come
into reality because you are indeed destined to be graduates of the
Dona Remedios Trinidad Romualdez Medical Foundation-College of
Nursing. As you look at each other tonight, you see faces gleaming with
optimism and are eagerly looking towards the future for greater
accomplishments. Indeed, Graduation Day will be your passport to a
brighter future.

Bess: Ladies and gentlemen, it is our honor to introduce to you a person

who witnessed all your ups and downs during the course of your
college education as nursing students and have supported you to reach
your goals.

Ralph: A person who pushes forth student empowerment which is a

practical byword in this institution. She believes that you are the
builders of a new generation, the future of our country.

Bess: Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let us all welcome our
ever-supportive and dedicated Dean of the College of Nursing

Both: Dean Socorro Salvacion Gasco

Ralph: Thank you so much Dean Socorro Salvacion Gasco for that
heartfelt and inspiring message. We do thank you in recognition of your
tremendous efforts to guide and help the students acquire the
competence to face the new challenges in the future and triumph over
them. Once again, thank you.

Bess: Laugh if we must, cry if we must, let us part ways if we must, for
what the future holds for us is something sweeter and brighter than
what we have experienced before. I firmly believe that the RTRMF
College of Nursing has prepared you for a more challenging future. The
knowledge, skills and experiences that you have learned should not be
wasted. You have to use them and apply them for further success.

Ralph: Be thankful for your loving parents for all the hard work,
sacrifices, and moral lessons they have instilled in you- the realization
that though life is not well blessed with material things, still there are
so many reasons to be happy. Be thankful to the teaching force for
feeding your minds and hearts with lessons beyond compare, education
you truly deserve.
Bess: To the administrators for bringing RTRMF to the heart of Tacloban
City. This solid school has never failed in molding and forming globally
competent and efficient healthcare professionals.

Ralph: Be thankful to your batch mates for all the bonding moments
and memories you had. Rest assured that what you have shared will
never be erased in your hearts though time faded or is covered in the
midst of forgetfulness.

Bess: And most importantly, be thankful to our Omnipotent Father for

blessing us all these years. Without him, we shall not be here today.

Ralph: Tomorrow will never be the same again, and we are left with no
choice but to face it, for it brings us a lot of promises. We have to
march onwards.

Bess: We have to move forward

Ralph: We have to keep believing

Both: We have to keep trusting God

Ralph: Congratulations Iolite 2012! Through your determination and

sense of purpose, you will have the education you will need to
empower yourself to become productive healthcare professionals in
the years to come.

Bess: Ladies and gentlemen, the night is still young and I bet we are all
still up for partying the night away. So let’s hit the floor and dance,
dance, dance.

Ralph: This has been Ralph Saul M. Montesclaros

Bess: And Bess Rompal BOTH: SIGNING OFF!

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