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Research Design

The study is entitled as “Outgrowth Addiction of Korean Drama towards Filipino Culture
and Lifestyle among the selected Junior High School students in Krislizz International Academy
S.Y. 2018-2019.” The researchers will be using quantitative research design.

Research Locale

The researchers will restrict themselves in conducting their study only selected students
of Krislizz International Academy wherein they will go inside the classrooms of each section of
the respondents who will be chosen with permission to the subject teachers who are willing to
give the researchers their time to conduct their study.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are compromised of 20 selected Junior High School
students in Krislizz International Academy participating in different events.

Population and Sampling

The researchers will be using a form of quota sampling; specifically, the researcher
selects students according to some fixed standard. The researchers will be conducting the study
on the selected students of Krislizz International Academy; with the number of students to be
chosen depending on their willingness to answer the questionnaire provided.
Research instrument

For the research instrument, the researchers will be using a questionnaire. The survey is
created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed
by the researcher. The survey questionnaire was focus on the level of agreement of the
participants on the stated statement. They ask to indicate the rating in each statement using a
point Likert scale, which is related to participant’s understanding regarding “A Comparative
correlational study between the satisfaction level of rock and alternative music on the stress level
among selected students of Krislizz International Academy S.Y. 2018-2019”.

For the items 1-10 in part I, researcher focused on the level of satisfaction of rock and
alternative music and if there is a significant difference between the two genres of music. For
items 1-15 in part II, researcher focused on the level of stress among selected students of AMA
Cavite Campus and the relationship between rock and alternative music. participants on the
stated effects of primary colors.

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