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Studying: A Habit that Student should Possess

Why should I study in School when I can just be an average student? This philosophy is one of
the cliché lines I ever heard. Admittedly given the choice between studying and recreation, most youth
even I would probably choose recreation. But we must think beyond borders, what could be our future if
we just don’t take it seriously. We should think what difference it will make in our lives.

This is why I came up with this questions that suddenly pop up in my mind. Why do we need to
study hard? Is it really necessary to achieve our goals? My answer would probably be YES! That’s why I
came up with this speech to convince everyone to study not because it is necessary but because it is a
must. Realize that primary difference between a good student and a poor student is usually DILIGENCE –
not INTELLIGENCE.I will set myself as an living example: I didn’t have a lot of natural ability or all
multiple intelligences to do well in my chosen field of study but I really work hard just to get a decent
grades that my parents will be proud of. I must admit that it is hard to study harder and I have to put
diligent efforts. As result I learned not only to study but also how to enjoy it because it became a HABIT.
I didn’t think that studying would be stressful and burden. I learned to do it naturally.

There are many ways to makes studying easier. Just like, Time management, through this you
can distribute, multitask or insert studying in your timeline. As long as your eager to learn and
determine enough to aim your goal without hold backs in any obstacles that would test you. Sometimes
self-motivation is one powerful way to change your outlook, perspectives and possibilities in life.
Reading of books may contain merely theories but once you internalize and put those learning into
action. Anything is possible especially if you start your action today! It always starts in us. It’s really
fulfilling that you can earn something in return with your hard work. You can harvest decent grades out
of your sleepless night, sweat and blood of hard work and most important things, the learning that you
can gain and apply into reality.

According to Harry Maddox “Efficient methods of study are worth learning not only you’re
your own immediate purposes of study, but because your habits of work will stay with you all your life.”
Learning doesn’t stop in the corner of the classroom or school. Studying and learning can be done
everywhere. Learning can happen in our own experiences that teaches undying lesson in life. Whatever
your future is it makes sense to study hard. You may not necessarily make it to the top of your class. But
you can learn to love learning. Better yet; you can develop knowledge, skills and habits that will benefit
you throughout life. That’s why take a break and think when will you start to study.

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